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Emerald: Ultimate Guide

September 29, 2022



Emeralds are one of the most popular and valuable stones in the world, so it's no surprise that people want to know more about them. The word "emerald" actually comes from the ancient Greek word for "green beryl." Green beryl is a mineral that has been found since ancient times, but emeralds weren't discovered until much later. There are some information about Emerald share for you!




Vibrant green








Heart Chakra


Aries, Taurus, Gemini




Colombia, Zambia, Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada,
China, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Kazakhstan, Madagascar,
Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, Somalia, South
Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Tanzania, the United States, and Zimbabwe




preservative against epilepsy, cures leprosy, strengthens sight and memory


The virtue of the Emerald is to counteract poison. 


Birthstone for the month of May. 

The gem of the twentieth and thirty-fifth wedding anniversaries.



What is Emerald and where is emerald found?

Emerald is a variety of beryl, a mineral found in hydrothermal veins. The emeralds we see today are the result of an ancient geologic process involving the formation of crystals that eventually became gemstones. These crystals formed in volcanic rock due to heat and pressure, which created the bright green color characteristic of emeralds.

Emerald is found all over the world in countries including Colombia, Brazil, Zambia, Afghanistan and Russia as well as Australia. However not all emeralds are green; some are blue or yellowish brown but these are less common than their green counterparts

Emerald Stone Meaning

The stone's history dates back to ancient times, when it was believed that emeralds could bring prosperity and good luck. Emeralds were also thought to provide protection from evil spirits, so many people wore them as talismans or placed them at the heads of their beds and in other locations.

Emeralds are associated with the goddess Venus, and they symbolize springtime. In addition, they're said to represent love and friendship because they come out of the earth and are vibrant like life itself!


Emerald Crystal Properties

Emerald is a May birthstone. It's associated with love, loyalty, wisdom and power. Emeralds can be found in green, blue and colorless varieties. The most valuable emeralds are from Colombia; other sources include Brazil and Zambia.

Emerald crystals are associated with the heart chakra, which is located in the middle of your chest near your heart. They're also associated with the astrological sign of Virgo—the virgin—and those born under this sign will have an affinity for emerald crystals because they're ruled by Mercury (whose planet is Mercurial).

Emerald Healing Properties

Emerald is a powerful healing stone that helps to open the heart chakra and assist with healing of the throat chakra. It also helps to heal the third eye chakra and solar plexus chakra, as well as the heart chakra.

The emerald is often used in crystal healing for its ability to help with depression, anxiety, fear and anger issues.

It is believed that this stone can bring harmony into your life by removing negative energy from your aura. If you work with this stone on a daily basis it will help you stay positive throughout your day by opening up your mind so that it can allow positive thoughts in!

Emerald Benefits

Emerald is a stone of abundance. In addition to this, it is also a stone of love, good fortune, healing and prosperity. It is also used as a healing stone and has been worn by many healers throughout history.

The colour green comes from the chemical element chromium which gives emeralds their beautiful hue. The only other gemstone that can appear this colour is tourmaline; however unlike tourmaline they are found in large quantities which makes them much more valuable as an investment piece or collector’s item than other rarer stones such as aquamarine or ruby

Emerald Metaphysical Properties

The emerald is a stone of abundance and success. It can help you attract wealth, prosperity, and abundance into your life. The emerald is also a powerful healing stone that can bring about balance to mind and body, restoring physical energy and vitality over time. Emeralds are also said to be helpful in relieving depression or sadness by bringing joy into your life. They are also considered good luck stones because they promote love, friendship, wisdom and learning new information.


Emerald Cuts

The most common cut is the faceted cut. In this cut, the emerald is polished so that it has sharp edges on its sides and has small flat facets across its top surface. The steps in between these facets are very small and hardly noticeable. This gives an emerald a sparkly appearance which makes it look more like glass than a gemstone. The cabochon cut also gives emeralds their sparkling appearance, but in a different way from faceting does because it is rounded off instead of having sharp edges on its sides and no facets across its top surface where they would normally be found if this were indeed a faceted stone instead of just being shaped into something resembling one by grinding down those natural steps into nothingness with polishing wheels or lapidary machines during processing before cutting them into shape;

The step cut is another way to show off how deep green coloration can come out nicely against lighter hues such as yellowish-green ones without damaging any part of an individual gemstone's overall integrity while still allowing light waves passing through them enough room to bounce around inside each piece making it appear as though they were winking at you when seen through eye glasses (because optical clarity matters!)


