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Sapphire: Meanings, Properties and Benefits

October 19, 2022



Sapphire is the birthstone for September, and it is a symbol of purity, wisdom and strength. Sapphire has been used in jewelry since ancient times when it was ground into powder and mixed with wax to create a paste called "lapis lazuli." The word "sapphire" comes from the Latin word "sapphirus," which means blue. Sapphires are actually corundum crystals that have impurities such as iron oxide or titanium oxide giving them their color.



Blue, dark bule, pink, pink-orange, yellow, orange, green, brown, purple 

and violet hues. Every color but red.

TRANSPARENCY: Transparent to nearly opaque
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Aluminium oxide, Al2O3

Afghanistan, Australia, Myanmar / Burma, Cambodia, China, Colombia, 

India, Kenya, Laos, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, 

Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, United States, Vietnam

EMOTIONAL CONDITIONS: Boosts courage and self
SPIRITUAL PURPOSES: Help you in staying on a good spiritually
Sapphire is the birthstone for September.
The gem of the 5th and 45th anniversaries.

The Meaning Of Sapphire

Sapphire is a variety of corundum, one of the hardest minerals on Earth. It's a blue stone that can be found in many different shapes and sizes.

Sapphire has been used as a symbol of wisdom and truth since antiquity.

In fact, it was once believed that sapphires granted their owners protection from evil spirits and disease—and royalty wore them as a symbol of their wealth and power.

The Properties Of Sapphire

Sapphire is a stone of wisdom. It helps you to understand the truth and to see things with clarity. It also assists you in making decisions and strengthens your intuition.

Sapphire is a stone of the mind and intellect, allowing you to think clearly and concentrate on what’s important while blocking out distractions or anxiety. Sapphire helps you focus on solutions rather than problems, giving you the strength and courage needed to face life’s challenges head-on.

Sapphire boosts communication by connecting us with our own thoughts, which are often blocked by fear or doubt. It can also help us understand other people better by connecting with their emotions as well as their words – a very useful tool when trying to resolve conflicts peacefully!

As one of the most effective tools for dealing with negative emotions such as anger or frustration (which are often linked), Sapphire will remove any blocks that prevent us from feeling happiness within ourselves – something which everyone deserves!

Sapphire Physical Properties

Sapphire is a gemstone. It is usually blue in color, but it can also be black or white. Sapphire is the birthstone for September.

Sapphires are very hard and durable, making them extremely popular among jewelry makers and collectors. They can also be cut in a variety of shapes to suit different styles of jewelry pieces.

Metaphysical Properties

Sapphire is a stone of the mind and the emotions. It helps you to focus on your spiritual growth and assists in meditation. Sapphire is also used as a protection stone to keep away negative energies or visions, keeping us safe while sleeping or when traveling.

Sapphire is known as a stone of wisdom, truth and justice. It can help you understand the truth behind situations while also helping with decision making processes that require objectivity.

Varieties Of Sapphire

There are many varieties of sapphire. The most common color is blue, but you can also find pink, purple, yellow and green sapphires as well as orange and red sapphires.

Color-change sapphireParti sapphires

Pink sapphires


Star sapphire

Using Sapphire

Sapphire is a gemstone that has many healing properties. It can be used to help you in your quest to find your way in life, as well as being a great stone for staying grounded and calm. This makes it a great stone to have with you at all times, especially if you are going through some difficult times.

Sapphire can also be used for protection against negative energy or people who might try to hurt you emotionally or physically, so if you feel like someone is being abusive towards you, wearing sapphire can help protect against this energy and keep them from hurting you anymore than they already have

The Benefits Of Using Sapphire

Sapphire is known as the stone of sincerity, purity and trustworthiness. As a blue gemstone, it’s associated with the throat chakra and helps us speak our truth in order to create harmony in our relationships.

Sapphire can also be used for emotional healing by helping us confront our inner issues head-on. It’s said that wearing sapphire can help you deal with anger by making you less susceptible to other people's moods. In addition to this, sapphire is said to relieve stress and anxiety as well as promote spiritual growth.

