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Tourmaline: Meaning, Healing Properties and Powers

October 18, 2022



Tourmaline is a crystal that has been used for thousands of years, and it's known for its wide-ranging healing properties. The meaning of tourmaline crystals varies depending on the color, but they are all powerful stones that can help you achieve your goals. Tourmaline crystals are also known as the "stone of transformation," and they're often used to promote positive energy and balance within yourself. In this article we'll explore some of the best uses for tourmaline crystals, including how to cleanse them and what colors mean what things.





Most commonly black, but can range from colorless to brown, red, orange, 
yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, or hues in between; can be bi-colored, 
or even tri-colored; rarely can be neon green or electric blue






non translucent


(Ca,K,Na )(Al,Fe,Li,Mg,Mn)3(Al,Cr,Fe,V)6



Root Chakra




Numbers 3 and 4


Brazil and many parts of Africa, including Tanzania, Nigeria, Kenya, Malawi, 

Madagascar, Mozambique and Namibia. Asia in Pakistan, Afghanistan, 
Indonesia, Sri Lanka




Physical vitality


Emotional stability


Repels and protects against negativity



Tourmaline is a birthstone for October, along with opal. 

Tourmaline is also the gem of the eighth anniversary.



What is Tourmaline?

Tourmaline is a mineral that naturally occurs in all different shapes, sizes and colors. Tourmaline comes in many different varieties, but it is mainly composed of aluminum, iron and magnesium silicates. It can also be found compounded with elements such as lithium, boron and sodium.

Tourmaline is most commonly found in igneous rocks like granite or rhyolite along with metamorphic rocks like schist or gneiss. It may also occur in sedimentary rocks such as coal or limestone if they were altered during the formation of these layers of rock.

Meaning Of Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a powerful stone that can be used to help you achieve your goals and dreams. It’s also very useful in protecting you from negative energy, which surrounds us on a daily basis.

The meaning of tourmaline is “A stone of transformation” because it helps to improve your life in many ways. This is especially true if you are going through any kind of transition or change in your life. It will give you the strength and motivation needed to deal with these changes successfully!

Tourmaline is also known as “The Stone Of Protection” because it protects its owner from negative energies such as envy and jealousy by clearing them away from their path! Just make sure not to leave one somewhere where someone else might stumble upon it accidentally (like in their house). The other person could then become jealous themselves because they want some of those good vibes for themselves too!

Properties Of Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a semi-precious stone, meaning it has value but isn’t as valuable as diamonds or rubies. It comes in many colors and patterns, which have different meanings and powers.

Tourmaline has been used for protection and healing since ancient times, but tourmaline’s healing properties are different depending on the color of tourmaline you wear or carry around with you. Tourmaline often comes with its own unique energy that may help protect against certain negative energies or vibrations in your environment. Tourmaline also helps clear out any negative energy from your body after being exposed to it over time. It can also allow you to feel more grounded when your life feels chaotic or stressful so that you can be better prepared for whatever might come next!

Metaphysical Properties

Tourmaline is a powerful stone that can be used to enhance your life. It's a stone of protection and healing, but it can also be used to help you get what you want. Tourmaline works well with the aura, chakras and meridians in the body. The color of this gemstone will vary depending on its composition. When tourmaline is blue, it helps clear mental blockages, soothe stress and anxiety while keeping away negative influences such as envy or jealousy. If your mind is cluttered with thoughts and emotions that are not serving you well at all time then this crystal will help clear these issues so that you can focus on what matters most in life like friendship or love relationships with others around us each day when walking through these streets outside our houses like homes themselves."

Varieties Of Tourmaline

There are many types of tourmaline, but the most common ones include:

  • Black Tourmaline (Schorl): This is the most common variety of tourmaline. It is black and opaque, with a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale. It's also known as "Schwarzstein," which means "black stone" in German. This variety is said to be protective, grounding and cleansing; it can help you release negative emotions such as anger or fear by helping you understand what triggered those feelings in the first place. Some people believe that wearing black tourmaline can help prevent electromagnetic waves from affecting your body negatively.

  • Green Tourmaline: The green color may appear transparent or translucent depending on how cloudy/transparent it is; this type has a hardness of 6-7 on the Mohs scale and is considered an alternative birthstone for April babies because it was discovered around 1792 by Brazilian jewelers who noticed their emerald-green quartz crystals had similar properties as emeralds did - so they started using them as substitutes! Wearing green tourmaline helps promote peace of mind when making important decisions because it helps reduce tension within our bodies; some people use this stone for protection against negative energies like psychic attacks since its energy feels more soothing than other types like black or blue ones (which tend towards being more aggressive).

Benefits Of Using Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a powerful stone that can be used to help you manifest your desires. Here are some of the benefits of using tourmaline:

  • Protection and healing

Tourmalines have been associated with protection, both physical and emotional. They are believed to block negative energy and balance chakras.