Emerald Shapes

  • Emeralds are typically cut as cabochons, but can also be faceted.
  • Emeralds are also used in jewelry and as a gemstone for healing and meditation.
  • The emerald was once thought to be the antidote to poison, but this belief has since been disproved by modern science.

Emerald & Feng Shui

Emerald is associated with the heart chakra and has a very positive influence on relationships, love and marriage. The color green symbolizes balance, peace and prosperity in Feng Shui.

Emerald is also associated with the planet Venus, which represents love and beauty. When you wear or carry an emerald gemstone around your neck or wrist it can help you attract new relationships into your life.

In feng shui, the element of water is associated with the green color of emeralds so placing emeralds near fish tanks or aquariums will enhance their energy further as well as helping to bring abundance into your life!

Emerald Birthstones

  • Garnet is the birthstone for January.
  • Amethyst, Aquamarine and Diamond are all birthstones for February.
  • Emerald is a birthstone for May, as well as the traditional gemstone for the astrological sign of Cancer.
  • Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire are all birthstones for June.
  • Peridot and Opal are the birthstones of August.

Emerald Chakra

You may have heard of the seven chakras, which are energy centers located in your body. The emerald chakra is also one of these, and it corresponds to the heart chakra. This energy center is associated with green and Venus, as well as water.

Caring for Emerald

Emeralds are a precious gemstone and must be treated with care.

  • Do not use ultrasonic cleaners, steam cleaners, chemical cleaners or abrasive cleaners to clean emeralds.
  • Do not use a tumbler or polishing cloths with emeralds unless you have the right equipment and know how to use it correctly.
  • Do not put your emerald in a polishing machine, as this could damage the surface of your stone.

The power and beauty of the emerald stone makes it incredibly popular.

The power and beauty of the emerald stone makes it incredibly popular. The color green is associated with spring, renewal and fertility. It's also believed to be a symbol of love, marriage and fertility. Emeralds are considered to be a stone of courage as well as wisdom. The emerald is said to bring good fortune to its wearer and represents peacefulness within one's self-being when worn as an amulet or talisman.

Emeralds were once considered very rare until deposits were found in Columbia around 1730 C.E.; however, they still remain expensive today due to their scarcity compared with other gems like diamonds or rubies which have many more sources throughout the world.


Emerald Jewellery

Emerald is a rare gemstone, and is considered to be the most precious of all green gems. They are transparent stones that show a bright green colour. Emeralds are often used in jewellery as they are similar to emeralds but in lower qualities of clarity and colour.

Emeralds were first mined in Egypt, India and Colombia. The name 'emerald' comes from the Greek word smaragdos which means "green stone", while its chemical name is beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate. During medieval times, emeralds were believed to have healing powers and people wore them on their necks or arms as talismans against disease or bad luck. Emerald was also used by alchemists as an ingredient for making medicines for eye diseases such as cataracts; however this was unsuccessful due to its low saturation rate compared with other types of beryl such as aquamarine or golden beryl (topazolite).


Emerald Ring

Emerald is the stone for the twentieth and thirty-fifth wedding anniversaries. It is associated with Taurus zodiac sign, and it’s also a variety of beryl, which is itself a mineral.

The emerald can be found in many places around the world, but there are certain mines that produce particularly high quality stones. The best quality emeralds come from Colombia, but Brazil produces some beautiful ones too—in fact, it may actually have more spectacular mines than Colombia does! If you’re looking for an affordable ring or necklace made out of this lovely stone then head down south because that’s where you’ll find them sold at lower prices than anywhere else on earth

Emerald Necklace

A emerald necklace is a great choice for someone who likes the color green and wants to wear something that will be both elegant and trendy. It can be worn with any dress, as long as it doesn't clash with the color of the stone. Emeralds come in different shades of green, so you should take care when choosing which one is right for you. You may have to go through several before finding one that fits your style.

There are many different designs and styles available on the market today, but they all fall under three categories: single strand necklaces; multiple strand necklaces; or choker-style ones (slips over head). Single strand types tend not to be too expensive because they're made from fewer stones than others; however, some people prefer this type because it's easier to design them themselves if they don't want something pre-made by someone else!


Emerald stone engagement rings

Emerald is a stone of spring and of love. It represents the beauty of nature, and its green color symbolizes life and growth. Emeralds are also considered an ideal gift for friends or loved ones who have found their soulmate in order to express your desire for them to experience eternal happiness together.

Emeralds are believed to be a symbol of faithfulness, friendship, hope and loyalty. The emerald gemstone represents love at first sight because it was believed that whoever gazed into an emerald's depths would instantly fall in love with its owner. Because of this legend, it was often worn by royalty as a symbol of their power over others (because no one could resist falling under their spell).

