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Peridot Guide

October 16, 2022



Peridot is a gemstone that comes in many colors, including yellow, green, brown and peach. It's been mined since ancient times, but today it's especially popular among young women due to its association with youth and springtime. Peridot is also believed by some cultures to have healing properties that can help with physical ailments such as heart problems along with other issues like depression or anxiety.

What is Peridot?

Peridot is a gemstone that is a variety of olivine, it occurs in metamorphic rocks and typically has a green color. Peridot as it is known today was first mined in Egypt as early as 1500 B.C., where the ancient stone was used to make ornaments and other objects of beauty. Peridot has been associated with royalty throughout history, including Cleopatra who wore peridot on her finger while meeting her lover Mark Antony.

The zodiac sign Virgo (August 23–September 22) represents one who is analytical by nature; someone who believes strongly in organization and structure; someone who may come across as overly critical at times but only because they care deeply about others' welfare."

Peridot Meaning

Peridot is the birthstone for September, and has been known around the world for thousands of years. It's a type of gemstone called chalcedony that forms in volcanic rocks, including basalt and andesite. Peridots can be found in various colors due to having small amounts of iron oxide in their chemical makeup, which makes them greenish-yellow when pure.

Peridots may have been discovered as far back as 4500 BC by Egyptian civilizations who used them as seals on papyrus scrolls; however, it's not clear whether these were actually peridots or just another form of chalcedony at the time (this article explains more). Today they're known primarily as an ornamental stone used in jewelry making because they're durable enough to withstand everyday wear without losing their shine - making it an excellent choice if you're looking for something beyond diamonds!

Physical Healing Properties

Peridot is a powerful detoxifier, which makes it a good stone for the digestive system. It also strengthens the liver and gallbladder, making it an excellent tool for cleansing these organs.

Peridot is also helpful for skin issues such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. Its detoxifying properties help clear up many types of skin conditions.

In addition to its effectiveness on physical ailments related to digestion or skin conditions, peridot can be used to treat other health issues as well:

  • Liver/Gallbladder support: Peridot is connected with the liver and gallbladder meridian points in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In TCM terms, peridot works on “yang energy”—the male energy which gives us strength and vitality. Yang energy becomes depleted over time when our bodies are out of balance due to stress or poor diet choices; this depletes yin (female) energy which damages our internal organs over time causing disease states like high blood pressure or diabetes type II for example. By using tumbled stones that resonate with this frequency we can restore balance by restoring yang energy back into our body where it needs it most--at homeostasis!

Peridot Healing Properties

Peridot is a powerful healing stone that can help you with many issues. It is a great stone to use for healing the heart and emotional wounds, but it can also be used on the physical body and skin conditions.

Peridot Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

Peridot is a stone of the mind, heart and soul. It is a stone that promotes clarity of thought and enhances mental processes.

It can help us see spiritual truths at times when we are too close to our own emotions or the situation we find ourselves in, but it will not force us to do so if we are not ready.

Peridot helps us connect with our Higher Self on a level that allows us to make decisions based on what is right for all concerned instead of just what is right for one person.

With its ability to aid in seeing things as they truly are (not how we want them to be), Peridot assists us in releasing negative patterns, behaviors and situations while simultaneously bringing forward those things which will bring more joy into your life.


  • Peridot will help you to feel more positive about yourself, your life and the world around you.

  • It can help with mental clarity and focus, so that you can see things from a different perspective, which in turn helps you make better decisions for yourself.

  • Peridot can also help you feel more confident and motivated about what it is that needs to be done in order for things to work out well for everyone involved.


Peridot is a stone of healing, so it is a good stone to wear when you are ill. It can help with digestion and weight loss, as well as liver problems.

Peridot has been used to improve the eyesight and its properties are believed to be beneficial in cases of insomnia and restlessness.

It is said that wearing peridot will bring protection against sudden death or accidents by absorbing negative energy from the environment around you.


Peridot is a stone with spiritual healing properties that boosts the energy of the heart and third eye chakras. It's also known to help you balance your emotions, as well as clear trauma, bringing peace and calmness in your life.

Peridot is related to the element earth, which means it can bring balance between your body and mind by cleansing negative energy from both areas through its vibration. This can be very helpful in cases of depression or anxiety because they tend to affect our physical bodies more than we realize!

