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Tanzanite Guide

October 27, 2022



Tanzanite is a gemstone that was first discovered in 1967 by a Tanzanian prospector. It has quickly become one of the most popular gemstones on the market, and it's easy to see why. The stone has a stunning blue color that can range from light teal to deep ocean blue depending on the type of tanzanite you buy. Because it's relatively new to the market, not much is known about its metaphysical powers or how best to use them.

COLOR: Royal blue, Violet blue to bluish violet to violet purple
TRANSPARENCY: Half-translucent
CHAKRAS: Throat Chakra and Third eye Chakra
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius, Capricorn
LOCATION: Tanzania
PHYSICAL CONDITIONS: Help you manifest your desires and focus your mind.
EMOTIONAL CONDITIONS: Tanzanite will strengthen your communication abilities.
SPIRITUAL PURPOSES: Help you look at yourself more honestly without judgement. 

Tanzanite is a birthstone for December, along with zircon, turquoise, and blue topaz. 
Tanzanite is also the gem for a 24th anniversary.

What is Tanzanite?

Tanzanite is a gemstone that’s made up of blue zoisite, a type of rock that was formed millions of years ago. It’s known as the “people’s gemstone,” because it was discovered in Tanzania by miners who did not know what they had found. Tanzanite has become an alternative birthstone for December since 2005, replacing turquoise.

Tanzanite is also sometimes called “zambian blue tourmaline.” This name comes from its place of origin: The mines are in Zambia (formerly Northern Rhodesia), but the stone itself has no relation to this country other than being mined there; it's more accurate to consider tanzanites "Tanzanian."

Meaning Of Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a blue-violet variety of the mineral Zoisite. It was discovered in 1967 in Tanzania, where it is still mined today.

Tanzanite is the only gemstone that is mined in Africa and has become one of the most popular gemstones on earth.

Properties Of Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a blue-to-purple stone, which is found in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. It is a variety of the mineral Zoisite. Tanzanite was discovered in 1967, and it was not recognized as an official birthstone until 2002.

Since its discovery, tanzanite has become one of the most popular gemstones on earth—people love it for its beautiful color, unique shape and remarkable durability.

Tanzanite Physical Properties

Tanzanite is a blue-violet variety of the mineral zoisite, discovered in Tanzania in 1967. The name "tanzanite" comes from the location where it was first discovered: Mount Kilimanjaro (known as "Kilima Njaro" in Swahili). Tanzanite has become known as a rare and valuable gemstone. It is not as popular as diamonds or rubies, but still has many fans who love its vibrant colors and unique appearance.

Metaphysical Properties

Tanzanite is a stone of transformation. It enhances one's ability to see things with fresh eyes, as well as improving one's emotional and spiritual outlook.

It is also said to be a stone of the heart chakra, helping one open their heart to love and experience a deeper connection with others. The crown chakra can be opened through wearing tanzanite jewelry or by meditating with the stone in hand.

Varieties Of Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a rare blue gemstone that comes from the Merelani Hills in northern Tanzania. It was discovered in 1967, and Tanzanite is a variety of the mineral zoisite. The color of tanzanite varies from pure blue to purplish-blue and violet. The more violet shades are generally referred to as "pigeon's blood" or "violet." Tanzanites occur in all colors except red and pink, which are known as "fancy red" varieties of sapphire or ruby, respectively

Using Tanzanite

Tanzanite can be used to enhance your creativity.

Tanzanite can help boost your confidence.

Tanzanite can be used to help you relax and sleep better.

It also helps reduce stress and anxiety, making it an excellent stone for those who suffer from these conditions, as well as for anyone else who would like to feel less stressed out by the daily grind or high-pressure situations at work.

Benefits Of Using Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a great stone for meditation. It helps you to connect with the divine and to see things in a new light. As such, it's an excellent stone for spiritual growth.

Tanzanite is also good for love and relationships, as well as wealth. The energy of tanzanite promotes a sense of well-being, clarity and balance in your personal life (and let’s face it—that makes more money).