Emeralds have been associated with divine protection throughout history; in fact some historians believe that ancient Egyptians used them as talismans against evil spirits!

The word "emerald" comes from “esmaralda” which means 'green gem' in Old High German; it was derived from Latinized Greek smaragdos which actually means "stone."

Emerald fire stone

Emerald fire stone is a gemstone that can be found in several different places around the world. It's also known by other names, including emerald fire and emerald water. The name emerald comes from the Greek word smaragdos (Σμαραγδος), which means "green gem."

Emeralds come in many different colors, but most of them are green with shades ranging from light to dark green. Some people describe these stones as having a blue or pinkish hue rather than being entirely green.

Top 40 Questions About Emerald 

What is emerald stone good for?

Emerald gemstones are green colored. They have healing properties and are known to help with depression, stress and anxiety. Emeralds are also associated with the heart chakra, which is located in the center of our chest. People who wear emeralds say that they feel more confident when wearing an emerald pendant or ring. It's possible that the reason for this is because emeralds remind us of nature—the lush green trees surrounding us in the forest—and we feel connected to something larger than ourselves when we see it reflected back at us from our jewelry!

Is emerald an expensive stone?

Emerald is a very expensive stone. It is more expensive than ruby, diamond and sapphire. Emeralds are rarer than rubies, diamonds and sapphires. They can be found in Brazil, Colombia and Zambia.

Emeralds are very rare stones that come in beautiful shades of green or blue-green color with the richest color seeming to be green. These stones are known for their durability as they do not crack easily due to their hardness ranking between 7-8 on Mohs scale (diamond being 10).

The most famous emerald mines are located in Colombia but there are also mines in Brazil and Zambia.

Who should wear emerald stone?

The emerald stone is a very good stone for the heart chakra. It is said to bring love and romance, as well as assist in the manifestation of love. This stone can be used as a healing stone for both emotional and physical heart problems. If you are suffering from emotional trauma such as bullying or emotional abuse, this stone may be helpful in bringing healing to your heart so that it feels whole again. Moreover, it's recommended that you wear this gemstone if you need protection from others' negative intentions or want to shield yourself from outside influences (such as negative energies).

The emerald gemstone has also been known to help people overcome depression by making them feel happier about themselves; therefore, it can be used as a self-esteem booster for those who have low self-esteem issues due to certain external factors (e.g., family members constantly criticizing them). In addition, wearing an emerald necklace around your neck will give you added confidence when meeting new people because they'll think highly of you once they see how beautiful the stones look against your skin!

Do emeralds bring good luck?

You might have heard that emeralds are a symbol of spring, Ireland or Italy. Emeralds are also the birthstone for may. These are just some things that make this gem so special.

If you're looking to find out if it's true that emeralds bring good luck, we're here to help! We'll also share some interesting facts about this beautiful stone and how you can use it in your life today.

Which stone should not wear with emerald?

  • Emerald should not be worn with ruby.
  • Emerald should not be worn with diamond.
  • Emerald should not be worn with opal.
  • Emerald should not be worn with pearl.
  • Emeralds should not be worn with turquoise, as it makes you look pale and sickly.

What energy does emerald have?

Emerald is a stone of balance and harmony. It helps us find the right path in life, see where we need to make changes, and get rid of old patterns that no longer serve us. It helps us realize our potential and be more aware of what we want out of life.

Emerald is also a stone of transformation; it transforms negative energy into positive energy. If you are feeling overwhelmed with stress or anxiety, emerald will help you release these feelings so that they don't control your decisions or actions anymore.

Emerald can enhance love between partners and also improve communication between them (in other words: less arguing). Emerald gives both partners confidence in their relationship so that they can feel safe expressing their true feelings for each other without fear of rejection or judgment from each other.

What tribe is the emerald stone from?

Did you know emeralds are a type of beryl? In fact, they're green-colored beryl. That makes sense when you think about the name—emerald is derived from the Latin word "smaragdus," meaning "green gemstone."

What is another name for Emerald?

Emerald, or beryl, is also known by many other names. Among them are chrysoberyl, chalcedony, aquamarine and heliodor. Other members of the beryl family include idocrase (another form of emerald), zircon and jade. Emerald can also be a member of the tourmaline group as well as kornerupine.

How is Emerald pronounced?

The name "emerald" comes from the Latin word smaragdus, which means the green of a lizard. In Greek, it was called smaragdos, which means "green gem." The ancient Romans called it malachite, which was a copper ore they thought was emerald.

