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Amethyst: Meaning, Healing Properties and Powers

September 08, 2022



Amethyst is a purple crystal that is known for its rich meaning and healing properties. Amethyst is essential to any comprehensive crystal collection, and knowing how they work is key to unlocking their magic.

In this article we discuss the following: 

COLOR: Purple, violet, dark purple
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: Silica (silicon dioxide, SiO2)
CHAKRAS: Root Chakra
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius and Scorpio
LOCATION: Bolivia, Botswana, Uruguay, Canada, China, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Tanzania, Zambia, Africa, Brazil, Spain, Argentina, Russia,  Afghanistan, South Korea, Mexico, and the United States
RARITY: Common
PHYSICAL CONDITIONS: Hard, brittle, and amorphous; it therefore fractures with sharp edges.
EMOTIONAL CONDITIONS: Liquifies emotional blockages and past traumas. Encourages  qualities of compassion and strength. Helping you find your true self.
SPIRITUAL PURPOSES: Amethyst cleanse the atmosphere of negative spiritual influences and represents protection against psychic attacks. Grants an unimagined depth, on your  emotional nature and aids with any type of obsession.
Amethyst is the birthstone for February and the gem for the 6th and 17th wedding anniversaries.


The Properties Of Amethyst

Amethyst is a purple gemstone that is believed to bring peace and balance to the mind, body and spirit. It is said to be a powerful healing crystal that can be used in many ways including meditation, helping with addiction recovery and insomnia.

Physical Properties Of Amethyst

Amethyst is mined mostly in Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico. It is a form of quartz which means it has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This means that amethyst can be scratched by topaz or corundum but not by quartz or calcite. Amethyst is also known for its ability to absorb heat which makes it an excellent material for use in cooking pots because it does not transfer heat as quickly as other materials such as glass or metal might. Metaphysical Properties Of Amethyst

When used during meditation amethyst can help bring peace and calmness into your life by helping you focus on whatever task you are currently doing without being distracted by outside noise or thoughts from other people around you that might otherwise cause stress due to their presence being too close for comfort."

Varieties Of Amethyst

The amethyst is a gemstone that has been used for healing and spiritual purification for thousands of years. It is said to have been the stone of choice of ancient Egyptians, and it is still used today by practitioners of alternative medicine around the world.

The amethyst is available in many different varieties, including:

  • Amethyst Quartz
  • Ametrine
  • Cactus Quartz
  • Canadian Amethyst
  • Lavender Amethyst
  • Veracruz Amethyst

Amethyst Quartz is a combination of amethyst and clear quartz. This variety of quartz is often called "amethyst" because it looks similar to amethyst, but it has a different chemical composition and healing properties than pure amethyst.

Ametrine is another type of quartz with streaks of purple and pink running throughout the stone. It's often found in Brazil and can be used as an alternative to amethyst when you're looking for a similar effect but don't want to spend as much money on high-quality amethyst.

Cactus Quartz has a unique pattern on its surface that resembles cactus spines. It's popular among collectors due to its unique look and can be used for decorative purposes as well as healing purposes if desired.

Canadian Amethyst is considered one of the most valuable varieties of amethyst because it's rarer than other types of amethyst, making it more difficult for sellers to find at reasonable prices for consumers who want them! Also known as "Canada Gold," this variety has been found only in Quebec so far but could potentially be located elsewhere someday soon if someone finds enough evidence for further exploration.

Do Amethysts Fade?

Amethyst is one of the most popular gemstones on earth, with over 25% of all mined crystals being from this type of quartz. In fact, it comes in a wide range of colors including lavender, pink and blue (which are all included under the category “amethyst”). Despite its popularity, there is some debate about whether or not amethyst can fade under certain conditions or if it will eventually turn clear over time.

Amethyst is a great stone to use if you're looking to focus your mind and emotions. It's got a calming effect, which can help you focus on the task at hand without getting overwhelmed or distracted by other things going on in your life.

Use Amethyst as jewelry or keep it in your pocket so that you can have easy access to it when you need it. You'll find that it really helps with keeping a clear head when it comes time to make decisions.

