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Zircon Guide

October 28, 2022



Zircon is a stone that can be traced back for thousands of years. It has been used for many things and has even been found in Egyptian tombs dating back thousands of years. The meaning behind Zircon varies depending on the color or cut, but as a whole it's known as a protective stone, with both physical and metaphysical properties.

COLOR: Reddish brown, yellow, orange, green, blue, gray, colorless; 
in thin section, colorless to pale brown
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: zirconium silicate (ZrSiO4)
LOCATION: Sri Lanka, Australia, South Africa
RARITY: Commom
Zircon is a birthstone for the month of December, along with turquoise and tanzanite.


What Is Zircon?

You probably know zircon as one of the oldest and most popular gemstones. But you may not realize that this beautiful stone is also known as the stone of strength and courage.

Zircon is a variety of the mineral zirconium silicate, which has been mined since ancient times to make jewelry and ornaments. It was so popular in ancient times that it was used to decorate all kinds of items, including ceremonial robes for royalty!

Meaning Of Zircon

Zircon is a gemstone that comes in a variety of colors, including red, orange, yellow and green. This mineral has been used for jewelry and decorative purposes for thousands of years. Some people also wear zircons as alternatives to diamonds because they’re cheaper than diamonds but still very beautiful.

Zircon can be transparent or translucent with small cracks throughout the stone called “feathers” or “silk”. These feathers are caused by radiation damage from uranium and thorium in the earth's crust over millions of years.

Properties Of Zircon

Zircon is a very powerful crystal and can be used for many purposes.

Zircon is a stone of abundance, protection and prosperity. It brings in new opportunities to your life and helps to remove any obstacles that may be standing in your way. Zircon will give you the courage to follow your dreams, even when they are not popular or widely accepted by the majority at this time.

If you feel like there is something more out there waiting for you then this crystal will help you find it!

It is also said that wearing zircon will make others see what they want most instead of seeing what their eyes actually see so if you're having trouble getting noticed by someone special then this may be just the gemstone for you!

Zircon Physical Properties

Zircon is a mineral that can be found in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. It's chemical composition is ZrSiO4 and it has the same formula as tourmaline. Zircon has a hardness of 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale and it's one of those stones that you can use in almost any setting or jewellery type with any other type of stone. The hardness makes it durable enough to withstand everyday wear while still being beautiful at the same time. It's most often seen in rings, earrings and necklaces but some people also use them in bracelets and pendants (pendants are usually smaller).

Metaphysical Properties

Zircon also has metaphysical properties that can be used to enhance your personal health and well-being. Zircon is a stone of strength and endurance, so it’s great for athletes who need to have an extra level of determination during training or competition. It’s also a stone of wealth and abundance, so if you are looking to increase your wealth and attract more money into your life, this is one way to do it!

Zircon is often used as a stone of courage and determination because it helps people overcome challenges in their lives. If you find yourself feeling discouraged about something in particular, then wearing zircons could help give you the boost needed in order to persevere until the end!

Another reason why zircons are good for us humans? Their ability to help us maintain harmony within our bodies! This crystal helps reduce stress levels while boosting self-confidence at the same time (which isn’t an easy task).

Varieties Of Zircon

Zircon is a type of gemstone that comes in many colors and shapes. The most common types are blue, green, yellow and red but you can also find pink, purple or orange zircons as well. The best way to tell if your stone is real zircon is by checking the color of its flash; all natural colored stones will have a rainbow like flash when you move them under light. Natural colored stones can also be distinguished from synthetic ones by looking at their refractive index (RI). Rytanite Inc., an American company that specializes in manufacturing high quality synthetic zircons has stated that their product possesses an RI of 1.927 which enables them to easily distinguish it from other materials such as cubic zirconia (which has an RI of 2.18-2.19) or Moissanite (which has an RI between 2.15-2.20).

These days, most jewelry stores offer synthetic/lab-grown stones which come at lower prices than their mined counterparts due to cost benefits associated with production processes such as automation and mass production techniques used during cutting process etc...

Using Zircon

Zircon is a stone that has been in use since antiquity. It's considered an excellent stone for meditation, healing, and spiritual work. Zircon also offers protection and prosperity.

Zircon is used to bring out the best in people or situations by enhancing their beauty and making them shine more brightly than they would otherwise. By wearing zircon jewelry you can pass on this beauty enhancement to yourself or anyone else who wears it for a few hours at a time (as long as you don't wash your hands).

Benefits Of Using Zircon

Zircon is a stone that can help you with healing, clarity and self-esteem. It enhances your creativity, communication ability and motivation. Zircon also encourages energy flow throughout the body so that you can be more productive during the day.