In English-speaking countries today, emeralds are pronounced as EYE-muh-tral. But if you're trying to tell your friend how to pronounce emerald correctly in English or another language besides English—and this is something you'd want to do because there are other words that sound similar like eternity—then it's best to use Amercanized spelling and say AY-murr ALL (Americanized spelling).

Is emerald expensive than gold?

Emeralds are the most expensive gems in the world, followed by rubies and then diamonds. Emeralds actually come in a variety of colors, but green is considered their signature shade. Emeralds are generally more valuable than emerald-colored varieties of other stones such as aquamarine or peridots because of their rarity.

Emeralds are more costly than gold because they can't be produced like gold can; rather, they're mined from the earth in Colombia and Brazil--and only about 1% of emerald deposits ever make it to market! Additionally, since these stones have been so difficult to obtain throughout history (especially before Europe discovered America), they've always held high value in terms of trade currency with other nations' commodities such as spices or saltwater pearls.

So why should you invest in this precious commodity? Because if you're lucky enough to get your hands on one that's been certified as coming from an approved mine without any flaws (like cracks), your investment will almost certainly pay off over time!

Is emerald worth anything?

Emeralds are a type of precious stone and are more valuable than diamonds. Emeralds have a high value because they are rare, especially the natural variety. The most expensive emerald ever sold was in 2004 when it was purchased for nearly $6 million dollars!

Emerald is considered to be one of the most valuable stones on earth and it has been used by kings throughout history as an indication of their wealth and power. Today, there is still a lot of mystery surrounding this beautiful gemstone that makes it so appealing to collectors around the world.

Many people believe that emeralds were first discovered in Colombia during ancient times but not much else is known about their history until recently when scientists began examining them closely with advanced technology such as radio isotopes which showed how long ago these unique gems formed under pressure deep within Earth's crust before being brought up close where we can see them today!

What does emerald symbolize?

Emeralds are a symbol of love and wisdom, hope, faith and protection. They symbolize love between two people who have found each other in life. They represent the spiritual union of the heart and mind that is necessary to live a fulfilling life. The stone's green color represents growth, rebirth and new beginnings. Emeralds also symbolize wisdom because they help you to understand your feelings better by making you more aware of them.

Emeralds can help one gain clarity about their goals in life as well as make decisions with confidence by helping them see things from different perspectives when making hard choices about important matters such as career or relationship changes.

The stone is said to be able to assist with spiritual growth by aiding in accessing one's psychic abilities when needed which means it could be used for meditation purposes or even worn during meditation sessions if preferred!

Is emerald expensive than diamond?

The answer to this question is a yes and no.

Yes, Emeralds are more expensive than diamonds as they have more value and rarity. This can be proved by the fact that an emerald costs more than triple the price of a diamond. But then again, you need to consider the quality of these two stones before making your final decision on which one should be bought depending on their prices alone. If you want an expensive stone that is also of good quality then it's better off buying an emerald as it has higher value over diamond in terms of pricing and durability.

Where do the best emeralds come from?

The answer is a little bit complicated. Colombia produces the majority of the world's emeralds, but Brazil is also a major producer. Emeralds are also found in Zambia, Africa; Russia; and in some parts of the United States.

Do emeralds chip easily?

Emeralds are one of the hardest stones in the world. They are second only to diamonds when it comes to durability, and they rank as one of the most resilient gems on earth.

Emeralds hold their luster well and can be easily cleaned with warm soapy water or a gentle commercial cleaner. As far as care is concerned, emeralds should be stored in a soft cloth pouch or small padded box when not worn; this will keep them from becoming scratched or damaged by other jewelry items in your collection.

Why are Zambian emeralds so cheap?

The reason that Zambian emeralds are so cheap is because of their light color and the fact that they are mined in open pit mines. Open pit mines are shallow, which is why they're cheaper to run, but it also means that there's less quality control. The stones can be damaged by weathering, so there's a higher risk of getting a flawed stone.

Emeralds from other countries are typically found in deeper mines with more security because they have to go through rigorous testing before being sold. So if you want something special, pay extra for an Australian or Peruvian emerald instead of buying a Zambian one!

Is emerald OK for an engagement ring?

Emerald is a wonderful choice for engagement rings! Emerald is also an excellent choice for wedding rings, anniversary rings, birthday rings and graduation rings.

Is Emerald rarer than ruby?

Yes, Emeralds are rarer than Rubies and therefore more expensive. The reason for this is that Emeralds are harder to find than Rubies. In addition, it takes longer to cut an emerald than it does a ruby. Both of these factors mean that there are fewer emeralds available on the market at any given time than rubies, so they cost more!

However, these days you can get some amazing deals on jewelry at great prices if you know where to look (such as eBay).