The color green has always been associated with nature; therefore all shades of green will have similar properties: renewal, growth, ecological awareness etc.. But there's something about peridot's bright green color that makes it stand out from others when you look at them side-by-side on display shelves. The most obvious explanation for this phenomenon could be related back again towards its associations with springtime; after all who doesn't want their homes looking fresh every day? Believe me when I say everyone does because no one likes clutter around them no matter how messy we think those things are ;)

Metaphysical Properties

Peridot is a powerful heart chakra stone, bringing balance and healing to the heart. It's also known as the "stone of manifestation", using its energy to bring your dreams into reality.

Wearing Peridot

  • Peridot is the birthstone for the month of September.

  • Peridot is the gemstone of September.

Peridot is a green variety of olivine, a mineral that occurs in igneous rocks. The color of peridot depends upon how iron-rich it is: most peridots contain between 20% and 40% iron (Fe2+). When this percentage is higher, it makes the stone darker green; when lower, lighter green or yellowish green.

Peridot at Home and Office

If you're looking for a stone to add to your desk, peridot could be the right one. It's considered a "stone of knowledge" and will help you focus and learn faster. This makes it a good choice for students or those at work who need to absorb information quickly, or anyone trying to improve their memory.

Peridots are also great for decorating your home or office because they're beautiful and affordable! If you have an eye for design and want to bring nature indoors with unique touches, then consider using peridot stones on display shelves in different areas of your home or office space. They'll add color without being too flashy—perfect for creating an elegant ambiance!

Peridot Jewelry

Peridot is a green variety of olivine, and its name comes from the Greek word for “olive”. The gem first appeared in the gem marketplace around 1840, but it has been used as a stone since ancient times.

Peridot was considered sacred to ancient Egyptians and known as “the gem of the sun” because of its bright green color. It is also known as chrysolite (meaning “golden stone”) or olivine; however, there are actually two distinct minerals called peridot—the other mineral is serpentine. Peridot is the more precious variety with a higher chromium content and richer green hue than serpentine.

Peridot can be found all over the world; however, most peridots come from Burma (Myanmar) or Arizona in the United States due to their large deposits on these continents. Smaller deposits have also been discovered in Sri Lanka; China; Tanzania; Kenya; Pakistan; Australia; Brazil; Mexico and Russia

Meditation with Peridot

If you want to use a crystal, ring, necklace or bracelet as an accessory while meditating and don't have one yet, you can purchase a peridot pendant or earring.

Peridot is the birthstone for August. If your birthday falls in this month then consider wearing a peridot ring on the 20th of August. This will greatly increase your energy level and help you focus during meditation time as well as balance all aspects of your life!

People and Relationships

The stone of green beauty, Peridot has long been associated with love and healing. It is a stone of the heart, carrying an energy that can allow you to feel your heart's true desires. It also is a stone of abundance, so if you need money or are looking for an opportunity to make more money (especially if you're in business), this is the perfect crystal for you.

Peridot has many different meanings depending on what kind of person or situation it's used on. For example:

  • If used on someone who needs help making friends or meeting new people, they will find it easier to open up and talk to others. This makes them more likeable by others as well!

  • If placed under your pillow at night when combined with other crystals such as blue lace agate then dreams about someone special will increase dramatically!

Peridot Crystal Therapies

Peridot is a stone of transformation and change. Peridot crystals have been used for centuries in spiritual healing, helping to clear the mind and restore balance to the body.

Peridot crystals have been used for centuries to aid in meditation because of their calming energy. If you use peridot crystals daily, it may take anywhere from three weeks to three months before you begin to see results—but once you start noticing them, they will be apparent!

The word Peridot comes from an Arabic word that means “gem that shines like fire” (peri=gem; dahat=shine). The name also reflects how much peridot can resemble flames when held up against light or turned in different directions. Combined with its rich green color and ability to reflect light, this makes peridot one of the most beautiful gemstones on Earth!

Peridot and Chakras

Peridot is associated with the heart chakra and the Solar Plexus Chakra.

