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Turquoise Guide

October 30, 2022



Turquoise is a gemstone that is greenish-blue in color. There are several varieties of turquoise, but all of them have the same basic appearance and chemical makeup. Turquoise gets its name from the French word for Turkey, where it was first discovered. The Native Americans were believed to be the first people to wear turquoise as jewelry because they thought it had mystical healing powers.

COLOR: Turquoise, blue, blue-green, green
CHAKRAS: Throat Chakra
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces
LOCATION: Sri Lanka, Australia, South Africa
EMOTIONAL CONDITIONS: Develops inner strength and calm, stabilizing mood swings, prevent 
panic attacks, promotes self-realization, relieves stress, and dispels negative energy.
SPIRITUAL PURPOSES: Increases inactive psychic abilities, boosts intuition, and brings wisdom, and insights. 
Smooths communication between the physical and the spiritual realms.
Turquoise is the traditional birthstone for the month of December 
and the gem of the 11th anniversary.


What is Turquoise?

Turquoise is one of the oldest gemstones. It has been used for thousands of years by people around the world. The word "turquoise" comes from the French word “turquoiser” which means to resemble something Turkish or Persian (and not because it was thought that turkeys came from Turkey).

Turquoise comes in a wide range of colors, but most turquoise you see today is blue-green or greenish-blue. It's also found in shades of brown and white, but these are quite rare and therefore more valuable than their bluer counterparts.

Turquoise can be found everywhere from Australia to Tibet and even in some parts of America such as Nevada!

Meaning Of Turquoise

Turquoise is a stone of protection and purification. It is also believed to help you connect with your inner self and guide you on your path to spiritual growth.

The meaning of turquoise varies depending on its color, but it can symbolize many things including hope, happiness, good fortune and wisdom. Turquoise has been used as a talisman against evil since ancient times because it was believed to protect the wearer from harm in all forms (physical, mental or emotional).

Properties Of Turquoise

Turquoise is a stone that is associated with the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra is about communication, truth and honesty. Turquoise helps you to speak your truth and it also helps you to hear the truth from others.

This makes turquoise an ideal stone for someone who needs encouragement in their communication efforts, or for anyone who suffers from shyness or insecurity when it comes to speaking up for themselves. It can help you overcome fears around speaking on behalf of yourself or others as well as boosting self-esteem and confidence when addressing others directly.

Turquoise Physical Properties

Turquoise is a hydrated copper aluminum phosphate mineral. It belongs to the class of minerals called phosphate minerals. Turquoise has been used for thousands of years in jewelry making and other art forms. In modern times, turquoise has become popular once again because of its beautiful color, which ranges from muted greenish-blue to deep blue with black flecks or matrix patterning. Turquoise can be found in many parts of the world including Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and California; China; Tibet and Siberia; Morocco; South America (Peru); Central Asia (Kazakhstan); Australia; Madagascar; and Namibia.

Turquoise is a stone of the earth element and symbolizes protection from harm as well as balance between body mind spirit connections . It enhances communication skills helps one express ones feelings more clearly . It also helps one develop trust issues by helping you build healthy relationships..

Metaphysical Properties

Turquoise is a symbol of the sky and the earth, as well as water, air and earth. It's considered an excellent stone for balancing your chakras (the seven points on your body that relate to different elements), which in turn helps you connect with yourself better.

Varieties Of Turquoise

Turquoise is a blue-green mineral found in the mountains of the southwestern United States, Iran, and Tibet. Turquoise is a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminium with more than one traditional color name (azurite or malachite). It may contain small particles that give it a matrix like appearance.

Turquoise can be cut into cabochons for jewelry making or into beads for stringing together on necklaces. In addition to having different physical properties depending on where it is mined, turquoise also has different shades of color depending on how it has been treated (or not) after being mined. If you have any questions about turqouise or would like some advice on buying good quality turqouise please feel free to contact us by email at info@turqouiseguide.com

Using Turquoise

Turquoise is the stone of the adventure, and it's well known for its ability to attract money. If you're looking to attract love, or if you're already in a relationship but want a boost in the romance department, turquoise can help with that too! It's also great for healing, protection and spiritual growth. So whether you're single or attached, feeling depressed or just want some extra cash in your pocket...turquoise is your friend!