In addition to its spiritual powers, tanzanite can help you physically heal from illness or injury by building up your immune system and helping you recover from illness faster than normal. It promotes healing from physical wounds or injuries by encouraging them to close quickly so that they do not become infected with bacteria or pathogens that could cause further harm or make recovery much harder than necessary!

Tanzanite has also been shown in studies at Harvard Medical School  to be effective against depression according to some patients who reported feeling happier after using this gemstone regularly over time without any negative side effects whatsoever! This is why many people choose not only because of its beautiful purple color but also because it helps them feel better about themselves when they look into their own eyes--making them more confident about themselves overall which often leads towards success both professionally as well as emotionally."

Uses Tanzanite in Feng Shui

Tanzanite can be used in Feng Shui to attract love, wealth and health. It is also associated with having a successful career.

  • Southeast: Tanzanite should be placed in the southeast direction of your home or office to attract love and romance into your life. If you are looking for a soul mate, this direction will make it happen. You may want to place two pieces of tanzanite together if you want a long-lasting relationship. This direction is also good for business success because it corresponds with the element Metal which represents ambition, hard work, intelligence and creativity.

  • Southwest: The southwest corner is one of the most important areas in the house because it strengthens relationships between people from different generations such as your parents, grandparents or children; family members who live far away but still care about each other (elders); friends who travel often between cities; friends who live nearby but don't see one another often due to busy schedules; neighbors who come over every day at 5 pm just when everyone else gets home from work/school etc...The southwest corner also helps bring balance into relationships where there isn't any right now such as between spouses or parents/children

How Best To Use Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a beautiful gem that comes in a variety of colors, but it is most often a blue-purple hue. This is what makes tanzanite so special—it's not just another pretty stone; it's an extraordinary one.

When you have your piece of tanzanite set in jewelry, there are many ways to wear it. Tanzanite rings and necklaces are popular choices, but bracelets and earrings work well too! Or maybe you'd like to try something different with your tanzanite: cufflinks or pendants make great options for those who want to show off some flair while keeping things simple (and comfortable).

Powers Of Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a powerful stone that can help you to achieve your goals. It’s a gemstone that brings harmony and balance in your life, helping you to make decisions and follow through on them. It can also help you reach your full potential in both work and personal relationships, making this gemstone extremely valuable for anyone looking to improve their lives in the long-term.

Tanzanite develops within the earth over millions of years, initially as part of an igneous mineral before being eroded down by water until it transforms into its current form: deep blue crystals with an iridescent sheen that looks like oil floating atop water—hence its name (tanzanite means “blue stone”). These crystals are then mined from Tanzania's Merelani Hills region where they were first discovered in 1967 by geologist Hans Clemmensen while he was on vacation there with his wife Dorothy Clemmensen.

Emotional Healing Powers

Tanzanite is a stone of balance and harmony. It helps you to let go of negative emotions, see the positive in life, deal with grief and loss, move beyond anger, guilt and fear. Tanzanite also enhances self-esteem by absorbing your own negative energy to protect you from it.

It is a handy stone for those who feel like they're missing out on life; it encourages you not to limit yourself or settle for mediocrity just because things aren't going as well as you'd like right now—if there's something better out there waiting for you then take chances!

Physical Healing Powers

Tanzanite is used to treat a variety of ailments, including skin disorders and emotional issues.

Tanzanite is said to help treat skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema and acne. It can also be used to relieve stress and other emotional issues.

Tanzanite And Wealth

Tanzanite is known as the stone of prosperity and good fortune. It has been used for centuries to bring luck, abundance and wealth to the wearer. Some believe that tanzanite can be used to attract money and protect against financial loss. Others use it to improve business success. Tanzanite is also believed to help you find love by increasing your attractiveness and charisma when you wear it close to your heart or neckline in jewelry form.

