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Crystal Pyramids: Ultimate Guide to Uses and Healing Benefits

April 23, 2022


This comprehensive guide features some crystal healing properties, and will help you better understand the amazing powers of crystals.

What is a Crystal Pyramid?

A crystal pyramid is a powerful tool for bringing about positive change in the world. By focusing your intention and energy, it brings your thoughts and wishes into reality. It can help clear blockages in your life and manifest positive changes. Pyramid crystals are known to activate the crown chakra to open up the third eye and receive intuitive knowledge. They also enhance mental processes, increase psychic abilities, and can improve communication.

Crystal Pyramid Benefits

It is said that the Crystal Pyramid works best for those who use it daily for healing or for those who wish to work on themselves. The Pyramid has been used for centuries to raise the vibrations of the planet and to balance the magnetic field of the earth. The Crystal Pyramid also helps with personal development and is a great tool to balance the chakras of the body, and it can be placed on top of the head and over the heart to help people understand their true feelings and to balance their thoughts. Crystal Pyramids are made from natural gemstones.

Generally, crystal pyramids bring healing to the aura and to the seven chakras. Pyramids are known for balancing the energy flow in a person, including helping to promote balance between masculine and feminine energies. Crystals such as turquoise and lapis lazuli can help to ground the energy of the aura and the chakras.

How to Use the Crystal Pyramid Power

Pyramids work like a magnet for all kinds of energies, they absorb and transmit light, and they vibrate. When pyramids vibrate, they create a magnetic field of energy that can be used for all kinds of things including healing and manifestation. This is because the pyramids channel and channel energy from the universe. They're made of energy, and they naturally attract and channel energy from the universe. The stronger the pyramid is, the more energy it holds, and the greater its effects on people and places.

Egypt is known for their pyramids, these pyramids are a sacred geometrical shape that gathers energy from the universe and channels it through the top to mankind. This is the reason why Egypt's pyramids produce a powerful energy vortex. Pyramid power is now abundant in crystal pyramids, which can be utilized to your advantage in a number of ways by means of healing and lifestyle development that has produced amazing benefits for many individuals today.

Generally, crystal pyramids bring healing to the aura and to the seven chakras. Pyramids are known for balancing the energy flow in a person, including helping to promote balance between masculine and feminine energies. Crystals such as turquoise and lapis lazuli can help to ground the energy of the aura and the chakras.

Healing Properties of Pyramid Crystals

List of Powers

Pyramids are used to balance the emotional body. To achieve this, you have to place the crystal on your solar plexus. The pyramid should be held in front of you, with its apex pointing towards the center of your body, where your heart is located. You can choose from a wide range of crystals. For example, clear quartz, amethyst, citrine, lapis lazuli and jade are just some of the stones commonly used. Place the crystal on the area of your solar plexus with your index fingers, thumb and middle finger touching the top of the stone, and the rest of your fingers lightly touching the sides of the crystal. Then breathe deeply and allow the crystal to absorb the energy from the sun. This should be done for about 10 minutes. Then remove the crystal and place it in the center of your body, where you would normally sit.

Feelings and Emotional Healings

They don't just magically do all that, they're used as tools to help facilitate certain changes. So what are some things you can do with crystal pyramids to help you in your life? Use them to help you create better intentions for yourself, as well as better outcomes. You can use them to help you align your intentions with your actions so you feel more fulfilled with your life. Use it to gain more clarity about your life and what you want to experience next, and to bring a sense of calmness and stability. It will help you see how you are moving through life and how you can get to where you want to be. The crystal pyramid is also a great tool for self-healing, for physical and emotional recovery, and for balancing yourself physically, mentally and spiritually.


Meditation is a wonderful method for getting in touch with yourself and finding solutions to any problems that you may be facing. It is a form of relaxation and stress relief, and can help you to release the negative and stress-provoking emotions in your life, allowing you to live a better and healthier life. It is said to improve your memory and concentration, and also aids your concentration and focus in everyday activities.

