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Introduction to the Seven Chakras

May 16, 2022


Introduction Of Seven Chakras

Root chakra

Root chakra

This is a powerful center that is located at the base of your spine, near where it meets your pelvic bone. This chakra is associated with the element of earth and corresponds to the color red and physical/emotional stability. It's also associated with body parts like hips and legs. The root chakra has connections to smell, taste, hearing—in short: all five senses!

Sacral chakra

The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is located just above the genitals. It's associated with orange and the element water. When you're feeling grounded, secure in yourself and your path, when you feel at home wherever you are—that's a working sacral chakra!

When this chakra is out of balance, it can cause issues like lack of self-love and trust in relationships; feelings of inadequacy or insecurity; fear of rejection; emotional bingeing (food/sex/drugs) to avoid dealing with pain; shame around sex or sexuality; less able to receive love because they don't feel worthy enough to accept it.

The way to balance this center is through self-love: take care of your body by eating well and exercising regularly so that it feels good inside and out! Practice gentle yoga poses that stretch hips gently without putting too much pressure on them if they're sore from sitting for long periods at work all day long—try sun salutations (Surya Namaskaras), which move through all 7 energy centers over time while also helping each center stay balanced individually as well."

Solar Plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra is important for maintaining a healthy physical body. It helps you get the most out of your physical energy and stamina. It also influences how much mental focus and clarity you have at any given time, allowing you to make good decisions, and protect yourself from bad ones.

The solar plexus chakra relates to pride, which affects how confident or arrogant we feel in our ability to take control of situations. This can manifest physically as feelings of dominance over others or emotionally as an increased sense of self-worth and integrity (or lack thereof).

Heart chakra

Located in the middle of your chest, in the area of your heart, is your heart chakra. This chakra is associated with the color green and air. When this chakra is open and balanced, you will feel connected to life and all its elements—you'll be able to breathe deeply without fear or anxiety. The positive energy from this chakra flows through the body and out into the world around you like waves of love, compassion and empathy. If it's blocked or imbalanced, however, you may feel frustrated or disconnected from others; it could also result in depression if left unresolved for too long.

Throat chakra

The sixth chakra is located at the throat and is associated with the sound of our voice. It also relates to our ability to speak what we feel and be true to ourselves. This energy center also helps us express who we are from the inside out, through our words, thoughts and actions.

The throat chakra is blue in color and associated with ether (vacuum) elements like air, space, transparency and invisibility. Its opening will allow you to speak freely without fear of judgment or reprisal; it allows you to fully express yourself so that others can hear your message clearly. By bringing this energy into balance within yourself first before sharing it with others – it becomes easier for them to access their own wisdom too!

Third Eye chakra

The third-eye chakra is located between the eyebrows. This chakra works with the pituitary gland, which controls hormone production in your body and produces a substance called melatonin that helps regulate sleep cycles. The third eye governs how you perceive information, making it one of the most important energy centers for self-awareness and intuition.

The color associated with this chakra is indigo—the same as the first eye's color—and it has a varying range from pale violet to dark blue depending on its strength or weakness.

The sense of sight plays a large role in this energy center as well; not just physically but mentally as well! It's believed that if you're able to see clearly then your third-eye chakra is strong, whereas if everything looks fuzzy or foggy then there could be an issue with this part of your brain.

Additionally, both hearing and smelling are associated with this part of your body since it helps us process sounds as well as scents around us!

Crown chakra

The seventh chakra, also known as Sahasrara or crown, is located at the top of your head. It is associated with our connection to the divine, higher self, and all that is infinite. The crown chakra allows us to connect with our soul's highest purpose, helping us realize our full potential and achieve spiritual enlightenment.

It's important to note that this chakra isn't just about spirituality: it connects us to an all-encompassing energy that affects everyone on Earth—from politicians and celebrities to animals in nature—and beyond! In fact, there are many who believe in a universal consciousness; they believe we're all connected through a universal mind or soul (or even god).

There are seven major chakras.

Chakras are energy centers in the body. They’re located along the spine and are associated with different organs, emotions, and elements. Your chakras show where you’re at on your spiritual journey.

There are seven major chakras:

  • The root chakra is red and located at the base of your spine. It represents survival instincts and basic human needs like food, sex, security and stability (among other things). When this chakra is out of alignment, you might feel insecure or afraid to take risks in life. You may also experience depression or anger if it’s blocked completely by trauma or illness.

  • The sacral chakra is orange/yellowish-orange color; it controls sexual urges, pleasure in general as well as creativity.

  • The solar plexus chakra is yellowish-green; it influences how we express ourselves through words and actions.

  • The heart chakra is green; its function is to love selflessly without expectations from others.

  • The throat chakra (also known as Vishuddha) is blue; this one allows for clear communication with others about what we believe in.

  • Third eye (also known as Ajna) – indigo/violet

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