Tanzanite has a Mohs hardness rating of 6 – 7 out of 10 on the hardness scale, which means it's relatively hard but still susceptible to scratches from everyday wear. If you're looking for something more durable than tanzanite but still want some color variety in your gemstones, consider these alternatives:

Tanzanite For Love And Relationships

Tanzanite is a stone associated with the heart chakra, which means it will help you connect to your emotions and encourage you to be open, honest, and loving. This is especially important for those who are in relationships or want to find love. If you're feeling insecure about your relationship or afraid of being vulnerable, tanzanite can help put those fears at ease by encouraging you to open up more and show how much you care about someone else.

Some people believe that tanzanite helps attract new love into your life as well! When worn as jewelry or placed near a sleeping area, it's believed that wearing this crystal might attract new romance into your life -- but we'll leave that decision up to you!

Chakras And Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a powerful stone for balancing the chakras. The word chakra means wheel, and refers to the energy centers in our body which correspond with different areas of our physical bodies, as well as with specific emotions and mental states. There are seven main chakra points — or energy centers — in the human body:

  • Sahasrara (crown) – This is the topmost point on your head. It’s associated with spiritual enlightenment, higher consciousness and peace of mind.

  • Ajna (third eye) – This is located between your eyebrows in front of your nose bridge. It’s associated with intuition and psychic abilities.

  • Vishuddha (throat) – Located just below your jaw line at the base of your neck, this center relates to communication skills (verbal/non-verbal), creativity and expansion of personal power through self-expression.* Anahata (heart) – This center is located near where you would expect it to be — around where your heart beats — but its connection goes deeper than that! It represents love, compassion and empathy for others; feelings that help us connect more deeply with ourselves as well as those close friends or family members who mean so much to us in life.* Manipura Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra – Below Anahata lies this third major point along our spine; from here outwards toward each leg corresponds one more quarter-turn rotation until they meet again at a total number eight turns around our torso

Best Crystals To Combine And Use With Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a great crystal to combine with other crystals. For example, if you are looking to achieve your goals in life and have a clear goal in mind, you can combine Tanzanite with the Amethyst or Rose Quartz crystals. Both of these crystals help to boost your confidence and self-esteem so that you can easily achieve your dreams.

If you would like to find out more about combining stones and which types work best together, check out our article on how to choose crystals for any purpose or situation here: [https://www.crystalgardennc.com/blogs/news/how-to-choose-crystals]

Wearing Tanzanite

Tanzanite, a rare gemstone from Tanzania, is a powerful stone that can be worn by both men and women. It is believed to open the heart chakra, allowing for greater self-love and compassion for others. Tanzanite also increases creativity and intuition, making it an excellent choice for artists or people who work in creative fields.

Tanzanite at Home and Office

Tanzanite is a great stone for meditation and divination. It can be used to help you find answers when you are looking for direction in your life, or it can help you to connect with the spirit world. Tanzanite is also good for people who experience stress, because it helps them relax and take things easy. If you are clairvoyant or clairsentient then tanzanite will enhance your abilities further by helping clear away any blockages that may be holding them back from doing what they want with their gifts.

Tanzanite Jewelry

Tanzanite is a beautiful gemstone that can be used to make jewelry. This makes tanzanite jewelry popular among many people. Tanzanite jewelry is available in many different styles and cuts, including pendants, rings, earrings and bracelets.

Tanzanite is mined only in the country of Tanzania, Africa so it’s called Tanzanite because it was discovered there in 1967 by two miners named Ludwig and David Merensky who were searching for Zoisite but instead found a new mineral during their exploration. It wasn’t until 1990 when Tiffany & co launched their first collection of Tanzanite jewelry which made them a popular choice for many people all over the world today!

Meditation with Tanzanite

Meditation is a ritualized practice of focusing your mind on something for an extended period of time. It’s commonly associated with religious or spiritual practices, but meditation can be used to achieve any goal, including relaxation and stress reduction. The most common form of meditation is mindfulness meditation in which you focus on your breathing while sitting quietly with your eyes closed. You repeat this process over and over again until it becomes easier each time—this is known as becoming “laser-focused” or being able to concentrate on one thought or action without being distracted by other thoughts or feelings that may be occurring simultaneously.