Benefits Of Using Turquoise

Turquoise is a stone of protection and it is used to dispel negative energy. It helps to bring inner peace, calmness and balance. It is also used for good luck, prosperity and abundance. Turquoise promotes fertility in men; it will help them conceive children if they are having issues with infertility or if they want to have more children than they already do! In addition to all these great benefits, turquoise also brings about calmness during stressful times or when dealing with difficult situations!

That's right—you can use turquoise as a tool for meditation! Meditating with turquoise will help you feel more relaxed while also allowing your mind to be clear so that you can focus on the task at hand (whatever that may be). Meditation is an important part of life because it allows us some time away from our daily grinds so that we can recharge our batteries before jumping back into action again tomorrow morning."

Uses Turquoise in Feng Shui

Turquoise is a wonderful stone to use in your home or office.

  • Turquoise is associated with wealth and prosperity, and it’s no wonder why. This vibrant blue stone has been used as currency in the past, which makes it an excellent reminder of the large amount of money you have coming in each month.

  • Turquoise can help you attract new opportunities and relationships into your life by helping you feel more open and receptive to new people. If there’s someone special that you’d like to meet, placing turquoise near their photograph will help bring them closer!

  • Turquoise can also be used to enhance health by promoting good sleep habits or healing depression caused by anxiety or stress. You could even place a small piece of turquoise under your pillowcase at night for these purposes!

How Best To Use Turquoise

The best way to use turquoise is in a way that makes YOU feel good. The key to using this stone is to tap into its energy and get in touch with your own. Use Turquoise if you want to create a positive energy field around yourself, or if you want to help yourself feel happy and confident, or more connected with nature. It's all about what works for YOU!

Powers Of Turquoise

Turquoise has a number of powers that make it a very useful stone to have on hand. It is a stone of protection, courage and healing. It helps to balance the body's energy centers, bringing calmness and peace to the psyche. Turquoise is one of the most powerful stones for grounding negative energies and protecting you from harm.

It can also be used for healing burns, skin problems like eczema or psoriasis and wounds that have not healed properly due to lack of blood supply in the area.

In addition to these physical manifestations, turquoise can help ward off negative thoughts which are a major cause of mental health issues such as depression or anxiety disorders like obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). It also promotes inner strength so if you're feeling down about something or just want some extra confidence then this stone may be just what you need!

Emotional Healing Powers

Turquoise is a stone associated with emotional healing. It can help you release the negative emotions that block your ability to experience your full potential.

Emotional healing is about letting go of the past and moving forward into the present moment without being stuck in a state of resentment or self-blame, feelings that trap us in an endless cycle of sadness and depression. Turquoise helps you let go by creating a sense of peace within yourself, so you no longer feel weighed down by negative thoughts or emotions like shame, guilt or anger.

When we understand how our physical bodies work on an energetic level, we can begin to see how our emotional health plays into our physical state as well—and vice versa. The body needs certain nutrients just like food does: if it doesn't receive these essential supplements (like sleep), then disease will ensue; similarly with energy patterns—if they aren't properly balanced through meditation practices like yoga & qi gong then mental illness results from the imbalance between mind/body/spirit balance due to lack of grounding oneself into reality through taking care of oneself daily at least once per week via some form(s) meditation practice(s).

Physical Healing Powers

Turquoise is a stone of the Throat Chakra, so it helps you speak the truth. Its energy is associated with the color blue and water. It’s a stone of protection, communication and self-expression.