This beautiful blue stone has also been used for physical healing purposes such as aiding digestion or easing headaches when placed on the forehead or temples respectively—both ailments related to an overactive mind! Sapphire is also thought to be calming for those who suffer from insomnia because it encourages restful sleep without inducing nightmares like some other gemstones do (such as black tourmaline).

How Best To Use Sapphire

While you may know that sapphires are a variety of the mineral corundum (along with rubies and emeralds), you might not know how to use them to their full potential.

While there are many ways in which you can use sapphires, there are a few specific uses that stand out:

  • Protection against negative energy or spirits

  • Healing of physical ailments, such as headaches or stomach aches

  • Helping you sleep better at night by calming your mind and body so that they can slow down and rest more easily.

  • Helping you focus on something important when doing tasks like studying or writing

The Powers Of Sapphire

  • Sapphire is a protective stone, protecting from negative energy and attracting good energy. It will also protect you from psychic attacks, so it is a good idea to wear this stone if you feel that someone may be trying to harm you in any way.

  • Sapphire is a stone of wisdom, helping you make wise decisions about your life and giving clarity when making choices. The color blue has been associated with knowledge since ancient times, so this makes sense as well!

  • Sapphire is also known as the "gemstone of truth" because it can reveal deception, lies or secrets that are otherwise hidden from others' eyes (even those who are lying or keeping secrets). It also protects against fraudulence by inspiring confidence within people who use them regularly—otherwise known as “self-confidence” :)!

  • Lastly but not leastly...Sapphire has been considered a symbol for prosperity for centuries because its deep blue color suggests wealth in many cultures around the world! Wearing one will bring financial success into your life through hard work rather than luck alone :)!

Sapphire Emotional Healing Powers

Sapphire is a stone that is known to be a powerful healer of emotional wounds. It helps you overcome fear, anxiety and anger so that you may move forward in life with confidence and happiness.

Sapphire is also said to help with depression and grief as it assists in letting go of the past while creating hope for the future. The benefits of Sapphire are often attributed to its power to restore balance within your mind and body, bringing peace, calmness, clarity and strength.

People who work with this crystal often report increased empathy for others (especially if they're working with Blue Sapphire). The energy from this crystal can help improve communication skills when working on relationships or friendships as well as helping one come up with better solutions throughout their day-to-day life!

Sapphire Physical Healing Powers

  • Helps with digestion.

  • Helps with the liver.

  • Helps with the lungs.

  • Helps with the heart.

  • Helps with the stomach, kidneys and spleen, intestines and pancreas.

Sapphire And Wealth

Sapphire is a stone of prosperity. It helps its wearer gain wealth, and it also attracts money. Keep one in your wallet, or carry it on you at all times. It can also be placed in the south area of the home or office to attract wealth into these areas as well. If you are looking for ways to bring more money into your life, make sure that sapphire finds its way into your daily routine!

Sapphire is often used in conjunction with other stones for wealth purposes as well; here are some examples:

  • Aventurine - This green quartz stone brings good luck, rainbows and sunshine! It's perfect for encouraging happiness while fostering good feelings towards money matters...

  • Citrine - This golden yellow variety of quartz will help boost confidence in abundance while increasing motivation towards financial pursuits...

Sapphire For Love And Relationships

Sapphire is a stone of love, the stone that helps you to find true love. It is a stone of fidelity and commitment.

Sapphire is also known as the “stone of peace” because it brings tranquility and harmony into your life, especially in relationships with others.

Remember: Traits like these are not permanent in a person, but they can be developed through the use of this wonderful gemstone!

Chakras And Sapphire

Sapphire is a stone of the Throat Chakra and Third Eye Chakra. It helps to open up communication and psychic abilities, as well as to enhance intuition and insight. Sapphire is also a stone of the Crown Chakra, which means that it helps you to understand your true self, your own divinity, and your connection with source energy. This makes it an excellent tool for meditating on spiritual matters or connecting with higher beings. The etheric chakra is another one that Sapphire can help with; this area is located just above our head, but below our astral form when we are dreaming or meditating in an out-of-body state.

