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7 Chakras And How To Energize Them

April 24, 2022

7 Chakras And How To Energize Them

Chakra Healing Remedies and Treatments

Chakra healing is a simple, yet powerful way to balance your mind, body and soul. The 7 chakras in the body are aligned from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each chakra has a specific color and governs a particular area of our physical, mental, and spiritual life. When these energy centers are balanced and open, we feel healthy and happy. When they are blocked or out of balance, we can feel tired, depressed, anxious or ill.

Here are some simple treatments you can do at home to balance each chakra.

  • The Root Chakra
  • The Sacral Plexus Chakra
  • The Solar Plexus Chakra
  • The Heart Chakra
  • The Throat Chakra
  • The Third Eye Chakra
  • The Crown Chakra


Root Chakra: Muladhara

The root chakra is all about being grounded, feeling secure that your basic needs are being met, and feeling connected to your family and tribal consciousness in healthy ways. The following meditations, crystal techniques, essential oil applications, and yoga postures will help you connect with what you may be holding in that chakra. Most importantly, they’ll help you initiate connection with the energy vortex within you, so you may open into the wisdom it holds.

Mantra: Lam

Chakra Color: Red

Element: Earth

Body parts associated: Feet, legs, pelvic floor, large intestine, adrenal glands

Issues associated with blockage: Survival issues such as financial independence, money and food; addictions; low self-esteem; insecurity; over-attachment to people or things; eating disorders; constipation

Meditation for Opening the Root Chakra

In this meditation you’ll visualize locking your root chakra through the base of your spine (or tailbone) into the earth. This exercise helps you to release any fear-based energies into the earth’s core. Then you’ll imagine pulling up a beam of red light from the earth that fills your body. Doing this meditations:

• Chant the Bija Mantra LAM. The vibration of this sound helps to release energy held in the first chakra, and ground you.

• Meditate on a Red Rose, as it grows from seed to bud to full bloom. This is a beautiful meditation that brings you into the present moment and allows you to experience the natural flow of life.

• Sit in Lotus Pose or Half Lotus. This posture is ideal for grounding and centering yourself when you’re doing any kind of meditation or visualization.

• Meditate during your yoga practice on Om, the sound of the universe, which is often associated with Muladhara Chakra. The vibration of this word resonates through all seven chakras.

Essential Oils:

- Vetiver: For calming and grounding, apply a couple drops behind your ears or on your feet before bedtime.

- Patchouli: This earthy scent is known for its ability to promote sensuality and center oneself amidst chaos. Apply it over your lower abdomen or feet before meditating, when traveling or when feeling anxious or distracted by tech or social media. You may also use it as a perfume for a warm, sensual fragrance that can also help calm.



Sacral Plexus Chakra:Svadhisthana

Sacral Chakra Meditation

The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is also known as Svadhisthana. It is the center of emotion and creativity. This meditation will help you connect with your inner self, ignite passion, and express yourself freely.

Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, and place your hands on your lower abdomen with your palms facing down. Concentrate on the area between your navel and pubic bone. Visualize a bright orange spinning wheel of light in this region.

Imagine that this wheel is activating, growing brighter and spinning faster as you continue to focus on it. Take deep breaths as you do this, filling up the lower part of your abdomen with each inhale and exhale.

When you feel ready, visualize whatever it is you want to manifest in your life being drawn into the wheel. Hold this visualization for as long as you can. Thank the universe for sending this to you and send loving energy out into the world while holding space for it to return to you in perfect time.

Chakra Color: Orange

Location: Sacrum, naval, lower back

Element: Water

Crystals: Carnelian, pearls, Amber, Citrine, Orange Calcite, Moonstone (labradorite), Fire Agate, Orange Tourmaline

Sacral plexus chakra affirmations and mantras: I am in tune with my emotions. I am open to new experiences. I allow life to flow through me with ease. I enjoy the present moment.

Chakra Healing Crystals

The following crystals can help you connect with, cleanse, and heal blockages in your sacral chakra. These crystals should be placed over your sacral chakra, also known as your lower belly. You can also place them over your sacrum, the triangular bone at the base of your spine that connects to your pelvis. I recommend leaving them on for 20-30 minutes while you breathe deeply and relax into the energy of these stones. Then, you can carry them with you throughout the day to continue infusing this area of your body with their healing energy.