In terms of physical healing powers, turquoise is thought to balance all chakras. It also works well as a detoxification agent that can help remove toxins from your body when worn as jewelry or placed on an acupuncture point near a weakened immune system.* Turquoise has been used by Native Americans for centuries in ceremonies to connect with nature.*

Turquoise has long been known as one of the best stones for protection against negative vibrations from others (such as those who may be jealous or envious). This is because turquoise represents communication between people; therefore wearing this stone will allow you to feel more comfortable saying what's really on your mind--even in situations where others might try their hand at manipulation or deception.*

Turquoise And Wealth

Turquoise has a long history of being associated with wealth and abundance. It was prized by the Aztecs and Mayans, who considered it a symbol of power and prosperity, as well as by Native Americans who used it in their jewelry.

In particular, turquoise is believed to be able to attract money and success into your life through positive energy vibrations. This makes sense when you consider that the real stone comes from mines located in the mountains of western United States and southwestern South America, areas which have historically been known for rich mineral deposits.

Turquoise can also help those who are feeling stuck in their careers or who are struggling financially make some changes so they can get ahead financially. The stone is said to help people better understand their own financial situations, so you can use this knowledge in order to make better choices about what type of job would suit you best or how much money you want out of life (and how quickly).

Turquoise For Love And Relationships

Turquoise is one of the most powerful stones for enhancing relationships, love and friendship. It will help you to attract the right person in your life and assist you in maintaining a good relationship with your partner or loved ones.

This stone promotes fidelity and commitment, making it an excellent gift for weddings or anniversaries. It can also be used to calm any arguments that may arise in a relationship, bringing a sense of peace instead.

If you're looking to strengthen friendships at work or school this stone has been known to bring people together who otherwise wouldn't have spoken before! You'll find yourself feeling more secure around others after wearing turquoise jewelry because it gives you confidence when meeting new people which makes them warm up towards you more easily too!

Chakras And Turquoise

The turquoise chakra is located in the throat. The color of turquoise is associated with this chakra, and it's associated with communication as well as expression. This can be used to improve your creativity when you're writing, painting or singing.

The fifth element that is associated with this chakra is ether, which has many physical properties including sound waves and light waves (the only two things we know of that travel faster than light). The etheric body links us energetically to all other forms of energy and matter on earth; it also links us to our guides in spirit who help us learn lessons through life experiences.

If there are any blockages in your throat center, it may cause you trouble speaking up for yourself or expressing yourself clearly when communicating with others--especially if there's someone else involved who wants things their way! You might notice that this happens when talking about something important after having a big argument about something small beforehand--it can feel like nothing gets said properly because everything feels so awkward afterwards!

Best Crystals To Combine And Use With Turquoise

There are many ways to use turquoise, but the best way is to combine it with other crystals. You can cleanse and charge your crystals by placing them in warm water and then hanging them over an open flame for a few minutes.

When choosing which stones should go together, consider the properties of each stone. For example, ruby has a very high energy level so it's good for increasing energy during meditation or other pastimes where you might feel stressed out or anxious about something that needs attention (like getting ready for work). If you're trying to reduce stress levels from being overwhelmed by life's demands on you day-to-day basis then try pairing turquoise with citrine because this stone helps release negative emotions like anger or frustration when placed near one another in an area where both need healing from these feelings."

Wearing Turquoise

If you’re looking to attract good luck or ward off bad juju, turquoise is the stone for you. It also connects you with the earth and sky, allowing you to feel more grounded while connecting with your higher self.

The easiest way to incorporate turquoise into your everyday outfits is by wearing it as jewelry such as a pendant or bracelet. The sky-blue color of this gemstone will complement almost any outfit (even simple ones).

Turquoise at Home and Office

Turquoise is a great color for creating a peaceful environment. It can also help heal your mind and body, as it has been used in this way for centuries. You can use turquoise to bring positive energy into your home or office, especially if you live in an area that gets very cold during the winter months. If you have any rooms that need healing, like bedrooms or living rooms that are not being used often, using turquoise will help them to feel more open and inviting.