The Healing Powers Of Amethyst

Amethyst can also help you think both soberly and critically about the situations you face. And this will lead you to far greater success in handling them.

Amethyst is a powerful healing stone with many uses. It's a great choice for anyone looking to improve their emotional health, physical health, wealth, love and relationships, sobriety and traveling.

Amethyst has been used for thousands of years as an aid for emotional healing. Amethyst is thought to bring peace, balance and tranquility. It can help relieve stress, worry and fear. It can also aid those who suffer from depression or insomnia by relieving stress-related symptoms like headaches, nervousness and restlessness.

Amethyst has been known to be an effective treatment for alcohol addiction because it promotes sobriety while encouraging positive behavioral changes needed to maintain sobriety.

Amethyst is also known as a "stone of true love". It's often used in jewelry because it attracts love and passion into your life. If you're looking for love or need help getting over a breakup then consider wearing some amethyst jewelry or carrying an amethyst crystal with you as it can help attract love into your life!

Amethyst is also thought to aid in calming the mind during times of stress soothe the nerves when feeling anxious or depressed thereby reducing feelings of anger or frustration which may lead one into drinking alcohol again after

Chakras And Amethyst

The chakras are the seven energy centers in our bodies. When they're balanced, we feel positive and happy. When they're out of balance, we may feel anxious or depressed.

Amethyst is a popular crystal because it helps to balance the crown chakra. This chakra is associated with spiritual beliefs and intuition. It's also responsible for our ability to see past the physical world into the spiritual realm, bringing us closer to our higher selves and deeper understanding of ourselves and others.

Amethyst also helps to balance the third eye chakra, which is associated with communication and creativity. The third eye allows us to see things clearly—to find solutions in situations where there seems to be no solution—and it gives us the ability to communicate our ideas clearly so that others can understand them too!

Best Crystals to Combine and Use With Amethyst

Amethyst is a powerful crystal that can be used to help you create more peace and balance in your life.

It can be used in combination with other crystals to enhance their properties or to improve the energy of your space.

Here are some of our favorite combinations:

Chakra Crystal Combinations

You can address virtually any problem with the right combination of chakra stones. For example, if you want to increase your spiritual awareness, use Amethyst with Moonstone or Aquamarine. You can also use it with Clear Quartz if you want to increase your psychic abilities. Or if you want to attract abundance, try combining Amethyst with Citrine or Carnelian.

Other Crystal Combinations

Solar Plexus Chakra: Amethyst with Topaz or Sunstone. Root Chakra, Amethyst with Jasper, Bloodstone, and Hematite. Heart Chakra: Amethyst with Rose Quartz or Rhodonite. Throat Chakra: Amethyst with Blue Lace Agate or Smokey Quartz.

Cleansing And Charging Amethyst

Amethyst is made up of aluminum silicate, which means that it absorbs negative energy incredibly well. This makes it a great stone to have around when you're feeling stressed or anxious, because it will help to absorb those negative feelings before they start messing with your mind.

But just like any other material on earth, Amethyst needs to be cleaned from time to time—just like your house! And unlike cleaning your house (which usually involves some kind of chemicals), cleansing Amethyst is easy: just use water!

When And Why To Cleanse Amethyst

Every crystal lover knows that their crystals have to be cleansed and recharged. Amethyst needs cleansing if it seems to have lost some of its shine, or has dulled within in some way. The weight of the stone in your hand is another good pointer. Amethyst that has absorbed a lot of negative energy will feel slightly

Water Cleansing is the easiest method for cleansing your amethyst crystal. You can also use salt, moonlight, snow, earth or smoke to cleanse it. Sound cleansing can be accomplished by singing over the crystal or playing music near it.

Amethyst As A Birthstone

A stone of spirituality and peace, amethyst is the February birthstone and the sixth wedding anniversary gemstone. The Greeks believed that amethyst protected against drunkenness, and it was also used in ancient times as a treatment for depression. Amethyst's name comes from the Greek word "amethustos," meaning "not inebriating."