Why do people wear emerald?

Emerald is a stone of love, compassion and wisdom. It enhances the process of healing, self-realization and harmonious relationships. It is a stone of abundance as well as protection. Emerald helps to clear the mind and promote concentration while making you more aware of reality on all levels."

The ancient Egyptians thought that emeralds had magical powers because they believed that otherworldly beings lived within them. They used these stones to protect themselves from negative forces or unwanted intrusions into their lives.

Emerald-Diamond-ring (3)

In which finger should Ladies wear emerald?

  • Ring finger
  • Index finger
  • Middle finger
  • Little finger

Should emerald be worn in gold or silver?

Emerald is a stone that needs to be worn in gold. It has the ability to draw out the green tint of emerald and make it more apparent, which is why many people prefer it to be worn in yellow gold. If you do not like the yellow color, then consider white gold or platinum as they are a good alternative that still allows for the green color of an emerald stone to shine through.

If you really want your stone to stand out from all others, then go for either white or yellow gold for your accessories so that your entire outfit will look amazing when combined with your jewelry piece!

What does emerald protect against?

Emeralds are said to protect against snake bites and the evil eye.

What is the spiritual meaning of emerald green?

Emerald green is the color of hope and renewal. It's also a color that represents abundance, making it a great choice for those who want to attract money and good fortune into their lives.

Emerald green is also associated with springtime, which makes this an ideal color to use in your home when you're feeling down or blue during the winter months.

The heart chakra is located at the center of our chest, so it makes sense that emerald green reflects the emotion of love and compassion for others—as well as ourselves!

Are emeralds more expensive than rubies?

If you have an emerald and a ruby, which one is more expensive?

The emerald.

Why? Because the emerald is rarer than the ruby and therefore more valuable.

Are diamonds more expensive than rubies? Yes, but not as much as emeralds are.

What does emerald mean in the Bible?

The emerald stone is a symbol of hope, faith and purity. It is also a symbol of the Holy Spirit, who brings comfort to those who seek God's guidance.

The emerald is also associated with Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. She was known as an immaculate virgin when she gave birth to her son without having sexual relations with anyone else.

How do you charge an emerald?

Emerald is a stone of love and compassion. It helps you open your heart to others and be aware of their needs. It also brings wisdom and truth, helping you see past the illusions in this world, so that you can find happiness when it's most important.

To charge an emerald, sit quietly with your eyes closed for about 20 minutes each day for at least 4 weeks. During that time, focus on any issues or concerns in your life that are causing pain or frustration to yourself or others around you. As these feelings arise within yourself during meditation, allow yourself to breathe deeply while imagining the situation from another person's perspective—not just how they feel but why they might act in certain ways as well—and let go of any judgmental thoughts about their actions toward themselves or others around them (even if those actions don't seem fair). Practice this visualization exercise until it becomes natural; then continue doing so every day for at least one month after completing the full four weeks' worth of daily meditations with no breaks between sessions whatsoever!

Can I wash my hands with an emerald ring?

Emeralds are a durable gemstone. They don't scratch easily and they aren't very porous, so you can wear them everyday with no worries of damage. As long as you're not searching for dirt or grime under the stone, you shouldn't need to clean an emerald ring often at all! You can definitely wash your hands wearing the ring—just be sure there's no soap residue on it before putting it back on.

If you do have soap residue on your emerald jewelry and want to clean it without damaging the stone, take off all jewelry made from gold or platinum (including rings) before using any chemicals like dish detergent or bleach in warm water for about 5 minutes.

How do I clean emeralds?

Emeralds must be cleaned using a soft cloth, brush or toothbrush. Do not use chemicals on your emeralds as they will damage the stone. Abrasive materials should also be avoided at all costs, as they can cause irreparable damage to the stone's surface.

If you decide that you want to try cleaning your emerald yourself, make sure that you use warm water and mild soap (eg Dove). Never use hard brushes or abrasive materials on this gemstone because it could easily scratch off some of its colouring!

How long does emerald stone last?

Emerald stone is a durable gemstone. It can last for a lifetime if well maintained. Emerald stone is also one of the rarest and most sought after stones in the world. In fact, it ranks among diamond and ruby as being one of the most popular and expensive gemstones in existence today.

Emeralds are prized by many people because they symbolize hope, love and good fortune. They are believed to bring luck as well as prosperity when worn on special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries for example but this does not mean that emeralds should only be given out at special occasions; you can give them anytime to someone you love regardless if it's for an occasion or not!

How many carats of emerald should be worn?