Turquoise Jewelry

As a popular stone, turquoise has many uses and is a popular choice for jewelry. Whether you're looking for an affordable pair of earrings or an extravagant necklace, there's something out there for everyone! Here are some tips for buying turquoise jewelry:

  • Turquoise is often dyed to highlight its color, so it's important that you know what kind of turquoise you're buying. The most common type of dye used on this gemstone is cobalt blue, but other colors are available as well if that's what you prefer.

  • Turquoise comes in different sizes and shapes depending on where it was mined—the size and shape will affect how much your piece costs! For example: a 2" square piece might cost less than an 8" round one since they require different amounts of material to make them (and thus require more time spent mining). If possible try out several different styles before committing so that way when it comes down to actually purchasing one thing won't feel overwhelming because now all these options seem like 'must haves' instead just one option among many choices which should give consumers peace-of-mind knowing no matter what happens next week with their finances they still have options left open."

Meditation with Turquoise

Turquoise has been used for meditation and relaxation since ancient times. It can help you to connect with your higher self, allowing you to open up the mind and allow more spiritual energy into the body. This makes it an excellent stone for improving sleep quality, reducing stress levels, or even just helping you stay focused on a task at hand.

In addition to its benefits on the physical level, turquoise is also thought to have some pretty significant effects on mental health as well. Some studies have shown that meditation with turquoise can reduce symptoms of depression in as little as 12 weeks!

Turquoise Chakra Crystal Combinations

Turquoise is an excellent crystal to use when working with the third chakra, or solar plexus. It helps balance the energy of this center and support you in making decisions that are best for your well-being. Turquoise also works well with other stones for cleansing and healing purposes.

A great combination is turquoise with amethyst to help remove negative energy from a room or house, especially if you live in an area where there are frequent electromagnetic fields (EMFs). For example, if you work near electrical equipment such as computers or appliances like microwaves or dryers that produce high levels of EMFs, place one small piece of amethyst on each side of your head while working at your desk and then change their position every few hours so they are not just one place all day long. This will ensure a balanced flow of chi through these areas throughout the day while also protecting against harmful radiation emitted by electronic devices such as cell phones (especially those held up next to our heads!).

Other combinations include rose quartz (for emotional healing)

Other Crystal Combinations

Turquoise and Agate

In addition to pairing well with turquoise, agate is also a great stone for clearing negativity. It can be used as a calming stone when you’re stressed out or worried, and is often used as an aid in meditation. Agate restores balance to the body by encouraging growth in the mind, body and spirit. Turquoise and agate are both believed to promote creative thinking, so they make a great combination when you’re trying to come up with new ideas or solve problems!

Turquoise and Amethyst

Amethyst is known as "the soberer of emotions" because it helps balance emotions while promoting positive thought patterns that lead toward success. Turquoise was once worn by Native Americans in Mexico as protection against negative energy during spiritual ceremonies—amethyst promotes similar effects when worn today! This combination can help bring peace into your life when things get stressful at work or home so that you maintain your sanity throughout all life's ups-and-downs. By wearing this crystal combination together with amethyst jewelry pieces like necklaces or bracelets (or even painting some turquoise onto an amethyst sculpture), you'll have extra protection from negative energy coming from other people who don't understand what you're going through."

Cleansing And Charging Turquoise


Cleansing is the process of removing negative energy from a stone. You can cleanse your turquoise by using any number of methods, but here are the most common:

  • Water - Simply submerge your stone in water for 24 hours and then dry it off. This method is recommended if you want to cleanse multiple stones at once or if you're not sure what kind of cleansing ritual would be best for your individual piece.

  • Salt - Add about two tablespoons of salt to a bowl filled with lukewarm water (but don't let it boil), then submerge your stone(s) in this solution for 24 hours before drying them off thoroughly and storing them somewhere safe once again.

  • Fire - Hold an incense candle near the center point on top or bottom surface of each stone until there's smoke rising up from both ends; repeat as needed until all visible signs have been removed successfully (you may need several sessions). Then pat down any ash remaining with soft cloth before putting away into storage container tightly closed after drying thoroughly first."