In Hinduism, amethyst is associated with Lord Vishnu and Buddha; it's believed to help one achieve enlightenment. The Egyptians used amethyst as a healing stone and to protect against evil spirits, while in China it was thought to bring happiness to married couples.

Amethyst In Legends And History

In legends, amethysts have been valued for their powers of protection, love, and healing. The eye-catching crystals have a long history of meanings and properties.

To the Egyptians, amethyst was associated with the gods; they wore it as an amulet to protect against evil. Amethyst was also said to be a favorite gemstone of the ancient Chinese, who believed it would keep them safe in times of danger.

In history, amethysts have held their own in folklore, religion and history. The Romans believed that amethyst would help them see into the future if they wore it on their person. In Britain during the Middle Ages, people believed that if you put one under your pillow at night you would dream about your future spouse.

In Russia and other parts of Europe people believed that amethyst helped them make wise decisions when making important decisions in life such as choosing a spouse or deciding where to live. It also gave them inner peace so they could better understand themselves and others around them while helping them find joy in life without being overly emotional about things like money or possessions which can cause stress on those around us which can lead to destroying relationships over time if not dealt with properly.

Britain's Queen Victoria reportedly had a fondness for amethysts; she wore them often in brooches on her clothing and even had them made into snuffboxes for her personal use! Russia's Peter the Great created an entire industry around amethysts; he used them as decoration on his own uniform when he was a soldier in battle against Sweden during 1697-1698!

The Power Of Amethyst

It's easy to see why Amethyst remains so popular in the crystal community. There are few other stones that have the profound ability to let you recognize emotions without becoming embroiled in them. That is what characterizes Amethyst. It brings clarity and insight, but it also helps you understand your emotions and how they affect your actions.

Amethyst's energy is deeply calming. It can help you feel more relaxed and balanced, which will allow you to make better decisions about how you handle things when they get stressful.

Amethyst FAQ's

Amethyst is one of the most precious stones in the world. It has been used for thousands of years and is highly valued by many people. Amethyst is a wonderful stone to use on your journey to enlightenment and spiritual awareness, as it can open up your mind to new ideas and concepts, allowing you to see things from different perspectives.

What is amethyst stone good for?

Amethyst is a powerful healing stone that helps to stimulate the imagination and encourage creativity. It is also a good stone for meditation.

Amethyst has been used by healers as far back as Ancient Greece to treat everything from arthritis and headaches to insomnia, stress, fatigue and even fevers.

In ancient times amethyst was believed to ward off drunkenness, dissolve enchantments and protect against plagues and epidemics.

What is the power of amethyst?

Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone, which makes it an excellent choice for those who want to relax more, or find it difficult to relax. Amethyst can encourage sleep and help you feel more positive about your life. It can also help you feel more grounded in your body.

Amethyst is associated with the crown chakra, which means that its energy has a direct impact on our connection to higher consciousness and Divine Light/God/etc., depending on your beliefs. This makes amethyst an ideal stone for people who are seeking spiritual growth, as well as those who just want to feel more connected in general!

What does amethyst mean spiritually?

Amethyst is a stone of spiritual growth, healing, and protection. It can help you build your confidence and achieve an inner peace that allows you to be more at ease in all aspects of your life. Amethyst is also a powerful meditation aid, helping you access deeper levels of consciousness so that you can get more out of the practice than ever before.

Amethyst is associated with the crown chakra (the seventh chakra), which relates to our connection with the divine energy around us. As such, amethyst is said to increase intuition and psychic abilities while also improving communication between oneself and others through open-mindedness and acceptance—qualities necessary for personal growth!

Is real amethyst expensive?

Real amethyst is not expensive, especially when compared to other semiprecious stones. You can find amethyst in many places, including online stores like Amazon and Etsy. If you prefer buying your jewelry at brick-and-mortar locations, there are plenty of options for that too: head down to your local mall or neighborhood boutique!

Where do you put amethyst on your body?

While you could theoretically put amethyst anywhere on your body, it is better to use the following method:

  • Put amethyst on the throat chakra for communication and expression.