Emeralds that have been cut and polished may range from less than one carat to over 100 carats. The most common sizes are 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 carat stones. Many jewelers also offer marquise-cut emeralds with a 32-carat center stone surrounded by smaller stones. Emeralds in this category can weigh anywhere between 40 to 80 carats each.

A typical ring will have 0.50 cts (50 points), which is about 1/4th of a carat because there are 100 points in 1 full carat (ct). If you’re looking for something bigger than that then go for a pendant or necklace instead!

Do emeralds fade in sunlight?

Because of the durability of emerald, it's not affected by sunlight, water, heat or cold. It's also not affected by acid or alkali.

So if you want to wear your emerald ring all day without worrying about it being damaged in any way, you can do so with confidence that it will remain as bright and beautiful as ever!

What is the rarest color of emerald?

The rarest color of emerald is green. The next rarest color is blue, followed by yellow and black. It's important to note that some of these colors are considered stable (meaning they won't fade), while others are unstable and can fade over time.

Emeralds with orange, pink or purple hues are considered even more rare than white emeralds because they’re so much harder to find than other colors.

How do you tell if an emerald is real?

  • Clarity
  • The clarity of an emerald is graded on how clear it is and how many inclusions or flaws it has within it. If you look at the stone through your loupe, you can see if there are any visible imperfections or flaws at all, and then use that information to determine its clarity grade.
  • Color
  • The color of an emerald will vary depending on whether it's a dark green variety or a light green variety. Light colored gems tend to be more expensive because they're less abundant than dark ones and are harder to find as well as more difficult to cut into gemstones with high quality clarity grades like diamonds or sapphires (which can have naturally occurring purple hues). Emeralds will also appear different under certain lighting conditions; for example, under incandescent lighting they may look lighter than they do under fluorescent lightings which makes them easier for jewelers to identify fakes from genuine stones when examining them closely during their process of certification by third party labs like GIA International who are experts at determining whether any given piece meets all four "C" requirements necessary for being considered real according to industry standards."


What is the largest emerald in the world?

The answer to this question depends on how you define "largest." Is it size, weight, or value? There are several contenders for each category, but none of them would be considered large by today's standards. For example, The Bahia Emerald (also known as "Brazil's Green Monster") has a mass of 341 kg (770 lb.) and a diameter of 16 inches (41 cm). However, it was previously thought to be over 1 million carats until it was cut down from its original rough state.

But if we're talking about value per carat instead of just weight alone then there are several other contenders for first place: The Star of India is valued at $225 per carat; The Horse Shoe also pulls in around $200 per carat; and perhaps most famously among collectors—and certainly with the highest price tag—is The Inkalamu which weighs approximately 1,700 pounds (771 kg) with an estimated worth at $1 billion dollars!

How do you tell if an emerald is real?

A jeweler can tell you if an emerald is real by examining the stone for what are called the “four Cs”: clarity, color, cut and carat weight.

Clarity refers to how transparent a gemstone is. The clearer an emerald is, the more light will pass through it. If you look at a diamond through a loupe (a magnifying glass), you'll see that it has many flaws and inclusions (tiny mineral deposits inside its structure). If you look at an emerald under magnification, on the other hand, you'll notice that it's completely clear—this means it's more valuable than one with any kind of flaw in its structure.

Color refers to how green or brown your stone looks from different angles and under different lighting conditions; some people prefer darker stones while others prefer lighter ones depending on their preference for warm versus cool colors.

Cut refers to how well-proportioned your stone is—if it's too thick or thin or rectangular when viewed from above without magnification then this makes it less valuable because these shapes don't reflect light as well as round ones do so they're not as attractive or sparkly as other stones may be under certain lighting conditions given their size & shape ratio between faces & pavilions (the upper surface area where light enters). Carat weight refers only has relevance if comparing actual diamonds because they have different densities due to their chemical makeup whereas cubic zirconia might not weigh less than 0 grams but still be cheaper than say tumbled quartz pieces which could cost upwards of $1 per gram depending onto material type used - so keep in mind when shopping around!

What is the rarest color of emerald?

There are many different colors of emerald, but only one is considered to be the rarest. Emerald green is by far the most common color of emerald. Emerald blue is also very common. The rarest color of all is called emerald black, which has a brownish tint and can be mistaken for another brown-green stone such as tsavorite or demantoid garnet .

Other uncommon hues include:

  • Emerald yellow - This type of stone is not as valuable as others because it does not have the same green hue that makes other stones special; instead it looks more like jadeite or topaz when cut into an oval shape.
  • Emerald orange - This type of stone has an orange hue with gray tones mixed in with it making it appear more like tiger’s eye than just plain old amber colored stones like citrine or peridot do when they're cut into ovals too big in size!