Turquoise Birthstone and Zodiac Sign

Turquoise is the birthstone for December. The word turquoise comes from the French word for Turkey, which was once a major source of this gemstone. Turquoise is also the zodiac sign for Aquarius, as well as being a stone of the earth element (along with amethyst and jade). It's a protective stone that brings luck and good fortune to those who wear it.

As far as chakras go, turquoise works best with your crown chakra (the chakra on top of your head). At this level, you can connect with higher powers and have vivid dreams or lucid dreams; it'll also help you remember things in general better.

Turquoise In Legends And History

Turquoise has been used in jewelry and other artifacts since ancient times. It's one of the oldest known gemstones, with evidence of turquoise use dating back 6,000 years. The most ancient evidence of turquoise use is as a pigment in pottery from Iran that dates back to 5500 BC, but it was also used as ornamental stone carvings, amulets and talismans by many societies during this time period.

Turquoise has always had a special significance in Native American cultures because they believe it is sacred. In Egyptian culture, the sky god often appears holding a turquoise rod or staff - this was meant to symbolize his power over water which Egyptians believed turquoise could control (as far back as 3200 BC). Turquoise was also thought by some cultures to prevent illness or cure fever caused by evil spirits entering your body through the nose; thus making it useful for masks or headdresses worn during ceremonies related to this belief system!

In Persia, turquoise was the de facto national stone for millennia, extensively used to decorate objects (from turbans to bridles), mosques, and other important buildings both inside and out,[citation needed] such as the Medresseh-i Shah Husein Mosque of Isfahan. The Persian style and use of turquoise was later brought to India following the establishment of the Mughal Empire there, its influence seen in high purity gold jewellery (together with ruby and diamond) and in such buildings as the Taj Mahal. Persian turquoise was often engraved with devotional words in Arabic script which was then inlaid with gold.

Cabochons of imported turquoise, along with coral, was (and still is) used extensively in the silver and gold jewellery of Tibet and Mongolia, where a greener hue is said to be preferred. Most of the pieces made today, with turquoise usually roughly polished into irregular cabochons set simply in silver, are meant for inexpensive export to Western markets and are probably not accurate representations of the original style.

The Ancient Egyptian use of turquoise stretches back as far as the First Dynasty and possibly earlier; however, probably the most well-known pieces incorporating the gem are those recovered from Tutankhamun's tomb, most notably the Pharaoh's iconic burial mask which was liberally inlaid with the stone. It also adorned rings and great sweeping necklaces called pectorals. Set in gold, the gem was fashioned into beads, used as inlay, and often carved in a scarab motif, accompanied by carnelian, lapis lazuli, and in later pieces, coloured glass. Turquoise, associated with the goddess Hathor, was so liked by the Ancient Egyptians that it became (arguably[clarification needed]) the first gemstone to be imitated, the fair structure created by an artificial glazed ceramic product known as faience.

——by Wikipedia

Where to Buy Turquoise

Turquoise is a soft stone, so it's best to buy it in a jewelry store. You can find turquoise at many different stores and on the internet, but the quality of the stone will vary depending on where you purchase it.

If you are looking for an authentic piece of turquoise jewelry then we recommend visiting an establishment that specializes in turquoise products such as Native American arts and crafts stores or your local Native American community center.

Final Thoughts On The Power Of Turquoise

Turquoise is a powerful stone that can be used to heal and protect. It is a stone of transformation and change, allowing you to see the bigger picture. It is also a stone of physical healing, which can help with many ailments.

In addition to its many metaphysical properties, turquoise has been proven to have anti-inflammatory effects on the body (especially for those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis). This makes it an excellent choice for those suffering from arthritis or other inflammatory conditions!

Turquoise jewelry is known as one of the oldest forms of adornment in history; it was worn by royalty throughout Egypt and Persia during ancient times because it symbolized purity, serenity and tranquility -- all things we want our lives filled with! Wear it today as your reminder that life should be filled with peace at every turn!