The Best Crystals To Combine And Use With Sapphire

Sapphire is a great crystal to combine with other crystals. It can be combined with other stones to create a harmonious energy, create a specific purpose or even create a specific energetic outcome. Here are some of the best stones you should consider combining with Sapphire:

Sapphire Chakra Crystal Combinations

Sapphire is a very powerful stone and can be used in many different ways. It can help with emotional healing, spiritual insight, and physical ailments like arthritis and fibromyalgia.

Combine it with Amethyst to amplify your spiritual insights and wisdom at the Brow chakra.

Use Lapis Lazuli with Blue Sapphire at the Throat for enhanced confidence in speaking.

Green Sapphire can be used alongside Rose Quartz or Pink Kunzite to heal the Heart chakra.

It’s also a great stone to use with any chakra, as it helps you become more aware of how each one operates. You can wear this crystal on the body or place it in your environment to achieve maximum benefit.

Sapphire Other Crystal Combinations

Aquamarine: Sapphire and aquamarine are both stones that represent the sea. The two together create a sense of calmness and ease, helping you focus your energy on what matters most.

Sapphire and Moonstone: The energies of both these stones help you connect with your intuition, which can help guide you with decisions regarding love, relationships, career choices or any other important life decision.

Malachite: This stone is associated with luck and wealth—perfect for those who want to attract prosperity into their lives!

Opal: Opals are known for their ability to enhance intuition by connecting us with our inner mind (or “higher self”), but they also bring insights into our subconscious minds as well.

Cleansing And Charging Sapphire

Cleansing and charging are two ways to make your crystals more powerful. Cleansing removes negative energy from the crystal, which can help you feel better when you carry it with you. Charging infuses the crystal with positive energy so that it can work for you even more powerfully in healing or manifesting purposes.

Cleansing is recommended for all crystals, but not necessary if your crystal doesn't seem to need it (for example, if your amethyst has been in your pocket or displayed on a shelf). If you're unsure whether or not to cleanse a particular stone, check its Energy Field (see below)

Sapphire As A Birthstone

As the birthstone for September, sapphire is one of the most popular gemstones for rings and jewelry. It’s also the modern birthstone for those born in December.

Sapphires from around the world have different shades and color tones, which makes it easy to find a sapphire that suits your style. The most popular colors are blue, but there are also pinkish reds, greens and even black.

Sapphire In Legends And History

Sapphire is one of the oldest known gems, dating back to the Bronze Age. It was used as a talisman for protection against illness and evil, as well as a symbol of wisdom and purity.

Where to Buy Sapphire

How to Buy Sapphire

There are several ways to buy sapphire. You can either use a wholesale dealer or you can buy directly from a vendor. Wholesale dealers act as intermediaries between producers and buyers, so they are able to offer lower prices than if you bought directly from a single source. Vendors also have their benefits; some may have lower transaction costs than wholesalers, or they may give you special treatment for being a repeat customer. If you're looking for something specific, it's worth your time to ask around in both groups about it before making your decision about which one is right for your needs!

How To Spot A Good Vendor

When choosing where to buy from, there are certain things that make good vendors stand out from bad ones. For example: For example: Wholesale in Alibaba, Amazon Online Shopping.


We hope that this article has helped you learn more about the amazing power of sapphire. The stone is a powerful tool for healing and protection, and it can be used in many different ways. If you want to do some research on your own before purchasing one, there are many good resources online with information about how these crystals work and what they do best in their natural forms.

More Ideas About Sapphire

You must be having a number of questions about wear a sapphire, buying a sapphire jewelry and investment it. We compiled a list of 18 Most Asked Questions you should konw while you shopping for your dream sapphire . This list will help you to find out the main considerations in buying a natural sapphire and also will come in handy when communicating your requirements to your jeweller.

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