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Garnets: Ultimate Guide

September 15, 2022


Garnet is a beautiful gemstone that comes in many forms and colors. It's one of the most popular stones on Earth, but what do you really know about it?

In this post, we reveal everything you need to know about garnet, including its meaning, benefits, properties, types, colors, and uses. Let's get started!


  • Garnet Meaning
  • What is Garnet
  • Is Garnet a Mineral
  • Is Garnet a Gemstone?
  • Where are the best garnets from?
  • What does a real garnet look like?
  • What Color is Garnet
  • How Much are Garnets Worth
  • Is Garnet Expensive
  • What is Garnet Used for
  • How Rare is Garnet
  • Where is Garnet Found
  • What rock is garnet found in?
  • Is gold found with garnets?
  • Can garnet scratch glass?
  • Is garnet magnetic?
  • Do garnets sparkle?
  • Does garnet fade in sunlight?
  • Where is Garnet Found in the US
  • Garnet near me
  • Garnet Varieties
  • Are all garnets red?
  • What is the rarest color of garnet?
  • Almandine Garnet
  • Pyrope Garnet
  • Spessartine Garnet
  • Pyrope–spessartine Garnet
  • Knorringite Garnet
  • Synthetic garnets
  • Red garnets
  • star garnet
  • grossular garnet
  • Garnet Spiritual Meaning
  • Garnet Benefits
  • Garnet Healing
  • Garnet Properties
  • What are the healing properties of garnet?
  • Garnet Metaphysical Properties
  • Garnet Spiritual Properties
  • What are the healing properties of garnet?
  • What energy does garnet have?
  • Can garnet attract love?
  • Is garnet a protective stone?
  • What does garnet protect against?
  • How do you activate garnet?
  • Which birthstone is garnet?
  • What Zodiac is garnet?
  • Which constellation is garnet?
  • Is garnet a precious stone?
  • Are garnets expensive?
  • What is the rarest color of garnet?
  • Whats the most expensive garnet?
  • Garnet vs Other Stones
  • Is garnet a ruby?
  • What's the difference between a garnet and a ruby?
  • What's the difference between a Garnet and Amethyst?
  • Is garnet more expensive than diamond?
  • Garnet Jewelry
  • Garnet Ring
  • Garnet Engagement Ring Meaning
  • Garnet Necklace
  • Garnet Bracelet 
  • Garnet Bracelet Meaning
  • Garnet Uses
  • Garnet Sand
  • Garnet Beads
  • Garnet Beads Meaning
  • Red Garnet Chakra Beads
  • How to Clean Garnet Rocks
  • Can garnet be worn everyday?
  • How do you activate garnet?
  • What hand do you wear red garnet on?
  • Do garnets scratch easily?
  • Can I put garnet in water?
  • Can I shower with garnet?
  • Can garnet be scratched with a fingernail?
  • Garnets for Sale
  • Garnet Price
  • 1 Carat Garnet Price
  • Garnet Value per Gram
  • Uncut Garnet Value
  • Raw Garnet Prices
  • Garnet Wholesale
  • Garnet Bracelets on Sale
  • Loose Garnets for Sale
  • How can I tell if a garnet is real?
  • Conclusion




Red, Blood Red, Rare and valuable greens


Isometric Crystal System




Transparent to translucent


Almandine- Fe3Al2(SiO4)3, Andradite- Ca3Fe2(SiO4)3, Grossular-Ca3Al2(SiO4)3,
Pyrope- Mg3Al2(SiO4)3, Rhodolite- (Mg, Fe)3Al2(SiO4)3, Spessartine- Mn3Al2(SiO4)3


Root Chakra


Aries, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius


Number 2


India, Pakistan




Circulatory Problems, Colic, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Heart, Abdominal Problems, Anemia, 

Arthritis, Blood Circulation, Blood Cleansing and Detoxing, Blood Disorders, 

Hyperactivity, Thyroid Balance and Health, Vitality


Honesty, Love, Loyalty, Compassion, Crisis Intervention, Dignity, Relationships, Self 

Confidence and Self Worth, Willpower


Manifestation, Prosperity, Transformation, Unity


    Garnet Meaning

    Garnet has a long history of use as gemstones, mostly in jewelry. It is also used for industrial purposes and in abrasives.

    Garnet is a mineral with a wide variety of colors, including deep reds, purples, oranges and greens. Most garnets are opaque, but some are translucent. There are many different types of garnet, each with its own characteristic color, hardness and chemical composition.