Uses Zircon in Feng Shui

  • Use zircon in the center area of the home, which is associated with knowledge and wisdom.

  • Zircon is also good for the West, which represents creativity and children.

  • The East represents opportunities and travel, so it’s a good place for a zircon as well.

  • Lastly, use zircon in your North section for health concerns that you have been experiencing lately or may experience in the future (e.g., aging parents who depend on you).

How Best To Use Zircon

Zircon is best used in the morning, as it can help boost your energy and focus for the day ahead. If you’re feeling tired, or if you want to improve your ability to concentrate on a task, zircon may be just what you need!

Zircon is also useful when you want to get rid of negative energy that is holding you back. It's said that this stone has the power to heal past pain and anger, as well as release any pent up resentment or frustration you might be carrying around with you every day.

Powers Of Zircon

Zircon is a stone of abundance, wealth, and prosperity. It has been used for thousands of years by both humans and the Gods. In ancient times it was believed that Zircon had the power to attract abundance in all forms: money, food, love and happiness.

When you wear this magical gem you will have the confidence of knowing that every day brings something new and exciting into your life. You are sure to be able to take on this world with ease when you're wearing your zircon necklace!

Emotional Healing Powers

While it may not be a cure-all for any emotional issue, Zircon is a stone of emotional healing, bringing peace and stability to the soul. It provides protection from stress and anxiety, while also soothing mental fatigue. This makes it ideal if you're feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges or are going through a period of intense grief.

In addition to its healing properties, Zircon has been known to increase self-confidence and provide motivation in achieving goals. If you're struggling with depression or other issues that make it difficult for you to get out of bed in the morning (or even get dressed), this crystal can help give you the boost needed so that you can go on living your best life.

Physical Healing Powers

This stone is a powerful healing stone, and has been used for centuries to help heal the heart, lungs, throat and stomach. It is also said to help with digestive issues like gas or bloating by assisting in the elimination of toxins from your body.

This stone is believed to bring inner strength and clarity as well as protection from negative energy or entities. It can be used to strengthen your aura as well as promote self-love!

Zircon And Wealth

Zircon is a stone of abundance and prosperity. It helps you to attract wealth, success and prosperity. The energy of Zircon can help you manifest your dreams into reality.

Zircon is also known as the money stone because it has been used for centuries by miners who believed that this stone would protect them from harm while they were working deep in the mines. In addition to its ability to bring good fortune, Zircon has been said to improve one's character and strengthen their will power as well as enhance their self worth by making them feel more confident about themselves

Zircon For Love And Relationships

Zircon is a stone of love and relationships. It is associated with the heart chakra, and can help people heal their hearts and find love. Zircon is also used to attract love, and to strengthen existing relationships.

If you are looking for a new partner in life or want to strengthen your existing relationship, zircon may be able to help you out!

Chakras And Zircon

Zircon is a great crystal for the heart chakra. It can be used to balance and energize this energy center, which is located in the middle of your chest above your actual heart by several inches. The heart chakra is associated with love, compassion, empathy and forgiveness. When it’s balanced you feel happy, positive and at peace with yourself and those close to you. The opposite of this would be someone who doesn’t know how to love themselves or others properly; it's not uncommon for people who have low self-esteem or have had bad relationships in their pasts to suffer from feeling unloved by others or themselves (shakes fist at exes!).

Zircon also helps you get in touch with your feelings so that when something happens that makes you sad or angry (or whatever), it won't take over your life like some kind of black hole sucking away all emotions until there's nothing left but emptiness inside yourself—which is both scary AND depressing!

It can help keep things balanced while also helping us become better communicators with ourselves as well as those around us."

Best Crystals To Combine And Use With Zircon

Zircon is a great crystal to combine with other crystals. It enhances their properties and helps you to learn more about the crystals you are using. If you combine zircon with other crystals, it can help you to learn more about their properties and their healing properties.

Wearing Zircon

To harness the power of Zircon, you should wear it. The stone has been known to bring clarity, confidence and courage to its wearer's life. In addition to being great for those who need a confidence boost or self-esteem boost, Zircon can also help with concentration issues and people who have trouble focusing on their goals.

The stone is also known as "the gem of good fortune," so if you're looking for some good luck in your life then don't be afraid of wearing this stunning yellow gemstone!

Zircon at Home and Office

Zircon is a good choice for the east sector of your home or office. The east sector is associated with growth, creativity and beginnings. It is also considered to be a feminine area of the house.