Benefits Of Meditation:

  • Increased happiness and wellbeing (studies have shown that people who meditate regularly are less likely to feel depressed)

  • Improved memory (the brain strengthens connections between neurons during the process)

Tanzanite Chakra Crystal Combinations

As a chakra crystal, tanzanite is a great companion stone for all chakras. It can be used with any other crystals you are working with and will enhance their healing properties. Additionally, it can be used by itself on the third eye to help you make decisions or solve problems.

Tanzanite helps us to understand our feelings better so that we can make sense of them and develop healthy ways of dealing with them.

Other Crystal Combinations

  • Tanzanite and Rose Quartz: This combination is a soulmate energy, so you can use it to attract your soulmate. It helps to heal the heart and enhance self-love.

  • Tanzanite and Moonstone:  This combination is good for new beginnings. Moonstone helps to balance emotions, which makes it perfect for someone who is going through any kind of transition in their life (like quitting a job or moving).

  • Tanzanite and Sapphire:  This combination works well with the third eye chakra because both stones are blue in color! The sapphire will help you connect with your intuition while tanzanite helps you see into the future more clearly. Together these two crystals can help increase psychic abilities like clairvoyance/intuition or telepathy/mediumship abilities!

  • Tanzanite and Amethyst:  Amethyst is known as a stone that brings peace & calmness when working through an issue by releasing negative energy into one's aura while at the same time raising vibrations within oneself making it easier to manifest what they desire out of life while allowing them space in order not only themselves but those around him/her feel safe too! This pairing creates an environment where one can feel confident knowing they'll always be supported no matter what happens during their time together on earth."

Cleansing And Charging Tanzanite

The first step in cleansing and charging any crystal or piece of jewelry is to set it on a clean, soft cloth. Gently pour purified water over the crystal or piece of jewelry until it's completely covered. Then, hold the stone with both hands and visualize white light flowing from your heart chakra into the stone and filling it up with energy. As you do this, let go of any negative emotions that you may be holding onto (anger, resentment, sadness) by saying out loud: "I release all negative energy from this item." Repeat this process three times while focusing on sending love through your hands into the stone each time: one downward motion for releasing negativity; two upward motions for charging with positive energy; and one final downward motion before placing it somewhere safe so that it can continue to absorb more healing vibrations.

Afterwards, leave your item alone until morning when you will come back in an hour or two to check if there are any changes in its appearance. If there aren't any noticeable alterations yet but after removing whatever was covering them up earlier when cleaning/charging took place like jewelry box covers etc - then simply repeat process again until noticeable changes occur (which should take only about 15 seconds tops!). Once finished though make sure not touch anything else since doing so could negate all previous efforts made towards cleansing/charging just completed which would render entire process useless thus wasting valuable time doing nothing at all!

Tanzanite Birthstone and Zodiac Sign

Tanzanite is the birthstone for December, making it a popular choice for people born in this month.

It's also the zodiac sign for Capricorn and Pisces.

Tanzanite In Legends And History

Tanzanite is a relatively new gemstone, discovered in 1967. Before that, it was thought to be an emerald by scientists who were unable to explain its unique color. It was eventually recognized as a separate kind of gemstone and named after Tanzania, the country where it was found.

Tanzanite is extremely rare: less than one tenth of one percent of all high-quality gemstones mined today are tanzanites! The only place on Earth where you can find this beautiful jewel is Merelani Hills in Tanzania, where miners have been working for decades to get at the precious stones below ground.

Where to Buy Tanzanite

Tanzanite is a rare gemstone that comes from Tanzania, Africa. The only place where tanzanite can be found in abundance is at the Merelani Mine in northern Tanzania. As a matter of fact, this mine accounts for about 70% of all tanzanite that has been mined worldwide. However, there are several other places outside of Tanzania where tanzanite can be found.

Tanzanites have also been discovered in Brazil, Zambia and Pakistan and these countries produce good quality stones but they are not as common as those from Merelani Mine in Tanzania.

If you are looking for an alternative source then it might be worth looking out for beautiful pieces as well as for their rarity value!