    Is Garnet a Mineral?

    Yes! Garnet is a member of the pyroxene group of minerals. These are silicate minerals that form under high pressure conditions such as those found deep within Earth's crust and mantle. They can be found in metamorphic rocks such as schists and gneisses or they can be mined directly from pegmatites (highly alkaline igneous rocks).


    Is a garnet a precious stone?

    Yes! Garnets are genuine, precious stones. They're used in jewelry and other luxury goods, like high-end watches and necklaces for women. They're also frequently used in carvings and sculptures, though these pieces tend to be smaller than the jewelry that garnets usually adorn.

    Where are the best garnets from?

    The best quality garnets come from Africa, Australia, and Brazil. Some are also found in India and Russia. These countries have been known for their gem-quality garnets for centuries. The United States does not produce any significant amounts of gem-quality garnets (though some smaller operations exist), but it does produce industrial-grade garnets that are used in paints, plastics, ceramics, and even semiconductor manufacturing processes!

    What does a real garnet look like?

    Garnet is typically red or orange in color—though sometimes they can be yellowish or brownish as well—and they are often opaque with a rough surface that makes them hard to polish into the smoothness required for jewelry use (though this can be done!).

    Garnets are beautiful, but they're also pretty valuable.

    How much are garnets worth?

    Garnet can vary in price depending on its size, color, clarity and cut. The smaller the stone is, the more expensive it will be. The most expensive garnets are those that have been cut into fancy shapes like rounds or ovals. A good quality garnet that was cut well and has a deep red color will cost between $8 to $10 per carat (or $100-$200 per gram).

    Is Garnet Expensive?

    It's true that garnets can be quite expensive compared to other gemstones like diamonds or rubies but they are still affordable enough for most people to purchase them as jewelry pieces or additions to their collections.

    What is Garnet Used for?

    Garnets have been used for thousands of years as gemstones because of their gorgeous shades of red, pink and orange colors that make them look like precious stones from another planet when placed under sunlight! They can be set into rings and pendants as well as other types of jewelry such as earrings or bracelets so there's really no limit on how you can use these beautiful crystals!

    How Rare is Garnet?

    Garnet is a mineral that is found in various forms and colors. Garnet is one of the most common minerals, but it's not easy to find.

    Where Is Garnet Found?

    Garnet can be found all over the world. It's often found in metamorphic rocks like schist, gneiss, marble, and mica schist. Other times it can be found in igneous rocks like granite and pegmatite. Garnet can also be found in sedimentary formations like sandstone or limestone.

    What Rock Is Garnet Found In?

    Garnets are usually mixed with other minerals like quartz or feldspar. They may also occur as solid masses of red, pink or orange crystals embedded in a black matrix of iron-rich clay called "garnetite". Some types of garnet are very hard while others are soft enough to be cut with a knife!

    Is gold found with garnets?

    If you're asking if gold is generally found in the same area as garnet, the answer is no. While there are some exceptions, most of the time you'll find gold in areas that are far removed from those where garnets can be found.

    Can garnet scratch glass?

    Garnet has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, which means that it can scratch glass but not diamond. It's important to note that this only applies to natural garnet; if you have a processed stone (such as an emerald) that has been treated with another substance like heat or chemicals, it may be harder than garnet.

    Garnet is a gemstone, and like all gemstones, it has its own set of unique characteristics.

    Is Garnet Magnetic?

    Garnet is not magnetic. It's an inorganic compound that falls into the category of a pyrope, almandine, and spessartite. These three types of garnets are all non-magnetic.

    Do Garnets Sparkle?

    Yes! Garnets sparkle when they're polished to a high shine. The higher the quality of your garnet, the more likely it will sparkle—and garnets come in many different levels of quality. That means that while some garnets may not sparkle at all, others will be positively blinding!

    Does Garnet Fade in Sunlight?

    No! Garnets are resistant to light damage and will stay shiny for years to come if cared for properly (which we'll get into further down).

    Where is Garnet Found in the US

    Garnet is a gemstone that comes in many colors, and can be found in the United States. It's one of the most popular stones for engagement rings, and it's very affordable to buy online.

    The most common type of garnet is almandine, which is red or orange-red in color. Other types include pyrope (pink), spessartite (yellow/green), and grossularite (yellow/green).