Sacral Chakra Healing Yoga Postures

Your yoga practice is a great way to activate and heal your lower belly and sacrum. The following postures will help you connect with blocked emotions stored in these areas of the body, allowing you to release stuck energy and open up to greater creativity and flow in these areas of your life.

Ardha Chandrasana (half moon)

To release and support this chakra, you can try the following:

• Meditate on the color orange. You can do this by closing your eyes and visualizing an orange circle in the center of your body. Then breathe into that space and imagine that you are breathing in healing, supportive, vibrant orange energy.

• Imagine a vibrant orange sun shining in your sacral plexus chakra.

• Focus on your physical body – the hips and pelvis area. Visualize them being supported by a soft, orange cushion of light.

• Meditate wearing or holding carnelian, moonstone, or citrine stones.

• Use essential oils such as sandalwood, ylang-ylang, or rose to balance this chakra. You might want to try diffusing these oils in a room or putting a few drops in a bath.

• Engage in the following yoga postures: Child’s Pose with hip openers (see below), Reclined Pigeon Pose, and Bridge Pose .



Solar Plexus Chakra

When working to balance and heal your sacral plexus chakra, it’s important to do so without judgement or expectation of results. This is true of any healing modality you take on. For me personally, I found that when I released attachment to outcome I was able to truly receive the benefits of my work. Don’t worry if you feel silly or don’t think things are working at first. With time and consistency you will begin to notice a difference in your vibration and frequency.

Solar Plexus Chakra details:

Location: upper abdomen, above the belly button

Function: self-esteem and self-worth, empowerment, creativity

Element: fire

Chakra Color: yellow

Crystals: amber, citrine, topaz, tiger’s eye, agate, rutilated quartz

Essential oils: lemon, lavender, Roman chamomile, rosewood, rosemary

Yoga poses: cat pose (marjaryasana), cow pose (bitilasana), sun salutation (surya namaskar), boat pose (navasana), half boat pose (ardha navasana)

The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra and is located at the solar plexus. It is the source of our personal power and self-esteem, so when it is blocked we can feel insecure, powerless, or overly dependent.

The solar plexus chakra is all about standing in your power, getting in touch with your inner warrior fire, and self-esteem. This energy center links directly to the element of fire and the color yellow.


Yellow citrine, amber, yellow topaz, yellow tiger’s eye, yellow agate, and rutilated quartz are the crystals that resonate with the solar plexus chakra. To use crystals to connect with your solar plexus chakra, make sure that they are first cleansed from the energies of others who may have handled them before you, and that your intention for how they will be used is set.

Essential Oils

Lemon, lavender, Roman chamomile, rosewood, and rosemary are the essential oils that correspond with the solar plexus chakra. When using essential oils for this chakra try putting a drop or two on a crystal or piece of jewelry that resonates with this energy center.


Heart-Chakra- Anahata-4

Heart Chakra

Heart chakra healing is an essential part of chakra balancing. The heart chakra deals with love, compassion, and relationships. This is a very important energy center in the body because it’s the place where we connect to others.

What Is The Heart Chakra?

The heart chakra is located in the middle of the chest, just above the heart. It’s responsible for regulating our emotional balance and our relationship with ourselves and others. When it’s open and balanced, we are able to give and receive love freely, and we feel a deep sense of empathy for all other living beings on this planet.

The heart chakra is associated with the color green. In Sanskrit, it’s known as Anahata (I have not been wounded). The element of this chakra is air, which is why we often feel uplifted when we’re in love or when we spend time in nature. Just as oxygen feeds our lungs, so does love feed our soul!

The Solar Plexus Chakra details:

Location: Center of chest

Element: Air

Chakra Color: Green


Rose quartz, emerald, green tourmaline, jade, green calcite, green kyanite, and peridot

Essential oils

Rose, geranium, neroli, palmarosa, bergamot, lavender, melissa/lemon balm, and ylang ylang

Heart chakra crystals are used to clear blockages in this energy center. These crystals come in green hues that range from light green through pink hues, with emerald green being the most common color for heart chakra healing crystals. Rose quartz is also very popular for healing this chakra.

The heart chakra crystal are Rose quartz, emerald, green tourmaline, jade, green calcite, green kyanite, and peridot are the crystals that resonate with the heart chakra. Any of these gemstones can be used in healing practices or in your meditations on this energy center.