The crystal pyramid can be used for meditation and it's said to help to attract positive energy and block the negativity that colludes with our minds. The pyramid also acts as a protection from negative energy and absorbs it. The crystal pyramid promotes courage, fast thinking, and confidence. And, it helps to overcome personal issues with your mental health, depression and loneliness. Making use of its power to its fullest potential will see a difference to the way you think and the way you live.


According to the United States National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, crystals are the oldest known natural substances, found in almost all cultures. The use of crystals goes back to ancient times, and they remain popular because they are thought to affect us through our physical bodies, our emotional bodies, and our spirit bodies. They offer a way to connect to the divine, and are believed to enhance our intuition.

The pyramid crystals also help with the removal of negativity in your life, such as worry, frustration, doubt, and stress. These negative energies can be blocked and neutralized by using the pyramid crystals. The energy of the pyramid crystal is the most powerful energy on the planet.


To heal one’s inner self, there are different forms of crystals and stones which can be used to cleanse and purify one’s body and soul. This form of crystal therapy works best when the healer is using a type of stone which has a positive energy within itself, thus having the ability to enhance one’s life force. They are also referred to as energy crystals because they are known for being able to absorb and emit energy from the universe.

In my personal experience I found a huge benefit in using crystals for reiki. I have used a crystal pyramid in a small ceremony to help me center my thoughts, and to be more focused on my purpose. When I use the crystal pyramid, I am given a new level of clarity and purpose. I love using it when I am getting ready for work or for a day with family. I love to be able to focus on my purpose and feel connected to my purpose, rather than being busy and distracted.

Crystal Pyramid Uses & Metaphysical Properties

Wearing Crystal Pyramid

Crystal healing is practiced all over the world; however, this particular tradition comes from the Native American tribes. Crystals have long been used for protection, divination, and healing. But crystals aren’t just any old rocks—they are specifically chosen for their properties, and are charged with the energy of the Earth. When worn as jewelry, they are believed to amplify the energy of the wearer.

There are several different ways to wear a crystal. Wearing one around your neck is the most common method, but there are other places on your body where crystals can be worn. The most popular place for wearing crystals is around the neck; however, you can also wear them around the wrist, ankles, toes, and so on.

The basic pyramid shape is a beautiful, simple design. It has been used for thousands of years for protection and healing purposes. You can wear it for yourself or give it as a gift to someone who needs it. One example is wearing a pyramid pendant on a chain necklace around your neck. You can also hang pyramid earrings from the ears of your favorite people. A lot of people wear these because they represent balance and harmony. They represent peace and prosperity. They are very popular among hippies, artists, and people with spiritual beliefs. If you want to wear something special, you can also buy pyramid crystal earrings and necklaces.

Crystal Pyramid at Home

In order for Crystals Pyramid to work to its full potential, it needs to be set up properly, given the fact that it has so many uses for both yourself, and your environment. That is why Crystals Pyramid is recommended to be put at home. Crystals pyramid enhances your home's Feng Shui. It can be placed anywhere you want and will provide universal healing energy. Crystals function as a healing conduit, allowing positive, healing energy to enter the body while pushing negative, toxic, disease-causing energy out as well as attracting positive energy into your surroundings. It is also used as a decorative piece, which can make your house uplifted and unique.

Crystal Pyramid at Work

Place a pyramid on your desk to bring harmony to your environment and to bring positive energy to your life.

The crystal pyramid should be placed on your desk so that you can look at it for a while and focus on your goals. Then you should place it in a cabinet or in the corner of the room where you spend most of your time in your office or workplace. You can also keep the pyramid on top of your wardrobe where you go everyday to change. 

Meditation with Crystal Pyramid

A lot of people have been using crystals in their daily lives for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians used them for religious purposes. In fact, crystals are so highly regarded in the world of sacred geometry that some believe that the pyramids were built using the power of crystals to align the energies.

Place crystals in specific locations throughout your home, like under beds, by your desk, in your car, and on your body. This ensures they are within easy reach. The more places they're in, the more energy you're giving off to them.

People and Relationships

A crystal pyramid can affect the space it is in by changing the energy field and creating new opportunities. It also has the ability to interact with the physical world in a number of ways. It can help you to change the flow of energy in your life, heal others and even attract more positive energy.