    Garnet near me

    Garnets are typically found in California, Idaho, Montana, North Carolina, New York, Oregon and Vermont. They're also found in other countries: Australia, England and India. You can find garnets near me by using our tool below!

    What Color is Garnet

    Garnet comes in a variety of different colors, and there are even more varieties out there that you probably haven't heard of.

    Garnet is a mineral species that belongs to a group called pyrope-almandine garnet. It's a hard, durable gemstone that can be found in shades of red, orange, brown, yellow, green and black.

    Are all garnets red?

    No! The most common color is red, but garnet can also be orange, yellow, and even green. If you're interested in learning about other types of garnet, check out our page.

    What is the rarest color of garnet?

    As it turns out, there is no "rarest" color of garnet—the only way to truly determine rarity is to look at how many gemstones have been mined over time. This number varies depending on location and type of rock being mined. For example, some garnets are found in large deposits that were formed millions of years ago; these kinds of deposits will naturally have more gems per unit weight than deposits formed more recently by volcanic activity or erosion.

    So what is the most valuable color of garnet? The most valuable color of garnet is red. Most garnets are found in shades of red, which means that this color is more common than other colors. However, some rarer colors such as green and purple can also command high prices because they're extremely hard to find.


    Garnet Varieties

    Almandine Garnet

    Almandine garnets are the most common type of garnet and are found in almost every color of the rainbow. They're generally dark red, but they can also be orange, green, yellow, blue or purple. Almandine garnets are fairly hard (7 on the Mohs scale), making them durable enough to be used as an everyday ring stone.

    Almandine is used in a variety of applications, including jewelry and industrial abrasives. It's also used in ceramics and enamels because its hardness makes it less susceptible to thermal shock than other stones like quartz or feldspar. Finally, almandine has been used as a gemstone since ancient times — it was popularized by Queen Victoria who wore it often in her hair accessories and necklaces while living at Balmoral Castle in Scotland during her reign from 1837-1901.

    Pyrope Garnet

    Pyrope garnets are also very common — they're usually medium-dark red with shades ranging from orange to brownish red or pinkish red hues depending on their chemical composition (the more iron they contain). They're harder than almandines but not quite as.

    Pyrope–spessartine garnets

    Pyrope–spessartine (blue garnet or color-change garnet) is the most common violet-red variety of garnet and is mined in Africa, Asia, Pakistan and the United States. It is used to make jewelry and as a gemstone.

    Knorringite garnets

    Knorringite is a rare magnesium-chromium garnet that was only recently discovered. It has a very high refractive index of 1.742.

    Synthetic garnets

    Synthetic garnets, Also known as rare-earth garnetsSynthetic garnets have been produced since the 1950s by heating and cooling aluminum oxide at high temperatures with varying amounts of chromium and iron. Synthetic red garnets are often used as gemstones in jewelry making because they are low price alternatives to natural red garnets.

    Red garnets are typically orange to yellowish in color with brownish tones when viewed under magnification through a loupe. They have been used in jewelry making since ancient times, but today they are mostly used as industrial abrasives due to their hardness and durability.

    Star garnets

    Also known as asteriated garnets, these gems have a unique star or six-rayed pattern that makes them especially attractive. Star garnets are usually deep red or greenish-brown in color with an asteriated appearance; they're mined mostly in Africa and Brazil.

    Grossular garnets

    Grossular is another name for the mineral grossularite, which is found in many different places around the world; it's also sometimes called pyrope or almandine (the latter being another name for grossular). Grossular garnets can be greenish-yellow or orangey-red in color; they're also semiprecious stones that are often used as gemstones due to their pleasing appearance and durability.

    Garnet Spiritual Meaning

    The garnet is a stone of protection, cleansing, and transformation. It's also used for attracting love and prosperity.

    It's important to note that garnet is associated with blood. In some cultures, this stone is worn to protect from blood-borne illnesses like HIV and AIDS.

    Garnet Benefits

    The garnet has many practical uses outside of its metaphysical properties. It's often used in jewelry because of its beautiful red color and durability. Garnets can also be used to cleanse drinking water.

    Garnet Healing

    Like all crystals, the garnet can be used in healing rituals to help heal physical ailments or emotional pain. It's also a good stone to use when you're feeling frustrated or angry because it helps balance out your temper so you don't lash out at others around you while dealing with your own issues."