Zircon can be placed in the west sector of your home or office as well. The west sector is associated with learning, knowledge and wisdom as well as masculine energy in general.

Zircon Jewelry

Zircon jewelry is a great way to wear, carry and keep your zircon. It can also enhance the look and value of your zircon.

Wearing Zircon

Zircons are available in many different colors, so you can match the color of your zircons with the color of other stones or metals that you use for jewelry making. A yellow gold setting will help highlight the green tones in your stone, while a white gold setting would work well with orange-colored zircons. You can also choose from different cuts: round or cushion cuts tend to sparkle more than marquise or emerald shaped ones because they reflect light better from all angles (rounds) or straight down onto their length (cushion). Cushions are often considered more traditional but there’s no right way when it comes to choosing which type would look best on you!

Meditation with Zircon

Meditating with Zircon can help you connect with your higher self.

Meditation is a great way to connect with yourself as well as your higher self. It allows you to relax, clear your mind and focus on what is important in life. By tuning in and connecting with our inner spirit, we have the ability to find peace within ourselves which can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.

Zircon Chakra Crystal Combinations

Zircon is a stone that works with other stones. It can help to activate and enhance the energy of other crystals, minerals and gems. The following combinations are recommended:

  • Amethyst and Zircon - The purple and brown tones of this pairing will complement each other nicely, while the stone’s energy harmonizes with that of Amethyst.

  • Carnelian and Zircon - These two stones have complementary energies that blend well together when used together in jewelry for healing purposes.

  • Citrine, Fluorite and Zircon - These three stones all work together to promote positive emotions, self-confidence and mental clarity when worn as jewelry or kept in the home!

Other Crystal Combinations

Zircon is also a great crystal to combine with other crystals. It works well with amethyst, agate, aquamarine, and quartz.

Zircon is a stone that can be used for feng shui purposes by people who are interested in this type of practice. Zircon can also be helpful when it comes to meditation and healing because it has properties that promote balance within the body and mind. Individuals who need help finding love might find that zircons help them achieve their goals in this area too!

Cleansing And Charging Zircon

Cleansing is an important part of crystal healing. It's good to cleanse your Zircon regularly, and it's a good idea to give your crystal a gentle cleanse every time you wear it.

There are various ways that you can cleanse your crystals: water, sunlight and moonlight are all effective ways of cleansing Zircon crystals. You can also use salt and sage as cleansing agents for your stones.[1] If you don't have any of those things on hand, then the easiest way to cleanse your stone (if you want to avoid using fire) is by placing it in a bowl filled with water overnight.*

  • This method does not remove negative energy from the crystal itself but rather from its surrounding environment.*

Cleansing And Caring Zircon

As with many stones, cleansing and charging your zircon is essential to its health and longevity. There are several ways you can cleanse and charge your stone:

  • Cleanse with salt water. Dissolve one teaspoon of sea salt in a cup of water, then pour into a glass bowl or container large enough to hold the piece of jewelry for cleansing. Place your zircon into the bowl, cover it with another glass bowl (or similar object), then set out in direct sunlight for half an hour to an hour. This method is known as "solar infusion," because it uses natural sunlight as an energy source to help charge up your gemstone's energy field.

  • Cleanse with sage smoke (optional). If you want to add some extra cleansing power through smudging using sage smoke from burning dried herbs, gently blow on the stone with puffs of smoke from two white sage leaves held just above one end of each stone until all sides are covered in gray powdery ash (do not touch or handle stones directly when they have been cleaned). Allow time for stones' energies to replenish before use again—about 24 hours should do! You may also choose not cleanse at all if desired; simply recharge regularly over time instead by wearing them often!

Zircon In Legends And History

Zircon is mentioned in the Bible, where it is called Jyhun (or “hyacinth”) and was used as a gemstone. The name appears to be based on the Arabic word jacfah meaning “precious stone,” derived from the Persian word izafan meaning “crown.”

Zircon is also mentioned by name in the Quran as Zarchun (meaning gold-colored), which is a reference to its color rather than its composition. The same name appears in some translations of Bhagavad Gita, which also uses it to refer to blue stones rather than cubic zircons specifically. It's also possible that when this term was translated into English, it became "zircon" or "sapphire."

The Mahabharata mentions zirconia being considered one of three sacred stones along with diamond and ruby that were used for religious purposes:

Where to Buy Zircon

Zircon is available online and in local shops. You can also purchase it on Amazon, eBay and directly from Zircon's customer service department at info@chakraorgonite.com

Final Thoughts On The Power Of Zircon

Zircon is a powerful healing stone that can help with the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of life.