How many carats of emerald should be worn?

As with any other stone, there are many factors that determine how much an emerald will cost. For example, the color and clarity of the gemstone play a role in determining its value.

Emeralds range from light green to dark green in color, but the most expensive ones are those that have a medium tone or color. Since these stones are rarer than other shades of green, they tend to be more expensive as well.

Another factor that affects price is clarity: The clearer an emerald is (meaning it has less flaws), the more expensive it tends to be because it's considered more valuable by collectors and jewelers alike.

Does emerald have side effects?

Emerald green is a birthstone for the month of May, and the traditional gift for a 40th wedding anniversary.

How do you activate the emerald stone?

Emeralds are a precious stone that can be used to help people with their health and wellbeing. They are often found in Brazil and Zambia, but they're also located in other parts of the world.

Emeralds have been around since ancient times, and they were prized by kings throughout history for their beauty and rarity. It's said that King Solomon had several emeralds set into his crown during his reign over Israel thousands of years ago. Emeralds today are still considered a symbol of wealth because they're so rare!

What energy does emerald have?

Emeralds are a variety of the mineral beryl and are colored by chromium, which gives them their characteristic green tint. They contain many healing properties that can help you in your day-to-day life. In ancient times, emeralds were considered to be sacred stones and were thought to bring good luck and prosperity to people who wore them.

Emerald is associated with the sun because it’s a bright green color; this makes sense when you consider what an emerald actually is: a pale green variety of beryl. More specifically, it’s a form of beryl with chromium as its coloring agent (which gives it its light green hue). In addition to being associated with the heart chakra—the center for love and compassion—emerald is also associated with water because of its fluidity, making it an excellent stone for calming emotions during periods of stress or anxiety.

How can you tell if an emerald is good quality?

Emeralds are a popular gemstone, and for good reason. They've been prized for centuries for their rich green hue, which is caused by iron atoms in the crystal structure of emeralds. Because of this, you'll want to make sure that your emerald is real before you purchase it. Luckily, there are some easy ways to tell whether or not your stone is authentic:

  • Check the certificate of authenticity. If your jeweler doesn't have one on hand (and they should), ask them if they know where it came from and when it was produced. If they don't know this information either, chances are pretty high that what he's selling as an "emerald" is actually just a piece of green glass!
  • Look at the certificate of origin. This document will tell you where exactly that stone came from—a good way to know whether or not its contents match up with its label!
  • See if there's a certificate of purity available somewhere; these certificates usually indicate how much copper has been mixed into each batch of colored gems so that people can see exactly what kind of quality they're getting before purchasing them outright from stores like Wal-Mart or Target--which isn't something most consumers want because then we'd have no idea what kind quality craftsmanship goes into making things like wedding rings."

What should I look for when buying an emerald?

When buying an emerald, it's important to pay attention to the following:

  • Look at the certificate. The certificate should show that the gemstone is a genuine specimen of beryl and that it has been cut correctly. It should also be accompanied by a GIA report (or another reputable laboratory), which will tell you more about its chemical composition, clarity, color intensity and other properties. If these are not present, walk away—you could be buying anything from an inexpensive piece of glass to a high-quality natural stone with no idea what you're actually getting!
  • Choose your dealer carefully. Make sure they have a good reputation and ask questions about where they get their gems from; reputable dealers won't hesitate to answer this question honestly because they want their customers happy with what they buy!
  • Be wary of too dark or too light stones; neither type should cost more than half the price of similar quality stones in either category but there are exceptions depending on where exactly those gems came from so make sure yours comes from somewhere decent before paying too much cash upfront (if possible).

Emerald Price

The price of emeralds varies greatly depending on the color and quality of the stone. The most highly valued emeralds are a deep, vibrant green and have very few inclusions that detract from the overall beauty of the stone. These types of gems can sell for thousands or even millions of dollars per carat. The most expensive emerald ever sold was a 535-carat specimen that went for $1 million per carat at auction!

How to Buy an Emerald

Buying an emerald can be a daunting task for the first-time buyer. To make sure you get what you pay for, here are some tips on how to buy an emerald:

  • Buy from a reputable dealer. Reputable dealers are those who have been in business for a long time and have many satisfied customers. They should also have a good return policy that allows you to exchange or return your item within 30 days of purchase if it does not meet your expectations.
  • Buy from a dealer with good reputation. Dealers with good reputations will hold themselves accountable for any problems that may arise during the course of business and make every effort possible to resolve them quickly and fairly. When looking at feedback on eBay or other online selling platforms, look for reviews featuring words like "honest," "fair," and "professional."
  • Buy certified stones if possible; avoid uncertified stones altogether as they may contain synthetics—which would mean they're much cheaper than real emeralds!