Final Thoughts On The Power Of Tanzanite

The power of tanzanite is beautiful and multifaceted. As a stone, it can help you on your spiritual journey by bringing you peace and tranquility. Tanzanite is also great for physical healing, emotional healing, and even wealth.

If you are looking to improve your life in any way by incorporating the power of tanzanite into it—whether it's through meditation or jewelry—I hope that my guide has been helpful to you!

Tanzanite Faqs

Is tanzanite really valuable?

Tanzanite is actually a rare gemstone, and its value is on par with diamonds. In fact, it's even more valuable than both blue sapphire and aquamarine! If you're looking for an affordable way to own a rare gemstone and know about the price of tanzanite vs diamond, then this article will be very useful for you.

There are many types of precious stones that are valued for their hardness or color: diamonds are among the hardest naturally occurring minerals; sapphire can only be scratched by corundum; amethysts have an intense purple color similar to that seen in (but different from) topaz; emeralds are green beryl gems often found in Brazil. However, tanzanite falls into its own category because it displays all these traits plus one other important characteristic: rarity! For example:

  • Tanzanites were first discovered by miners working near Mount Kilimanjaro around 1967-8 as they were excavating mountainside gullies looking for alluvial gold deposits thereabouts (and indeed were lucky enough at one point). They noticed something unusual about some rocks they'd found which turned out later upon examination under magnification lenses―those rocks happened not just contain gold but also had beautiful blue crystals embedded within them! These crystals would later become known as "tanzanites".

What is so special about tanzanite?

Tanzanite is a rare, beautiful gemstone that was first discovered in 1967 by the German geologist Hans Niedermayr. It is a variety of the mineral zoisite and only found in Tanzania, East Africa.

Because of its limited supply and scarcity, tanzanite has become highly prized around the world as an exquisite jewelry stone.

Is tanzanite rarer than diamonds?

Tanzanite is much rarer than diamonds. Tanzanite is only found in one place in the world, and that's why it's so valuable and expensive. There are many different types of tanzanite, so you have to make sure you're buying authentic stones when you buy them at a jeweler or online store.

If you're looking to purchase a ring like this, make sure it has the right certification (GIA or AGSL) and that they can show you where they got their stones from before purchasing. If they don't have any proof of authenticity, then chances are high that your item isn't 100% real!

Is tanzanite more expensive than diamonds?

Yes! Tanzanite is a rare gemstone, and its unique coloring makes it quite different from any other gemstones you've seen.

There are two ways to look at this question: first, what does tanzanite cost? Second, how does that compare with the value of diamonds?

How can I tell if tanzanite is real?

  • Look for a certificate of authenticity. Tanzanite is sold by dealers, jewelers and fine-jewelry stores around the world. If you purchase tanzanite from an authorized dealer, you can be sure that what you're buying is real.

  • Look at the shape of the stone. Authentic tanzanite has a round cut and deep blue color with no visible bubbles or flaws in its surface.

  • Look at the color of the stone: Real tanzanites are known for their intense blue colour when held up to light -- sometimes even appearing purple when removed from direct daylight and placed under artificial lighting conditions such as those found indoors during evening hours when one's eyes have adjusted to low levels of illumination after being outside all day long while on vacation etc...

  • Ask a professional if they think it looks like genuine tanzanite before buying anything online just because someone told them that there was no way anyone could tell whether something was fake or not without bringing it into store first (this hasn't been true since 2003). Or better yet, get advice from an expert before making any purchases online so they don't end up paying too much money just because they didn't know any better!

Can tanzanite be worn everyday?

Tanzanite is a very durable gemstone that can be worn every day, but there are a few restrictions on wearing it. Tanzanite should not be worn in the shower or swimming pool because the moisture may cause damage to the stone. Rain and snow will also cause damage to tanzanite jewelry; however, you can safely wear tanzanite jewelry when hiking or camping as long as you keep it dry.