Turquoise Faqs


Turquoise is a popular gemstone that has been in use for thousands of years. It was used by ancient civilizations as an amulet to protect against evil spirits and disease. Today, turquoise remains popular with people from all walks of life due to its beautiful blue coloration and unique patterns formed by natural forces over millions of years.

What is the spiritual meaning of a turquoise?

Turquoise is a stone of protection, balance, harmony and communication. It also encourages truthfulness in communication.

What healing properties does turquoise have?

Turquoise is a stone of the throat chakra, which means it helps you to speak your truth and communicate effectively. Turquoise can also help with self-expression, as it aids in balancing emotions that come from within and without.

Additionally, this stone has a long history of being used for protection against negative energy. In fact, some Native American tribes believed that wearing turquoise would protect them from harm.

What is special about turquoise?

Turquoise is a blue-green mineral that is made of copper and aluminum. It can be found in a variety of colors, including green, blue and white. Turquoise has been used for thousands of years as jewelry and art, due to its beautiful color.

There are many different ways to wear turquoise jewelry: you can wear it alone or mix it with other stones like pearls or diamonds—or even just wear one turquoise ring on the middle finger of your right hand!

What does turquoise mean in the Bible?

Turquoise is a symbol of the power of healing and protection. It also represents purification, truth and honesty, wisdom and knowledge.

Turquoise has long been used for its mystical powers to protect people from evil spirits as well as giving them courage during difficult times or dangerous situations.

What kind of rock is turquoise found in?

Turquoise is found in a variety of rock formations, such as sandstones and shales. In the United States, turquoise has been mined in Arizona, California, Colorado and Nevada. Turquoise is usually found in desert areas that have water nearby. The Southwest United States has many mines that supply turquoise to be processed for jewelry making.

Is turquoise rarer than diamonds?

Turquoise is actually quite rare, but it's also more durable than diamonds. It can be found in a range of colors from pale yellow to greenish blue; the most valuable turquoise gemstones are richly colored, with saturated hues and vivid sheens. Turquoise is also much cheaper than diamonds—you may be surprised that even though a diamond costs more per carat, you'll pay less overall for a piece of turquoise jewelry than for similar-sized diamond jewelry!

This makes turquoise an excellent choice for those shopping on a budget. You can find beautiful pieces at affordable prices no matter what your budget is like: whether you're looking to spend less than $100 or up to $1 million (or more), we have options that will fit your needs and match your style preferences perfectly!

What is the rarest color of turquoise?

The rarest color of turquoise is blue. Blue is the most popular color of turquoise, and it's also the most common. Green is less common than blue but still quite a bit more commonly found than blue-green, which can be extremely rare.

What are the benefits of wearing turquoise?

Turquoise is a stone of protection and healing, so wearing it can help protect you from the negative energies that surround you. It’s also said to bring good luck, especially in business matters. In addition to these benefits, turquoise is believed by many Native American cultures to help people see things as they really are (and not as they want them to be) and find their inner self.

Is turquoise a precious stone?

No, turquoise is not a precious stone. It is, however, considered to be semi-precious (a term used to describe gemstones with less value than diamonds or rubies). This means that it is somewhat rare and expensive compared to other types of stones.

  • Turquoise has been used since ancient times as an adornment for jewelry and craftwork, but its availability has fluctuated throughout history.

  • Today, turquoise is found primarily in Southwestern United States where it is mined from deposits located in Nevada and Arizona.

Is turquoise real or synthetic?

Turquoise is a natural stone, which means that it's not manmade in any way. Turquoise stones are mined from the earth and then polished for use in jewelry.

Synthetic turquoise, on the other hand, is made from resin (as opposed to turquoise gemstones). Synthetic turquoise can be dyed to produce blue or green shades of stone that aren't found naturally in nature. Some companies will dye natural stones with dyes as well as synthetic stones. These days there isn't much difference between these two types of turquoise; they both look similar when worn as jewelry.

Natural turquoise comes in many different shades of blue and green; some are darker than others with more brown tones while others appear lighter with more grayish or grayish green hues present within them.

What energy does turquoise have?