People who have had a bad experience with their partner or family members may feel angry, anxious, sad or depressed and they may feel that their relationship is broken. However, crystals will help to restore balance and harmony within the relationship. They can help to heal the past and open up the potential to build a new and better future. It is a way to restore peace and harmony in a relationship and to help you to get back on track.

Crystal Pyramid Therapies

The use of crystals in therapy can be traced back to the late 19th century, where the use of crystals was commonly used in the treatment of mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. It wasn't until the 1950s when the use of crystals in the treatment of psychological ailments began to gain popularity. This use of crystals as treatments for psychological issues and ailments, however, was still very much a niche market, until the late 1980s when the use of crystals and stone therapy in general began to be accepted as a legitimate, and often necessary, treatment method. Since that time, the use of crystals and stone therapies have been widely accepted as effective methods of helping to heal certain ailments and psychological states.

The crystal healing method of healing is often used to treat stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. Most people tend to avoid seeing a doctor for fear of being labeled crazy. However, there is no shame in getting professional help if you're suffering from mental illness. Many people have found that they've been dealing with these conditions for many years and just weren't aware of it. One example is the case of a friend of mine who struggled with OCD and anxiety for over 15 years before he sought professional help. He would always tell me how "crazy" everyone thought he was for wanting to change his lifestyle. I know that not all of us are lucky enough to get the luxury of talking about our mental problems in the privacy of our own homes, but I think that the stigma of mental illness is something we should all try to eradicate.

Crystal Pyramid and Chakras

Chakras are energy centers associated with certain parts of the body, including the head, torso, hands, feet, and genitals. They are believed to represent certain qualities of consciousness that are often represented by colors. Each chakra relates to a specific part of the body. The energy center in the throat relates to communication and creativity. The heart chakra is the center of emotions. The third eye represents spiritual vision. The crown chakra is the center of intuition and wisdom. We have many chakras. They exist in all of us. Their purpose is to help us direct our lives in a healthy, constructive, and positive way.

Energy healing can be done with crystals. Crystals are useful for balancing the chakras. They absorb and release energy and keep the body strong and well. They can be used as talismans. By placing a crystal on your bedside, you can connect with its energy and channel it into your own body.

Crystal Pyramid Types

Amethyst Pyramid

The Amethyst Pyramid by Chakra Orgonite is made from quality gemstones and is packaged in a beautiful gift box. Amethyst stones are thought to bring peace, happiness, and stability. They are also known to promote love, forgiveness, hope, and compassion. The Amethyst Pyramid is a nice choice to give as a gift to someone who needs to focus on improving their life.

Quartz Crystal Pyramid

If you are new to the world of crystals, you may be wondering how they are beneficial to us. They have been used for centuries to promote healing and to keep the body in balance. When our bodies are in balance, we have better focus, we're more alert, and our immune system is stronger. These are the keys to our success as leaders.

Rose Quartz Pyramid

The rose quartz stone is known to be a positive energy stone and helps balance one’s emotional life. People who use this stone report feeling safe and relaxed, which they say they need. Rose quartz is a wonderful gemstone to attract love and attract luck into one's life. Rose quartz is one of the most common gemstones used for jewelry making. It is known to help people attract luck and bring harmony into their lives. This stone is said to increase intuition and spiritual awareness.

Aventurine Pyramid

According to Ayurveda, aventurine boosts the immune system, relieves stress and anxiety, cleanses the nervous system, and promotes mental alertness. It’s also used to treat hypertension and high cholesterol. In fact, aventurine has the same effect as the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline) because it stimulates the nervous system to activate adrenaline receptors. It is a powerful stimulant, but only if the dosage is balanced correctly.

Carnelian Pyramid

In ancient cultures, carnelian was prized for its healing properties. Carnelian’s color is due to the presence of iron, manganese, titanium and magnesium, all of which give the stone a reddish tone. It is one of the most valuable stones in the world, since it is said to bring prosperity, protect against accidents and illness, and attract love and good fortune. Carnelian is often used to enhance psychic and spiritual abilities.