Tanzanite is also very hard and will not scratch easily under normal circumstances. You can wear your tanzanite jewelry while working out at the gym without having to worry about damaging it! The same goes for gardening or doing housework—you don't have to take off your favorite necklace just because you decided to clean up after breakfast

Can tanzanite get wet?

Tanzanite is a gemstone and therefore cannot be damaged by water. It is, however, important to clean tanzanite jewelry regularly to prevent the buildup from grime or other substances on its surface.

Can you swim with tanzanite? Although tanzanite can withstand contact with water, it should not be worn when swimming or showering because water may get trapped inside the gemstone’s crevices and cause damage over time. Instead of wearing your tanzanite jewelry while swimming or showering, keep your pieces in an airtight container away from moisture until you are ready to wear them again.

What color tanzanite is most valuable?

Tanzanite's rarity makes it difficult to say whether one color is more valuable than another. With that said, the most valuable and sought after shades of tanzanite are blue-violet and purple. These two colors have a higher saturation and clarity than other hues, which gives them their high value.

Purple-pink is another highly sought after color because of its rarity. While this shade may not command as high a price as blue-violet or purple do, acquiring it can be just as satisfying for any collector!

Another variation on the blue-violet theme is red violet tanzinite, which comes in at number four on our list of favorites with orange coming in fifth place (and yellow being sixth).

Will tanzanite go up in value?

Yes, tanzanite is a rare gemstone. It comes in a few different colors and can be very expensive. While it is not as rare as diamonds or sapphires, it's still quite valuable. If you have a piece of tanzanite or are considering buying some, there are several things you should know about this stone to help protect yourself from fraud and make sure that your purchase is genuine.

Is tanzanite too soft for a ring?

Tanzanite is softer than sapphire and ruby; however, it's harder than diamond and emerald. If you want to wear a tanzanite ring everyday, it would be best to choose one that has been created with a stone setting that won't rub against your fingers or hands all day long. A prong setting allows the stone to sit high on top of the finger while protecting its sides from getting scratched or dented by everyday use.

If you are searching for more information about tanzanite properties and origins, refer to our page on Tanzanite Properties and Origins

How much tanzanite is left in the world?

This is a tricky question to answer. The answer depends on whom you ask and what source they're citing. If we take TanzaniteWorld as our source and apply their estimate of 1,500 tons, then there's about five years' worth of supply left in the world—but this number does not account for new sources or mines being discovered.

A more conservative estimate would be that there are two decades worth of supply left in the world; however, this assumes that no new sources or mines are found.

Tanzanite is found almost exclusively in Tanzania, so if any other country were able to find tanzanite deposits they would likely not be able to do so at a price point low enough for consumers outside of Tanzania to afford them.

Is Tanzanite man made?

Tanzanite is a natural gemstone, not a man-made one. However, tanzanite can be created in the laboratory by heat treating and irradiating zoisite (a type of feldspar) to produce synthetic gems that are chemically identical to the natural variety. These lab-created gems are also called "synthetic" or "manufactured." They may be treated with heat and/or chemicals to alter their appearance because they're not naturally blue; however, their chemical composition is still the same as natural tanzanite.

While some people prefer the look of lab-created tanzanites, others strongly prefer them over natural ones because they don't have flaws or imperfections typical of mined stones. If you're shopping for loose tanzanites, it's important to learn how these treatments affect its quality before making your purchase decision

How can you tell if Tanzanite is good quality?

In order to determine the quality of a Tanzanite gem, there are several factors you should look for:

  • Color. The most important feature of Tanzanite is its rich blue color. Look for large, vivid blue stones with few or no gray or brown tones. A good color grade should be "very strong" or better. Color grading is based on shades ranging from light blue to medium-dark blue; the more saturated and intense the color, the higher grade it will receive (see chart below).

  • Cut. When it comes to cuts, less is more! Tanzanites look best when they're cut in a rectangular shape with straight sides and corners that form an octagon; check out these pictures of some pretty stones below:

How can you tell the difference between Tanzanite and blue sapphire?