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest and is the color green. It governs our ability to love ourselves and others, as well as our sense of balance and harmony. Essential oils that correspond with the heart chakra include rose, geranium, neroli, palmarosa, bergamot, lavender, melissa/lemon balm, and ylang ylang.

To help open this energy center you can try these simple practices (remember to always dilute your essential oil with a carrier oil before applying to the skin):

Massage: You can use any of the above listed oils for a full body massage. Use an extra amount on the area of the heart chakra or just apply a little oil over your heart (be sure to dilute before applying). Add some soothing music and let yourself relax into a state of deep peace.

Aromatherapy: Use an aromatherapy diffuser to help add aromatherapy to your daily routine. This can help soothe emotions while creating a harmonious environment.

Baths: Add a few drops of one or two essential oils to your bath water to create a soothing experience that allows you to connect with your own inner wisdom and power.

Yoga poses

Backbends like Camel Pose (Ustrasana), Bow Pose (Dhanurasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana), Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

Anahata Chakra is associated with the element air, so using yoga to open this area of our bodies could be done with upper backbends, such as in Camel Pose, and chest openers, such as a Seated Spinal Twist. Eagle Pose is good for the backside of this chakra where you connect deeply with your feelings and emotions about yourself and others. Arm balances are good to help your heart.



Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is all about speaking your truth, effectively communicating your needs, and expressing yourself. Most importantly, initiate connection with this energy vortex within you, so that you may open into the wisdom it holds.

The throat chakra can be found in the center of the neck at the level of the throat. It's color is blue and it's element is sound. This chakra is associated with self expression, communication and creativity. When balanced we are able to express ourselves honestly and clearly through speech (and non-verbal communication). We can make decisions and speak our truth from a place of integrity.

When out of balance we may experience problems communicating our thoughts and feelings, or we may talk too much or too little. We may also have difficulty expressing what we really feel or believing we have anything important to say. We may have trouble listening to others as well as hearing our own inner voice.

Chakra: Throat

Chakra Color: Blue

Element: Sound

Body Areas: Throat, lungs, thyroid gland, arms, hands

Asana: Shoulder stand, plough pose

Mantra: HAM (pronounced hum)

Sanskrit name: Visuddha


If you have a blocked throat chakra, there are numerous treatments that are available to help you open up the chakra and get your energy flowing again. Just like opening any of the other chakras, opening your throat chakra involves releasing an emotional blockage in order to allow energy to flow freely.


Turquoise, blue kyanite, aquamarine, celestite, Iolite, sodalite, and lapis lazuli are the crystals that resonate with the throat chakra. You can use these crystals in a number of ways to unblock your fifth chakra. Carry them with you or place them on your body while meditating. You can also make crystal elixirs by placing them in water overnight and drink the water upon waking.Crystal elixirs are most effective when made with clear or spring water and placed in a glass container.

Essential Oils

Lavender, rosemary, frankincense, German chamomile, and hyssop are the essential oils that correspond with the throat chakra. These essential oils can be used in a diffuser or applied directly to the skin after diluting them with a carrier oil like.



Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is all about trusting your intuition and inner vision. Most importantly, initiate connection with this energy vortex within you, so you may open into the wisdom it holds.

To increase your connection with your third eye chakra, make sure you drink unfluoridated water. Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, which is related to the third eye. An effective water purification system is helpful for this purpose.

Here are some remedies for the third eye chakra:

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Location: Forehead, between the eyes

Color: Indigo

Element: Light

Meaning: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, and the ability to think and make decisions

Mantra Sound: OM

Associated Body Parts: Pituitary gland, left eye, nervous system, brain

Essential Oils

Bay Laurel, peppermint, sage, rosemary, lavender, frankincense, and sandalwood


Amethyst (My personal favorite), fluorite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, lepidolite, sugilite, tanzanite, clear quartz, star sapphire, and kyanite

Healing Foods: Berries (especially blueberries), grapes, grapeseed oil, purple cabbage, red wine

The third eye chakra resonates within a deep purple color spectrum of light, and corresponds to the pineal gland in your brain. This energy vortex is located right between your eyebrows and above the bridge of your nose. You can practice activating this chakra by pressing on that area lightly with one finger while breathing deeply and focusing on this area of your face. The third eye chakra is associated with clairvoyance or clear seeing, and if you are at all interested in developing your psychic abilities or working with dreams or divination practices like Tarot cards or astrology, then working with this chakra is important for you.