The Heart Chakra, Anahata in Sanskrit, is a central energy center located in the middle of your chest. It governs love, compassion and forgiveness; it gives us a sense of warmth or coolness depending on our feelings about others. It also connects us to our spirituality; we can feel centered when this part of ourselves is healthy. When you feel good about yourself—friendly and loving toward others—you are accessing the energy of your heart chakra.(1)

Peridot Birthstone and Zodiac Sign

  • Peridot is the birthstone for August.

  • Peridot is the zodiac sign for Leo.

  • Benefit from Peridot are Gemini, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.

Peridot Shapes and Forms

Peridot is a gemstone of the olivine family, a magnesium-iron silicate mineral with a chemical composition of Mg2SiO4. The variety of forsterite that comprises peridot is notable for its high water content (over 20%), which gives it an unusual density and an unusually low refractive index number. For these reasons, this type of forsterite is known as "low-calcic" olivine.

Peridot forms when volcanic activity occurs between seawater and magma at convergent plate boundaries—places where two tectonic plates are colliding with each other and one plate moves beneath another (subduction). As seawater seeps into cracks on the seafloor or flows into fissures in lava flows, it reacts with molten rock to form crystals that can eventually become large enough to be called peridots.

Peridot Crystal Combinations

If you are looking to buy peridot, you should consider these other combinations.

Peridot and Sodalite

Sodalite is a manganese rich variety of quartz that can include up to 6% of the mineral sodalite. It's color is light blue with a beautiful sparkle. These crystals have been used for centuries for protection from the evil eye and bring self-confidence, hope and success in one's endeavors. The combination of peridot with sodalite will enable both stones to enhance each other’s powers bringing balance and healing into your life.

Peridot and Amethyst

Amethyst is a very popular crystal because it has so many uses! This stone helps with sleep, meditation, clear thinking, visualization skills and prosperity while also helping lower stress levels during times of high pressure situations like exams or presentations at work or school due its calming effects on both body & mind! When combined with peridot they act as an anti-inflammatory agent which means they help relieve pain caused by arthritis inflammation causing joint stiffness etc..

Peridot Origin

The word “peridot” comes from the French word for “gem.” Peridot is a gem variety of olivine, which is a silicate mineral with the formula (Mg,Fe)2SiO4. The green color of peridot is due to Fe++ ions, which are responsible for its strong pleochroism property.

The name peridot can be traced back in English literature as early as 1598, but it was not until 1791 that it became commonly used in reference to gemstones.

Peridot Energy Color

Peridot is a gemstone that is a variety of olivine, which is the same mineral as chrysolite. Peridot comes in shades of green and yellowish green, but it's best known for its light green color. The yellow-green pigment of Peridot emanates from the sunlight. Another wonderful Peridot color is Olive.

It has been used for centuries to make jewelry and other items. It's also used to make cabochons for rings or pendants; this is because the rough stone needs to be cut and polished before it can be used as a gemstone in jewelry.

How to Care for and Cleanse Peridot

To care for your peridot, you'll need to remove it when you're working in the yard and keep it away from extreme heat. You should also avoid wearing your peridot during strenuous physical activity, as they can become damaged if they're not properly maintained.

Peridot is a soft stone that can easily become scratched or chipped if you aren't careful with it. It's best not to wear them while playing sports or doing work around the house that could damage them. In particular, peridots shouldn't be worn around children or pets who might knock into them accidentally and break them off of their settings!

If you want to cleanse your peridots before putting them on, soak them in warm water for about 10 minutes before rinsing off any dust or dirt that may have accumulated on surfaces such as sidewalks outside during walks through town places where people gather together often like parks public transportation routes near schools etc.. If necessary wipe gently with soft cloth dampened lightly with mild soap solution (eucalyptus oil based).

How to Activate Peridot

To activate Peridot, you must find a peaceful place to sit and ponder. Close your eyes, hold the Peridot on your right hand, and think about all the things that you want to release. Sit in silence until an image has formed in your mind of what it is that needs to be released. When this happens, imagine there is a door in front of you and open it. Release everything into this door as if they were being sucked through by a vacuum cleaner or drained by water down a drainpipe (this will help make the process easier).

When done meditating, place the Peridot somewhere in your home where it will not get lost; such as under pillows or between books on shelves.



In conclusion, peridot is a beautiful stone that has many healing properties. It can be used to help heal the mind and body. Peridot is also a good stone for meditation and spiritual growth. It can help with relationships and the home or office environment.

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