Zircon can help you to manifest your dreams and desires by helping to focus your energy and attention on what you want.

If you are looking for a stone that will assist in bringing about positive changes in your life, zircon is one of the best stones for this purpose.

Zircon Faqs

Hi! I'm here to answer all your questions about zircon.

Is zircon worth any money?

  • The answer to this question depends on who you ask. If you're talking to a jeweler, the answer is yes—zircon is worth money. However, if you're talking to a geologist (and not an investment expert) then the answer is no; zircon isn't worth that much money because it's not rare or unique enough for collectors.

  • Zircon has been used by many cultures as jewelry and as an ornamentation since ancient times because of its durability and beauty. It's also one of the few gemstones that can be found in almost every part of the world which makes it fairly easy to find if you have the right tools.

  • The main reason why people collect zircons is because they're considered good investments with high-resale values relative to other gems like diamonds or rubies which are much more expensive when sold new at retail prices (which means they cost much less on eBay).

Is zircon rarer than diamond?

Zircon is a mineral, a gemstone and an element. Zircon has been found in nature for many years, but it has become more difficult to find as new technology has allowed us to delve deeper into the Earth's crust. The rarity of zircon is not related to diamond because there are many factors that determine whether or not a gemstone will be considered "rare."

What is so special about zircon?

Zircon is a gemstone that has been known and treasured for over 6,000 years. It is one of the oldest known gemstones, with ancient civilizations using it as an ornament and talisman since at least 2,500 B.C.. Zircon is found in many colors but the most popular are blue, red and orange; these colors are often referred to as "hyacinth" zircons.

Zircon comes from two Greek words: zirkos meaning "gold-like" or "yellowish-brown" and -on meaning “sign” or “token” so when you look up the word “zircon” in your dictionary it states that it means “gold-like stone”!

Is zircon as good as diamond?

Zircon is a durable stone that doesn't scratch easily, so it's an excellent choice for use in daily jewelry.

If you're after something less expensive than diamonds, but still want a bright, hard stone that will last for years to come, zircon might be your best bet. Zircon also comes in many different colors and cuts like princess cut or cushion cut depending on what you're looking for!

How can you tell if a zircon is real?

  • Look for a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the MOHS scale. The less hardness, the more likely it is to be a fake or synthetic stone.

  • Look for a refractive index of 1.9-2.1, which is higher than most other minerals except diamond and quartz (which are not real).

  • Take into account specific gravity: 4.24-4.26 for zirconium dioxide and 3.89-4.10 for zirconium silicate (the two main types of zirconium found in nature).

Is zircon a real stone?

Zircon is indeed a real stone. It's an actual mineral, and it was given its name by the Swedish chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius in 1829.

Zircon is used as a gemstone in jewelry, but it's also found in other places like sand and soil (in very small amounts). The most common use of zircons today is as a substitute for diamond in cubic zirconia jewelry—the fake diamonds used by jewelers to make engagement rings and other pieces of fine jewelry that can't afford the real thing or don't want to reveal their true identities before they propose marriage!

But while they may be man-made creations, cubic zirconias are still considered genuine stones because they contain zirconium oxide—the same material that makes up natural zircons. The chemical composition between the two types of gems varies slightly: natural vs synthetic."

Is zircon mentioned in the Bible?

Yes. Zircon is mentioned in the Bible, and it's described as a symbol of God's faithfulness and strength. In fact, Psalms 133:18 says "Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!"

It's also used as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. For example, Proverbs 15:16 says "Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure with turmoil."

Can I wear zircon in gold?

Yes! Zircon is a very hard stone, so it can be set in gold. It's also not as hard as diamond, so it would be a great alternative to diamonds.

Zircon is one of the hardest natural materials on Earth (hardness 9), which means you can wear it without worry of breaking or scratching. In fact, zircon is so durable that it's often used for industrial purposes like drilling tools and cutting blades because the material won't wear out quickly like other abrasives would do.

It's also durable enough to withstand everyday wear in your jewelry collection with minimal maintenance required for upkeep such as polishing with a toothbrush every once in awhile if needed - though we recommend wearing this gem as often as possible!

Does zircon attract money?

Let's get something straight: Zircon does not attract money. It is, however, a great investment for many reasons.

First, it's incredibly rare and difficult to find in nature due to its high melting point. This makes zircon an extremely valuable gemstone; the more rare it is, the more valuable it becomes—just like gold or diamonds! Second, zircons come in all kinds of colors and sizes—but they're always beautiful (even if they're brown). Thirdly - and most importantly - wearing zircons will make you feel rich because they sparkle when light hits them just right! Just try one on at your local jewelry store today!"