The element associated with this chakra is light, so practicing yoga on a sunny day outside will help to activate your third eye chakra and strengthen its power. Try doing some meditation outdoors either.

Also wear purple to strengthen the energy of this chakra and eat purple foods like grapes. The best crystals for the third eye are amethyst, purple fluorite, lapis lazuli and sugilite. Place these crystals on your forehead or use them to clear an area in your home where you often meditate.

Place a crystal grid in your bedroom or in a place where you spend a lot of time to enhance the energy of these areas. A crystal grid uses crystals arranged in sacred geometry patterns for a specific purpose such as protection or healing. If you need help deciphering these patterns or don’t know what crystals are best to use, hire a professional intuitive to help you create a grid that will complement your needs and space.

Yoga poses

All Yoga poses right-side up, upside down, twisted, or eyes closed. Try wearing a blindfold during a set of poses to experience pratyahara, or the drawing inward of the senses. Yoga helps direct your vision more deeply inside yourself, which can aid this chakra. In addition, doing supported Forward Bends using an extra bolster or blanket helps press upon and stimulate this chakra.

Hip openers such as Reclining Pigeon Pose (Supta Kapotasana) may also help balance the Ajna chakra by relaxing the pelvic area and releasing tension in muscles close to the core.



Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the 7th chakra, located at the top of the head. This energy center is our gateway to the divine, and it connects us with universal knowledge and spiritual connection. The crown chakra is a place of enlightenment, of complete peace and understanding.

When your crown chakra is closed or blocked, you might feel disconnected from yourself or the world around you. You may also feel stuck in negative patterns like addiction or self-sabotage. An open crown chakra means you are open to love, peace, and wisdom. It also means you have trust in yourself and others.

Crown Chakra – “Divinity”

Color: Violet / White

Location: Top of head (Crown)

Element: Thought

Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara

Crown Chakra Healing Techniques

Below are some techniques that can help bring balance to your crown chakra:


Meditation is one of the most popular ways to activate your chakras. When meditating on the crown chakra, focus on a white light entering through the top of your head and going through every part of your body. Visualize this light filling up any dark or negative spaces in your body, cleansing your being with its pure light.

Journaling - Journaling is another great way to heal your chakras because it allows you to process emotions and gain clarity on issues that may be affecting you mentally or physically

The following foods contain properties that help balance out our seventh chakra! Celery helps balance out our Crown Chakra because of its rich mineral content of phosphorus, chlorine, sodium and silicon


The essential oils of lavender, frankincense, and sandalwood are all very soothing for this chakra. These oils can be used topically or diffused in a room. In addition, there are wonderful blends available for purchase that will help balance the crown chakra.

Color Therapy: The color purple is healing for this chakra. Wear it, surround yourself in it, visualize it over your head or out through your crown while meditating or chanting “om” (the sound associated with this chakra). Place purple flowers near you while meditating or play music that includes tones of purple.


Clear quartz, Herkimer diamond, labradorite, moon-stone, selenite, phenacite, kunzite, apophyllite, white topaz, amethyst and so on.

Amethyst is an excellent crystal when working with the crown chakra. This can be worn as jewelry or placed on your altar during meditation. Clear quartz also works well to help open this energy vortex when placed on top of your head during meditation or while sleeping.


In Conclusion: Learning Chakra Healing Make happy

There are many ways to heal our chakras, but it is ultimately up to us to take the correct actions. Follow what your heart and intuition tells you—the chakra system will heal itself naturally if we learn how to live healthy and balanced lifestyles. Whether one believes in the chakra system or thinks it’s just a bunch of nonsense, there can be no denying that it’s a useful method for understanding ourselves on a deeper level. And that kind of self-awareness can lead us down the path to greater spiritual awareness as well. If you do believe in the chakra system, it’s hard not to feel like you’ve taken a leap forward emotionally after healing your whole energy body. It truly is an incredible journey, full of ups and downs and wonder.

I hope that you have been able to garner some knowledge on energy healing and how to use it. I also hope that you feel more confident in your daily life after learning about chakra healing. Please continue using your new found knowledge and help yourself along the way. :-)

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Sending You Love!

If you are interested in learning more about Chakra Healing, please visit our blog.

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