Turquoise is a stone of protection and tranquility. It is also said to bring friendship, love, hope, good fortune and healing. In addition to all the wonderful things turquoise does for you emotionally and physically, it also has a calming effect on the mind which helps one focus better when studying or working on projects.

Can I use Turquoise for Meditation and Yoga?

Turquoise is a wonderful stone for meditation, yoga and healing. It helps to balance the chakras, especially the heart chakra. The energy from this stone can help to calm your mind so that you can focus on your breathing and clear thoughts during meditation sessions. In addition to being great for calming anxiety or panic attacks during yoga practice, turquoise also helps heal injuries like sprained ankles or broken bones more quickly than usual because it has soothing properties that help reduce soreness after injury occurs.

Most people associate turquoise with protection due to its color; however this is not always true! Turquoise actually protects against negative energy while emitting positive vibes out into the world around them--so they are not only protected themselves but also provide protection to those around them when they wear pieces of jewelry made from this gemstone material!

Can I Get Turquoise As A Bracelet?

Yes, you can definitely get a turquoise bracelet. Turquoise is one of the oldest gemstones used in jewelry and has been treasured by many civilizations. There are many different types of turquoise, but they all share some common properties that make them so popular: they're beautiful and have a unique color palette.

How do you tell if your turquoise is real? The first step is to look at the color: natural turquoise will appear more blue than green (although there are exceptions). If it looks too yellow/orangey or brownish-gray, then it's likely dyed material or something else entirely (see below). Another thing to check is whether there are any bubbles in the stone—this means it’s fake! If the stone looks smooth without any noticeable flaws or bubbles, then congratulations! You just found your perfect piece of jewelry for everyday wear or gifts for friends and family members who love this gemstone as much as you do.

Cost wise… well...it depends on where in the world you live! But generally speaking: Turquoise prices range from $1 per gram ($10/carat) all the way up into hundreds per carat depending on quality factors like cut/shape etc.). A typical starter size would cost somewhere between 10-25$ USD depending on quality factors such as cut shape etc.). Prices go down significantly when buying larger pieces such as bracelets that weigh several pounds each due to reduced overhead costs associated with handling large volumes instead individually sized stones."

Who should wear turquoise stone?

Turquoise is a stone of the heart chakra. It can be worn by all people, but is especially good for people who need to be more in touch with their feelings and emotions.

Can turquoise get wet?

First off, a little about turquoise. Turquoise is a porous stone that can absorb liquids and chemicals, so it's not waterproof. It's also not very scratch-resistant, so when you're wearing your piece of turquoise jewelry, don't go into battle against an angry T-Rex (or anything else with teeth!). Turquoise can be cleaned with soap and water or softly scrubbed with a soft cloth. Do not use harsh chemicals on your jewelry!

Can I wear turquoise necklace everyday?

Yes, you can wear turquoise necklaces every day. Turquoise is a hard stone that can withstand everyday wear and tear. It also has many protective and healing properties, making it an ideal stone for daily use. In fact, wearing turquoise is thought to protect against negative energy and bring good luck or fortune to the wearer. Additionally, turquoise may be helpful in protecting against the evil eye (and other types of curses).

What does turquoise symbolize?

Turquoise symbolizes good luck, healing, protection and friendship.

In the Native American tradition, turquoise is regarded as a guardian stone which protects them from harm. The color of turquoise has been used for centuries to bring about peace and tranquility between two people or groups.

It's also been known to be used as an aid when exploring new ideas or opportunities in life.

Should you wear turquoise everyday?

Turquoise is a very natural stone. It can be worn everyday and it's not expensive. Turquoise is a mineral, not a crystal or stone. Turquoise stones are mined from mines in the United States and Mexico, as well as other countries around the world. There's no real rock that you need to know about when it comes to turquoise because there's no special way of getting them out of their place (unlike diamonds for example).

Is it OK to sleep with turquoise on?