Where to Buy Emeralds

India is the biggest producer of emeralds in the world. So if you're looking for a place to buy your stone, India is a good place to start. Dubai also produces a large amount of emeralds and they have been known as one of the top places on earth to purchase them from. If you live in America, then there are many different places where you can buy your stone such as New York City or Los Angeles but some people prefer buying their stones online instead since it's cheaper (and sometimes better quality) than what's offered locally. In the UK there are several options available but most people choose London because it has everything anyone could want when shopping for jewelry including stalls selling fine jewellery on Oxford Street as well as high end stores like Harrods that sell all sorts from designer clothes  to diamonds rings! Canada has some excellent sites offering great deals on everything from earrings  to necklaces .

Emerald stone price in tanishq

Emerald is a very special gemstone. It has been a favorite of the royalty and aristocracy for centuries, for its beauty and its rarity. The emerald is one of the most valuable precious stones, with prices that can reach millions of dollars per carat. Emeralds are mined in Colombia, Brazil, Russia and Zambia; they are also found in Kashmir (India) and in Pakistan's Swat valley (along with aquamarine).

Emeralds have been known to mankind since ancient times; however their exact age remains unknown. In fact some historians believe that emeralds were first discovered by Alexander the Great while he was conquering India around 326 BC.*

Emerald stone in hindi

Emerald is a form of beryl, it is the green variety of beryl. It has a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale, which ranks it 8th in hardness among all known minerals. Emeralds are colored green by trace amounts of chromium and vanadium. Trace amounts of iron and manganese give the emerald its rich red undertones.

Emeralds are found at many localities in Africa (especially Zambia), Asia (including Afghanistan), Central and South America, Europe (particularly Ireland) and North America; Australia has also produced many fine specimens. Morocco has long been the main source of world supply; other important sources include India and Brazil

Emerald stones benefits:

1- Emerald stone energy is very strong.2- Emerald stone love energy will give you more freedom from the relationship with your partner.3- Emerald stone business growth will help you achieve success faster than ever before possible!4- Emerald stone wealth will bring prosperity into your life!

Emerald stone in urdu

  • Emraan Hashmi has been a part of the industry for almost 25 years now and has worked with some of the finest directors in Bollywood. The actor, who started his career with Anubhav Sinha's 'Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar' (1990) and went on to feature in hits like 'Ki & Ka', 'Bheja Fry 2' and more recently, 'Raabta', will soon be seen playing an alcoholic character in an upcoming film titled "Earth".
  • The actor began drinking when he was 19 years old out of frustration due to his lack of work. He says that because he had no money at that point of time, he decided to drink himself into oblivion but later realised how much damage it did to his career as well as health.
  • Emraan says that apart from being an alcoholic himself during those days, he also used drugs like marijuana regularly which ultimately led him down a slippery slope.

Real Emeralds Wholesale

If you are looking for real emeralds wholesale, then you've come to the right place. Our team of professionals is ready to help you find exactly what you want, whether it be loose gems or finished jewelry. We work with some of the leading manufacturers in the industry and have access to a wide range of products at affordable prices. We also offer fair prices for our customers who purchase direct from us instead of buying from multiple wholesalers before reselling them on their own websites or stores. These savings translate into lower retail costs for consumers which gives everyone an opportunity to take advantage of an exceptional value when shopping at Emeralds-03!

Loose Emeralds Online

Emeralds are a type of stone that has been used for various purposes throughout history. They have long been considered to be valuable, as they have been known to be extremely rare. Emeralds can range in color from bright green to slightly blue-green and even brownish green.

Emeralds are often mistaken for other stones such as the peridot, which is an olive-green colored stone with its own unique properties that make it special and valuable. However, there are some differences between these two stones that will help you determine whether or not what you're looking at is truly an emerald.

Buy Emerald Online

  • Emerald Rings
  • Emerald Necklaces
  • Emerald Earrings
  • Emerald Bracelets
  • Emerald Pendants


Emerald is a green variety of beryl. It's one of the most popular stones on earth, with demand for emeralds being so high that many are sold as "imitation" or "simulated" stones instead of real ones. For example, at one time 80 percent of all emeralds sold in the U.S were actually just colored glass!

If you are looking for a beautiful and affordable way to buy emeralds, then the right place. We have a wide range of emeralds at reasonable rates. To know more about our products, contact us @info@chakraorgonite.com


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