  • Emotional healing

The energy of tourmaline is said to help clear out negative emotions such as anger, fear, depression, jealousy and resentment. This can help you let go of past hurts so you can move forward in your life happily without being weighed down by these emotions from the past.

  • Physical healing

Tourmalines are supposed to have healing properties for both physical ailments such as arthritis or back pain as well as mental issues like stress, anxiety or depression."

How Best To Use Tourmaline

When it comes to using tourmaline, there are many different ways you can use it. Here are some of the most popular ways:

  • Meditation

  • Healing

  • Protection

  • Love and relationships

  • Wealth and abundance (money)

  • Success, career, business success

  • Creativity, communication skills

  • Self-awareness and emotional healing

Powers Of Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a powerful stone that can help you with many aspects of your life. It’s believed to be one of the most empowering stones, because it can help you attract wealth and abundance, it can help you in love, it can help you with your career and it can even help when it comes to your health.

Tourmaline has been used as a healing stone for thousands of years. The word tourmaline actually comes from a Sinhalese word meaning “mixed stones” which refers to the fact that they come in many different colors and patterns. The most common colors are pink, blue and green but there are also black tourmalines available as well as ones with an iridescent appearance called peacock ore or peacock crystals.

Emotional Healing Powers

Tourmaline is a great stone for emotional healing. It helps to remove negative emotions and replace them with positive ones. It is also a good stone to use for meditation and prayer. It helps you to connect with the Divine and receive guidance from the Angels.

Physical Healing Powers

Tourmaline is a hard, brittle mineral that is generally found in igneous and metamorphic rocks. It comes in a variety of colors, but it's most commonly green or black.

Tourmaline is said to have many healing properties and powers. It may help with the following ailments:

  • Arthritis

  • Stress

  • Fatigue

In addition to these physical ailments, tourmaline can also be used for treating skin disorders such as acne or psoriasis; depression; anxiety; insomnia; rheumatism (a painful disorder of joints); gout (a condition caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood); tuberculosis; and diabetes mellitus.

Tourmaline And Wealth

Tourmaline can help you attract wealth. It is a powerful manifestation stone that can bring about an increase in success and prosperity. Tourmaline also attracts abundance in all areas of your life: career, relationships, finances and health.

Tourmaline helps you manifest the life that you dream about by attracting prosperity, abundance and success into your life.

When we think of wealth we often think about money but there are other forms of wealth that can be equally important - spiritual, mental and emotional wealth!

Tourmaline For Love And Relationships

Tourmaline is believed to be a stone of love, relationships and passion. If you are trying to enhance your existing relationship or attract a new one, this crystal may be useful for you.

In addition to being known as the “stone of love”, tourmaline can also be used for protection from negative energies and entities. It is thought that wearing or carrying tourmaline in particular colors can help protect against specific kinds of energy or negativity associated with those colors. For example, red tourmaline is thought to protect the wearer from sexual predators while green tourmaline protects against envy and other types of jealousy.

Chakras And Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a powerful healing stone. It helps with the third eye chakra, which is also called the brow or intuitive chakra. This chakra is located between your eyebrows and it controls your psychic abilities such as clairvoyance and clairsentience.

The third eye chakra also connects you to your higher self, allowing you to receive messages from above through your intuition and inner voice.

Best Crystals To Combine And Use With Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a great crystal to use in combination with other crystals. Here are some examples of crystals that would make an excellent pair:

  • Amethyst (Transformation)

  • Malachite (Grounding)

  • Apatite (Spiritual Growth)

  • Citrine (Success & Abundance)

You can also combine tourmaline with gemstones and essential oils. For example, try using rose quartz along with your tourmaline--the pink hue of rose quartz will blend beautifully with the green hue of your tourmaline, creating a beautiful balance between feminine energy and masculine energy! To activate this blend even further, place them both under sunlight for 15 minutes each day. You may also want to add some frankincense essential oil onto the stones before placing them under sunlight. This will help amplify their healing properties as well as making them more powerful!

Wearing Tourmaline

To get the most out of tourmaline, you can wear it in jewelry. This is a great way to access the energy of this crystal throughout your day. You can also use tourmaline in a crystal grid or elixir by placing it on your body as a pendant, or by making an elixir with the stone and drinking it.

Tourmaline at Home and Office

Tourmaline is a stone that you can use at home and in the office, as it brings vibrant energy to both places. It's best if you place it on a shelf, desk or dresser so that everyone can see its beauty. If you don't have enough space for a shelf, place it near your bed so that it can help you sleep better at night.

If you want to create more harmony in your life then place tourmaline next to other crystals such as quartz or amethyst for maximum effect!

Tourmaline Jewelry

Wearing tourmaline jewelry is a great way to utilize the healing properties of this gem. Tourmaline is known for its ability to help balance emotions and enhance creativity, making it an ideal stone for artists who need inspiration or people who are feeling down in the dumps. The energy of tourmaline can help you open up your mind to new ideas and ways of thinking, making it an excellent choice for those who want to learn something new or try something different.