The first test is the most obvious, and the one we recommend beginners start with: pick up the stone and look at its color. Next, check how it looks under different lighting conditions. For example, if you're in a room with white walls and fluorescent lights, then bring it outside in direct sunlight or under an incandescent light bulb.

The second thing to consider is what kind of light you want to use when viewing these precious gems. If you're looking at them indoors on a sunny day—which is probably how most people will be buying their tanzanites—then make sure that your window shades aren't blocking out all of the natural light from entering your home or office space. The third thing we recommend doing before purchasing any gemstone (or any other item) online is checking out some photos of other people's pieces so that  you can see what they look like under varied lighting conditions as well as in different settings (e.g., rings).

What does tanzanite do for the body?

Tanzanite is an extremely rare gemstone that comes in a variety of colors. It was first discovered in Tanzania in 1967, and its discovery was so unexpected that it took some time for scientists to determine what it actually was. Today, tanzanite is known as one of the most valuable types of gems on Earth, as well as one of the most beautiful!

The history of tanzanite stretches back over 3 billion years. Before being discovered by humans, this stone existed deep within earth's crust—and now this vibrant blue crystal can be worn by us all!

Why is tanzanite cheaper than sapphire?

Tanzanite is a relatively new gemstone, and its lesser-known nature means that it isn't as common as sapphire. Sapphire is also more durable and has a higher hardness rating than tanzanite, which makes it more suitable for everyday wear. This can translate into less expensive prices for customers looking to purchase tanzanite jewelry or other goods.

Which is more valuable aquamarine or tanzanite?

It doesn't matter whether you're buying for a loved one or for yourself: if you want to get the most bang for your buck, aquamarine is the better investment. Aquamarine has been around longer than tanzanite and is still just as popular today. It's also available in more colors with varying degrees of saturation and tone.

This doesn't mean that tanzanite isn't valuable; it just means that aquamarine has been around longer, so there are more opportunities to buy it at an affordable price range (and therefore build up its value).

How much is AAA tanzanite per carat?

As you might have gathered from the title of this section, the most common question about tanzanite is "how much is it worth?" It's a good question and one that you'll want to know before buying any piece of jewelry containing AAA-quality tanzanite.

The answer depends on two things: how much weight the stone contains and what country it came from. If a piece of jewelry has ten grams worth of AAA-quality Tanzania tanzanites in it, then it's going to be more expensive than ten grams worth of AAA-quality Zambia tanzanites or India ones. Likewise, if all twenty carats were cut into one carat solitaires (which they are not), then those would be more expensive than twenty one carats cut into half carat stones (which they also aren't).

What can damage tanzanite?

Tanzanite is a durable gemstone and can withstand everyday wear, but there are some things you should avoid doing with it. The following activities will reduce the life of your tanzanite jewelry:

  • Don't wear your tanzanite in the shower or swimming pool. Tanzanite is rated at 6 to 7 on Mohs hardness scale. This means that it's harder than most other gemstones and therefore not likely to be scratched by everyday activity such as washing dishes or getting dressed. However, prolonged exposure to water may cause damage over time because water can seep into crevices and openings on the surface of your piece and leave microscopic scratches behind when dry again. To prevent this from happening, take off all jewelry before entering pools or running water baths (like when you're doing laundry). Also keep in mind that diamonds have been known to be damaged by sand from beaches in some cases! So wearing tanzanite while gardening might not be a good idea either!

  • Don't exercise with tanzanite pieces on (unless they're designed specifically for sports). When exercising vigorously such as running or lifting weights for long periods of time many bodily functions become elevated - one such function being perspiration which has been shown through scientific studies as being harmful towards precious metals like platinum which will eventually result in tarnishing if exposed continuously over an extended period of time without proper care given afterwards afterwards like cleaning them regularly with soap during showers etcetera."

Is tanzanite a lucky stone?

Tanzanite is a lucky stone. It combines the energies of the sun and moon, bringing balance and harmony. Tanzanite can help ground you, keeping you calm and centered. This stone of protection also provides a shield against negativity or energy drains. Because tanzanite is said to be able to heal both physical ailments as well as emotional wounds, it's often used in therapy sessions for those looking for guidance through difficult times like divorce or job loss. Finally, tanzanite's ability to transform negative energy into positive vibrations makes it an excellent choice when you're feeling stuck in a rut—or just need some fresh perspective on your life!