Yes! It's totally fine to sleep with turquoise on. Turquoise is not a crystal or stone, it's a mineral. Crystals and stones are organic materials that occur naturally in the earth, whereas minerals are inorganic compounds that form as solid matter from non-living sources. Turquoise is a good luck charm too! So go ahead and wear your piece of turquoise jewelry at night and see if you can't get yourself some extra luck while you're sleeping!

How can you tell if it's real turquoise?

There are a few things to look for when examining turquoise. The color is a good indicator of whether or not it's real: if it's bright blue, then it's probably fake. However, if the stone is more of a greyish greenish blue, then it could be real! Also look at the cut—if it's perfectly smooth with no jagged edges and no visible seams in between layers, then you know that some sort of machine must have been involved in its creation. This would mean that it probably isn't genuine turquoise at all!

You should also take note of how heavy your stone feels; this will help determine how much value your product has. If yours feels too light compared to other stones around yours (or even ones that aren't anywhere near yours), this may indicate that they are using cheaper materials—such as plastic instead of metal—to make their products seem higher quality than they actually are. Finally: check out where exactly these stones come from; if there isn't any information available about where they were mined (or worse yet if there were multiple countries listed as potential origins), this probably means something shady has happened during production and distribution which could lead consumers down dangerous paths in terms of their health (and even worse!).

Is turquoise a crystal or stone?

Turquoise is not a crystal, but it is a stone. It's also not a mineral or gemstone—it's more like a precious stone, but with less value than the more expensive types of precious stones like diamonds and rubies.

Why is Turquiose expensive?

Turquoise is a rare gemstone, semi-precious stone, and mineral. It is the most popular gemstone in the world. Turquoise is a blue-green stone that comes from different parts of the globe. The most expensive turquoises are from Iran and Tibet. The color of this stunning stone ranges from light blue to dark green with some shades having brown or black undertones.

Where should I wear my turquoise ring?

With its healing properties and natural beauty, turquoise is a great stone to wear at all times. But if you're wondering which fingers are best for wearing turquoise rings or other pieces of jewelry, keep in mind the following:

  • The thumb is the best finger to wear a turquoise ring on because it's represented by Jupiter, the planet of luck and good fortune. The thumb also has the most energy in your body—so it's ideal for grounding that luck into your life! If you can't wear a ring on your thumb (if it's too small), try putting it on your index finger instead.

  • If you don't have enough room for both fingers, choose whichever one feels more comfortable—either way is fine!

What are the side effects of wearing turquoise?

  • Skin discoloration. This is a common side effect of wearing turquoise, especially if the stone is not pure. The color can fade or change to a darker hue over time, which isn't necessarily a bad thing for those who want to look more tan or olive in complexion. But if you don't like that change, it's important to be careful about how often and how long you wear your turquoise jewelry.

  • Headaches and rashes. These are rarer side effects than skin discoloration but still possible for some people who wear it too much or in contact with the skin for too long (such as through earrings). For example, if your ears are sensitive to metal and cause them itching or other discomfort when wearing earrings, then try choosing natural stones instead of metal ones so that they don't get irritated by scratching around on your earlobes all day long!

What is the cost of turquoise?

You will find turquoise at all kinds of prices, which can be intimidating if you don't know what to look for or how much it will cost. The value of a stone is based on its color, clarity and size. The more intense the color and clarity, the higher-end the stone becomes.

For example: A one-carat stone that's very light in color with poor clarity may only cost $100 while a five carat piece with rich blue tones and no visible flaws could run into the thousands!

The price also depends on where you buy your turquoise from—your local jeweler may charge more than an online retailer because they're able to buy wholesale from wholesalers who pay less for their inventory than retailers do.


Turquoise is a beautiful gemstone that comes in many different colors. It has been used as jewelry for thousands of years because it's so beautiful and rare. Turquoise is also known as a healing stone because it can help people who are sick or injured feel better faster than other types of stones might do. The color of turquoise can vary from dark blue-green to light green depending on where it was mined from, but all types have similar properties that make them valuable for spiritualists who want something more than just another piece of jewelry!

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