Moonstone Pyramid

Moonstone is also known as “the new beginnings”.  As a healing tool, Moonstone is associated with bringing clarity to difficult situations. In other words, it helps to clear away unwanted energy and emotional disturbances so that you may focus on the task at hand. Moonstone also acts as a general tonic, helping to rebalance the system and providing a general sense of harmony and good feeling throughout the body. The stone stimulates the heart, improving the flow of energy through the heart chakra.

Labradorite Pyramid

Labradorite has been used for thousands of years to bring about good luck and good fortune. It is said to be extremely beneficial for the entire body as well as the mind. It is a crystal of great healing properties that promotes the removal of emotional obstacles and allows you to see your life path clearly. It can help you to gain the clarity and confidence to manifest whatever you need. It assists in overcoming fear and in allowing you to feel safe. This stone is said to strengthen the aura and clear away the past to create a new beginning. Labradorite helps to open the chakras.

Onyx Pyramid

The ancient greeks used onyx, a beautiful dark blue gemstone, to boost energy and vitality. It was believed that onyx increased strength, stamina, and vitality, allowing people to handle any situation.

Obsidian Pyramid

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to have an obsidian rock on your desk, you’re in luck. Just as a stone, obsidian is a good conductor of energy and can help to heal emotional trauma. But because of its protective properties, it is also used to form shields in martial arts. Its hardness means that it can withstand even the sharpest edges of the body.

Sodalite Pyramid

Sodalite is a deep blue stone of insight and judgement that enhances the opening of the throat chakra. It enhances your 73 energy level. Sodalite is also used to promote self-discipline and efficiency. This crystal has a calming and tranquil energy that calms the mind and the soul. It has a special vibration and a specific energy field.

Crystal Pyramid Combination

A combination of two specific crystals can stimulate one another in a powerful way, bringing your physical, emotional and spiritual body back to balance. Whether you’re looking to heal a specific area of the body or to simply maintain a general feeling of well being, there are multiple crystal combinations that will achieve the desired effect. Here’s a few examples:

Amethyst and Quartz Pyramid

The Amethyst Pyramid is used to strengthen your intuition, boost self-esteem, promote clarity, and improve your psychic abilities. When you place a red or white quartz point into a pyramid, it strengthens the energy of your connection to your higher self, your inner-guide, your spiritual beliefs, and helps you find answers to your questions. It is also useful when seeking advice from your guardian angels. Amethyst and rose quartz are also associated with the crown and heart chakras.

Citrine and Aventurine Pyramid

This combination is one of the most powerful crystal combinations known to man. It can enhance all types of communication, including the written word, to boost your mental clarity, clarity of thought, intuition, and creative insight. Citrine and aventurine are highly active stones, bringing energy into every area of your life, especially those areas that are centered on your mind.

Black Tourmaline and Amethyst Pyramid

Black tourmaline is known as the stone of forgiveness, and it helps you move beyond grief or sorrow. It is especially useful when your emotions are tied up in your past, when you feel guilt, or when you are feeling depressed. Amethyst crystals seem to bring clarity of mind, and help you to connect with the higher self.  Some people choose to wear it on its own, but some prefer to put the two together.

How to Care for the Crystal Pyramid

You can also carry it around with you, or set up a special space in your home or office that is just for it. Place it near the windows if you're feeling anxious or worried, near the doors if you're feeling blocked, or even near the phone if you feel distracted. Your crystal pyramid will draw its energy from its place of storage and work to bring peace and harmony into your life.

How to Cleanse Crystal Pyramid

The Crystal Pyramid is a beautiful, magical tool that you can easily use to help you achieve your goals. 

Before I start explaining how to clean crystal jewelry, I will tell you that the cleaning process for crystal jewelry is the same process used for any type of gemstone jewelry. You start by rubbing a cotton swab over the surface of the stone, making sure to rub back and forth until all of the loose dirt or debris is removed. Then you rinse the crystal jewelry thoroughly with warm water, and gently pat dry with a soft towel.

One way to cleanse the stone is by soaking it in water. The water will remove any negative energy and bring the stone back to life. Natural light, Sage and sound can also be used for cleansing. This process takes a few hours and can be repeated over several days.

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