What energy is tanzanite?

Tanzanite has been considered a stone of transformation since its discovery. There are many different varieties of tanzanite, each with their own unique energy. Some stones have strong healing properties that can help you tap into your inner power and self-confidence. Others may help you communicate better with others or focus on what's important in life.

Tanzanite helps us to see ourselves more clearly so we can make changes in our lives at a pace that feels right for us—not too fast or too slow. It helps us to be present in the moment and not worry about the past or future. We can be comfortable being alone with our thoughts rather than feeling lonely when we're not busy doing something else."

Who can wear tanzanite?

Tanzanite is a great stone for anyone to wear. It is not usually recommended for people with very sensitive skin, but other than that, it's a great stone for those who are looking for a dash of color in their jewelry.

It's also quite versatile, so men can wear it as well as women. Tanzanite has been known to bring out the best in everyone who wears it!

Can I use Tanzanite for Meditation and Yoga?

Tanzanite is a wonderful stone to use for meditation, yoga and other spiritual practices.

Let's talk about how it can help with your practice.

  • It's healing and protective. Tanzanite is an excellent companion stone that can protect you from negative energy and promote healing on all levels of your being (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual). This makes it ideal for those who are practicing yoga or meditating regularly because it provides extra protection during these activities which often involve opening up the body chakras as well as the mind chakras.

  • Its calming properties are helpful in reducing anxiety while helping to maintain focus throughout all stages of a meditation practice - even if that means focusing on nothing but breathing! You may experience feelings of calmness after wearing tanzanite or holding one close while practicing yoga poses or taking a walk around the block; you'll notice this immediately after putting on jewelry made with tanzanite stones especially if they're set into silver pieces like pendants or bracelets since metal conducts heat better than plastic does so wearing jewelry made with both materials together will provide maximum benefits without having any adverse effects."

Can I Get Tanzanite As A Bracelet?

Yes, you can get Tanzanite as a bracelet. Tanzanite is a valuable stone and should be kept in a jewelry box when not being worn. When exposed to sunlight, it could lose its color or become damaged. It’s better to wear it as pendant because that way you don't have to worry about its care and maintenance at all times.

Can I use jewelry cleaner on tanzanite?

The short answer is no. Tanzanite should never be cleaned with harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners. This will cause damage to the stone and dull its color, which isn't what you want! A simple warm water rinse is all that's needed to clean your tanzanites after use. If possible avoid using steam cleaners on your gems as well; heat can affect their color and appearance as well.

A good rule of thumb when caring for any piece of jewelry is to always use a soft cloth when dusting, polishing or cleaning it. Never use anything abrasive like steel wool or other cloths that might scratch the surface of the gemstone.

Can you sleep with tanzanite?

You're probably not going to want to sleep with your tanzanite jewelry. Not because it's tacky, but because of its softness. Though the gem has a high hardness rating (7.5 on the Mohs scale), it can still be damaged by pressure and contact with other materials, such as a heavy blanket or pillowcase. If you really want to wear your tanzanite pendant at night, consider wearing it in an 18-inch chain necklace so that the pendant won't come into contact with any potentially damaging surfaces while you sleep. It might make sense to keep one of these necklaces around just in case something happens while traveling!

Is tanzanite more valuable than Amethyst?

Yes, tanzanite is more valuable than amethyst. It's also more rare and expensive than amethyst too. Tanzanite is a lucky stone that has many spiritual benefits. It helps you to feel positive and optimistic about life, as well as improving your imagination, memory, creativity and self-esteem.

Tanzanite is also a good stone for meditation because it allows you to relax deeply so that you can focus on your breathing for longer periods of time with less effort than usual.


We hope you enjoyed learning about tanzanite. We recommend that you get out there and start shopping for this beautiful gem today!

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