You may have heard that certain types of stones should not be worn together because they will cancel each other out; however, this isn't true in all cases. In fact, wearing multiple pieces made from the same type of stone can actually strengthen their powers! For example: if you wear a necklace made from rose quartz with earrings made from amethyst (both quartz stones), then both necklaces and earrings will work together to bring greater balance into your life! It's also possible that wearing multiple pieces from different types might cancel each other out; however if one piece has been used for divination purposes already then chances are good it'll still work even when paired with another piece so long as no negative energy was attached during manufacture."

Meditation with Tourmaline

Tourmaline is a powerful healing stone that can help you make the most of your meditation time.

In addition to its meditative benefits, tourmaline also promotes balance in the body and mind by strengthening our chakras (energy centers). If you're looking for a new tool to aid your meditation practice, tourmaline may be just what you need!

First, let's look at how tourmaline can improve your meditation sessions. It has been said that holding a piece of this crystal while meditating will add extra energy and clarity to the experience. You can also use it during specific types of meditations like chakra balancing or spiritual growth rituals—more on those later!

Next, let's take a look at how using this crystal can benefit you as an overall wellness enthusiast:

Tourmaline Chakra Crystal Combinations

Tourmaline can be used to help with the following:

  • The Crown Chakra (7th) is located at the top of your head and it's associated with wisdom, spiritual enlightenment, learning, respect for others and self-esteem. When this chakra is open you are able to see things from a more universal perspective and understand the connections between yourself, other people and all living things. You will also feel as if you have a better understanding of who you really are on a deeper level. When this chakra is blocked off it could cause feelings of isolation or disassociation from others as well as confusion about what your purpose in life actually is. Tourmaline can help with opening up this energy center so that one becomes more focused on themselves without having their energies drained by others around them time after time again."

Other Crystal Combinations

Tourmaline can be used with a number of crystals for different purposes. Tourmaline is often combined with bloodstone, which boosts its healing properties. Jade and agate are also good partners for tourmaline, boosting its metaphysical and physical properties respectively.

If you're looking to enhance the energy of your tourmalines, consider combining them with tiger's eye or blue lace agate (which enhances the power of the sun). Alternatively, if you want to use your tourmalines in order to promote lucid dreaming or astral travel during sleep, try combining them with black onyx or moonstone.

Cleansing And Charging Tourmaline

Cleansing and charging are two different processes. Cleansing removes negative energy, while charging brings positive energy. The cleansing process should be done before the charging process, which is best done in sunlight or under a full moon. Some people cleanse their crystals by placing them in salt water overnight and then rinse them with fresh water the following morning; others use sage smudging smoke or a damp cloth to cleanse their crystals. Many people choose to soak their crystals in sea salt water for a few minutes or longer. It's important not to overdo it when cleansing your stones because they may crack if left submerged too long or exposed to too much moisture.

Tourmaline Birthstone and Zodiac Sign

Tourmaline is the birthstone for October, and it's also a zodiac sign. In fact, Tourmaline is the zodiac sign for Sagittarius.

Tourmaline is full of healing and protective energy that can help you attract abundance, ward off negative energies and purify your aura!

Tourmaline In Legends And History

In the ancient world, tourmaline was thought to be a gemstone that could bring luck and ward off evil spirits. The name itself has its roots in Sinhalese—a language spoken in Sri Lanka—where it means “mixed colors.” Tourmaline was first discovered in Sri Lanka and was known as "Sri Lankan Stone." The first documented use of tourmaline dates back to the 7th century B.C., when an Egyptian physician named Ahmes wrote about using this beautiful stone for healing purposes (1).

In 1822, French mineralogist Pierre-Joseph Bonard gave tourmaline its official name when he noticed its different colors under specific light sources (2). Today it's known as one of the most colorful stones on earth; however, we still don't know if there are other types out there waiting to be discovered!

Where to Buy Tourmaline

To purchase tourmaline jewelry, crystals or necklaces, you can visit any local metaphysical store or online retailers such as Amazon. The cost of each piece will vary depending on the size and style you want.

For those who like to shop at brick-and-mortar stores, there are plenty of places that sell beautiful pieces of tourmaline jewelry in a wide range of styles. You may also be able to find some items at your local mall's shopping center or even your favorite department store!

Final Thoughts On The Power Of Tourmaline

If you are looking to enhance your overall health, it would be a great idea to purchase some tourmaline. Tourmaline is a powerful crystal that can help you to clear out negative energies and emotions. It's also very protective, which means that it can provide the kind of safety and security that you need in order to feel safe from harm.

The next time that you're thinking about purchasing tourmaline for yourself or for someone else, make sure that you do some research first. There are many different types of tourmaline stones available on the market today, so it's important that you take the time needed in order to find one that suits your needs perfectly.


Tourmaline is truly a gemstone with a lot of power, and it’s no wonder that it has been used for centuries as an amulet for protection. It can be used for many purposes and can help you achieve whatever goals you may have in mind. 

Maybe you can know some top questions about Tourmaline <>


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