  • Put amethyst on the third eye for intuition and insight.

  • Put amethyst on the heart chakra for peace, love, and compassion.

  • Put amethyst on your solar plexus for confidence and self-esteem.

  • Put amethyst on your sacral chakra (the area between your belly button and pubic bone) for creativity, sexuality, sensuality and femininity/masculinity balance

Does amethyst attract love?

If you're looking for love, amethyst may be just the stone for you. Amethyst is a powerful love stone that can help attract and strengthen relationships by providing spiritual protection and guidance. Amethyst's color is violet (purple), which symbolizes faithfulness, wisdom and honor.

Amethyst has been used throughout history as an astrological stone to increase psychic powers or to enhance meditative states of consciousness. It is also known for bringing peace on earth so it could be helpful if your current relationship lacks peace.

Amethyst comes in many different shades of purple, but the most popular shade is lavender—the color that represents healing both body and mind!

What crystal Should I sleep with?

Amethyst is a great crystal to have with you when you go to sleep. It can be placed under your pillow, on your nightstand, or even in bed with you. The cleansing energy of amethyst helps prevent nightmares and promotes peaceful sleep while helping you stay calm and relaxed throughout the night. By meditating with it before going to bed, many people find that they fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more refreshed than before.

What do amethyst protect you from?

Amethyst is a stone of protection. It protects you from negativity, psychic attacks, stress and negative energy. Amethyst does not only protect you from physical harm but it also protects your mind and emotions. It helps to release stress and anxiety by relaxing the mind and bringing calmness.

Amethyst can be used as protection against gossiping people or even those who are trying to influence us negatively by spreading rumors about us or our loved ones.

Can I wear amethyst everyday?

Yes, you can wear amethyst every day. Amethyst is a stone of protection and purification, as well as spiritual awareness and psychic awareness. It is also thought to bring balance to all things.

What does amethyst do in relationships?

Amethyst is a stone of self-love, forgiveness, compassion and self-forgiveness. Amethyst helps us to accept the things we cannot change while not being afraid to take action if we need to. It helps us heal old wounds by releasing negative emotions so that they do not continue pulling on our energy and preventing us from moving forward.

Amethyst has long been associated with protection against evil spirits or psychic attack (including curses), because it was believed that amethysts could absorb negative energy sent by evil forces, which would then become too heavy for them to spiritually bear.

These properties make amethyst an excellent choice when seeking clarity in difficult situations—whether those are personal matters or professional ones—because they help you maintain a level head rather than letting your emotions get the best of you!

How do I charge my amethyst?

You can charge your amethyst by placing it in the sun, moonlight, or running water. If you don't have any of these things handy, fire is also an option.

How do I use my amethyst crystal?

To use your crystal, simply cleanse it and charge it by placing it under the light of the full moon. Then, you can use it for all sorts of things! Use your amethyst for meditation or to help heal yourself or others. You can also carry around an amethyst in your pocket if you want to keep its energy close at hand wherever you go!

What signs should wear amethyst?

If you're a Gemini, Aquarius, or Virgo, amethyst is the stone for you. It will help you focus on your inner self and develop your intuition. The same goes for Taurus and Virgo. Amethyst is perfect for those who want to look inward as well as improving their mental clarity.

For Aries, Leo and Sagittarius: Amethyst has been known to give these people extra energy through its healing properties which they can use to succeed in their careers or other areas of life they deem important at that moment in time.

Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn: If you feel like something isn't going right in your life then it's likely due to some personal issues that need fixing first before anything else happens so amethyst might be just what's needed here too!

Libra, Aquarius and Gemini: If someone wants something but isn't sure how far out of reach it may be then this could also help them figure out what steps need taking when working towards achieving such things instead of worrying about them all day long without ever making any progress towards getting closer towards getting there soonest possible time frame possible - which means knowing beforehand what needs doing before anything else happens until everything comes together perfectly fine!

Can I shower with amethyst?