Who should wear zircon stone?

Zircon stone is a type of gemstone that can be worn by anyone. It is believed to bring many benefits to the wearer, such as attracting money and keeping negative energy away. It also protects its wearer from being affected by the evil eye or bad luck.

What does zircon symbolize?

Zircon is a symbol of happiness and good health, as well as a long life. Zircon also stands for wealth, prosperity and success.

If you want to buy zircon jewelry or stones for yourself or someone else, this article will help you learn more about the meaning of zircons in general.

Where is zircon found?

Zircon is found throughout the world, including in Australia, Brazil, Burma (Myanmar), Canada, India, Namibia and Sri Lanka. It also occurs in South Africa and Madagascar.

In addition to these countries of origin, zircon can be found in Tanzania and California.

What month is zircon birthstone?

The birthstone for December is zircon. Also known as achroite, this stone's name derives from the Greek word "khryso," which means "gold." Zircon is said to be the oldest of all gems and was used by ancient cultures such as the Romans and Egyptians in jewelry.

In Greek mythology, zircon was used to protect against evil spirits and prevent nightmares. The Romans believed that wearing zircon would help them find their way safely through darkness and foggy conditions.

If you were born in January, February or March then your birthstone would be citrine; if you were born in April through June then your birthstone would be aquamarine; if you were born in July through August then your birthstone would be peridot; if you were born in September or October then your birthstone would be tourmaline; if you were born at any other time except December then your birthstone is opal

What is the best birthstone?

  • Emerald is the birthstone for May.

  • Diamond is the birthstone for April.

  • Ruby is the birthstone for July.

  • Zircon is the birthday stone of those born in November.

  • Sapphire is a popular alternative to diamonds, and can be found in many shades including blue, pink, purple and black. The stone will go with just about any outfit or occasion!

If you're looking for something different than these traditional options, try sapphire or aquamarine as alternatives to diamond (or as an addition). Both are beautiful gems with subtle hues that add interest without being too flashy on your day-to-day wearables — plus they're versatile enough that they won't clash with anything else in your jewelry box! Pearl makes an excellent alternative for pearl-lovers who want something other than white pearls; it comes in a variety of colors ranging from white to pinkish grey to jet black - whatever matches your skin tone best! The choice between pearls vs other stones like lapis lazuli depends on what kind of look you'd like--so choose wisely!

What were the 12 stones in the Bible?

The Bible lists the 12 stones as diamond, sapphire, emerald, ruby, topaz, jasper, chrysolite (golden yellow to orange-yellow), beryl (greenish-blue), onyx (various colors of black or white), agate (various colors of red or brown), amethyst and jacinth.

Is white zircon expensive?

White zircon is a rare gemstone and the demand for it is higher than other colored zircons. It is expensive compared to other colored zircons.

White zircons are also in great demand because they look like diamonds, but have a lower price tag. This makes them an excellent choice for engagement rings and other jewelry pieces that you would like to buy as gifts for your loved ones without breaking the bank.

Is zircon same as cubic zirconia?

Zircon is a real stone and it is not cubic zirconia, a fake diamond or synthetic diamond. However, there are some similarities between these two stones:

  • They are both composed of zirconium dioxide, which means they have the same chemical formula but different structures;

  • They can both be found in many colors;

  • The hardness of their surface varies between 6.5 and 7 on Mohs scale (the hardness scale for minerals), so they're about as hard as window glass;

  • Zircon and cubic zirconia also have similar refractive indices (1.75 to 2.03).

How much is blue zircon worth per carat?

As mentioned above, there are many different types of zircon. And just like diamonds, each type is called a "variety". The most popular variety is blue zircon.

Blue Zircon Varieties include:

  • Blue Zircons from Australia and Sri Lanka (the most common source)

  • Blue Zircons from Tanzania and Kenya

  • Golden Yellow/Orange Yellow Goldstone (a rarer version than regular yellow goldstone)

Is zirconium a precious metal?

Zirconium is a rare metal that is used in the aerospace industry, nuclear reactors, and the medical industry.

When you think of precious metals like gold or silver, you're probably thinking about something that has value because of its rarity. Well, zirconium is another one of these rare metals—so it's worth paying attention to if you're interested in investing in precious metals.


If you're looking for a diamond alternative, zircon may be the stone for you. It's beautiful and affordable, and it's been around since ancient times. It looks like diamonds but costs less money—a win-win situation!

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