Yes, you can shower with amethyst. Amethyst is not soft and will not get damaged by water or soap. Be sure to wash it gently, though! If you have a lot of time on your hands, you can also soak your amethyst in water before putting it back on the necklace or bracelet.

Who can wear amethyst stone?

In fact, amethyst's healing properties can be used by anyone. It is considered a powerful stone that is protective, cleansing, healing and calming. The color of amethysts vary from pale lilac to deep purple with shades of violet throughout the spectrum. Amethyst is one of the most popular gemstones for jewelry because it comes in many different colors and cuts that can make nice pieces for both men and women.

Can amethyst go in sunlight?

Yes, amethyst is a type of quartz that can be used in sunlight.

Amethyst is the purple variety of quartz and it has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, which means it's fairly durable and scratch-resistant.

It's also commonly used as jewelry because it is such a beautiful stone with many different color variations. It’s been known to help relieve stress and anxiety, improve sleep patterns, provide clarity when making decisions or solving problems and can even improve your mood overall!

What chakra is amethyst?

If you're looking to activate your third eye chakra, amethyst can help. The third eye is connected to intuition and wisdom, so it's no surprise that amethyst is associated with these qualities. It can also be used in healing work as a way of soothing any tension or stress in this area.

If you're looking to activate your crown chakra (or energy field), look no further than amethyst! This stone has been used for centuries as an aid in meditation and visualizations because of its ability to connect us with the divine realms—it can help us see ourselves better from an enlightened perspective, too!

Amethyst has been associated with the throat chakra for a long time now; this stone has long been thought of as having therapeutic benefits when worn by those who suffer from hoarseness or other issues related to this area of the body. Amethyst's soothing energy may also assist with issues relating directly back on down through all four lower chakras (root/gut, sacral/sex drive/emotions) due to its ability put one at ease enough so that they can focus on communicating clearly without feeling anxious about it first

Is amethyst a lucky stone?

Amethyst is a powerful stone that has many different meanings and uses. The most common use for amethyst is as a lucky stone, which has been said to bring good luck to whoever wears or carries them. This type of amethyst can be found in jewelry stores, but it is also possible for you to find amethyst stones at your local hardware store. If you're looking to purchase some amethyst stones, make sure that they are not from China! Chinese produced stones tend to be low quality and will not last long in the heat or cold.

When should amethyst be worn?

Amethyst is a stone that can help you prepare for a job interview. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, making you more confident and relaxed.

Amethyst can also be worn when going on a first date or any other social occasion where you need to be at your best. The calming effect of amethyst will help calm down nerves and make sure that you impress your date with your charm and charisma rather than being nervous about what he or she thinks of you!

What does amethyst mean in the Bible?

The Bible mentions amethyst four times, twice in reference to the Ark of the Covenant and twice describing a precious stone worn by the high priest's breastplate. In Exodus 28:19, we read that "the stones shall be with the names of the children of Israel." These twelve precious stones are believed to have been used as symbols of each tribe's identity.­­

In Revelation 21:20-21, there is mention of "a certain clear stone" which John describes as "a great white throne," upon which he saw God sitting. This white throne was surrounded by many angels and elders wearing crowns made from pearls and jewels that represented different nations.­­ The description is similar to what we know today about heaven—it has a gate made out of pearls (Revelation 21:21), streets made out gold (Revelation 21:18) and walls with many precious stones like jasper (Revelation 21:19).

What does it mean when you lose your amethyst?

Amethyst is a stone of protection, but if you lose it, it will not protect you. Amethyst helps to strengthen the third eye chakra and the crown chakra, but if you lose it, amethyst will not reinforce these areas.

If you lose your amethyst?It means that something has happened in your life that has caused some kind of loss or change in perception (or both). The most common types of changes are physical ones like losing a job or moving away from home; less common types include losing weight or getting married.


It is important to know your stone and how it can help you. Amethyst has many uses but it also depends on what type of amethyst you have. If you're looking into buying an amethyst then make sure that it's real before purchasing one! Amethyst is great for meditation and healing but be careful not to overuse its power as too much can cause headaches or sicknesses.

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