    Garnet Properties

    Garnet is a birthstone for January, and it is a gem that has been cherished throughout history. The word garnet comes from the Latin word “granatus”, which means “seedlike” because of its resemblance to pomegranate seeds. This gemstone has been used in jewelry since the Bronze Age, and it is still popular today for its many healing properties.

    What are the healing properties of garnet?

    Garnet is also a good stone for protection during travel or while living in an unfamiliar place, such as college dorms or when moving into an apartment building. It can help ease emotional tension and reduce anxiety about new situations by helping us feel more grounded in our bodies and connected with the Earth's energy field around us.

    Garnet Metaphysical Properties

    Garnet is an important stone in the metaphysical and spiritual properties of the natural world. It represents the element of fire, and it is associated with the planet Mars. Garnet is also related to bloodstone, which has a similar color but different meaning.

    Garnet has been used for thousands of years as a protective stone against evil spirits, especially during childbirth. In ancient times, it was thought that wearing garnet would keep demons away from babies. This idea may have come from its association with Mars, who was known as a protector against evil forces in Roman mythology. Some people believe that garnet can protect one from negative energy while they are meditating or doing other spiritual work.

    Garnet Spiritual Properties

    Garnet can be used to increase your connection with your intuition and psychic abilities by enhancing your creativity and imagination so that you can see things more clearly than before without being distracted by physical concerns such as hunger or thirst."

    What energy does garnet have?

    Since garnet is a protective stone, it can be used as a talisman against physical harm or negative energy. Garnet also has a calming effect on the wearer's emotions and helps them stay grounded in reality.

    If you're interested in learning more about garnet's many uses, check out [link].

    Can garnet attract love?

    Garnet is a powerful stone, and it can help you with everything from attracting love to healing your heart.

    Garnet's energy aligns with the heart chakra and helps you find your balance in life. In addition to being used for healing the heart, garnet can also help you attract love. This stone is said to bring good fortune and prosperity to those who wear it.

    Is garnet a protective stone?

    Garnet is a protective stone, and it has a lot of different aspects that make it so.

    It can protect against negativity, bad vibes, and negative energy in general. It's particularly helpful when you're feeling exposed to negativity or when you're surrounded by people who are negative.

    What does garnet protect against?

    Garnet also protects against psychic attacks. Not only will it help protect your own energy field from being attacked, but it'll also help prevent an attack on another person's energy field. It can also help protect you against the effects of psychic attacks made by other people—if you've been affected by someone else's negative energy and want to cleanse yourself of it, garnet can help.

    How do you activate garnet?

    To activate garnet's protective abilities, try wearing one in a necklace or bracelet (or in both places!). You can also put one under your pillow or near your bed as you sleep—this will help keep away nightmares and bad dreams while keeping your mind safe from psychic attacks during the day when you're not wearing it.

    Which birthstone is garnet?

    Garnet is the birthstone for January, and it's also associated with the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Libra, and Aries.

    The garnet is a stone of protection and devotion, so it's no wonder why it's associated with those who are born in January—people born during that month are known for their strength and dependability. They're also passionate about things they believe in, which can make them great leaders if they're willing to work hard enough.

    Which constellation is garnet?

    As far as the zodiac signs go, people who are born under Capricorn are often seen as being ambitious, disciplined people who strive for success; Libra-born individuals tend to be social butterflies who love being around other people; and Aries-born individuals tend to be strong-willed leaders who will do whatever it takes to get what they want out of life.

    Is garnet a precious stone?

    Garnets are beautiful, and they come in a range of colors. They're found all over the world, but they're especially abundant in Africa and North America.

    Garnets are generally considered to be semi-precious stones, meaning that they're not quite as valuable as diamonds or rubies, but they're still very pretty. They can be used to make jewelry or other ornamental objects.

    Are garnets expensive?

    Because garnets are so common, they aren't particularly expensive. However, some rare garnet varieties can fetch very high prices! The most expensive garnet is the tsavorite garnet—its name comes from Tanzania's Tsavo National Park where it was first discovered. It's a deep green color with flecks of red and orange throughout it.

    Whats the most expensive garnet?

    The most expensive garnet is the red bort colorless crystal found in Russia in 2015. It sold for $1.4 million at auction!

    Is garnet a ruby?

    No! Garnets are a type of gemstone. They're often confused with other gemstones like rubies, because they're both red in color. But garnets and rubies are different types of gems, so don't get confused!

    What's the difference between a garnet and a ruby?

    Rubies are typically more expensive than garnets and have different chemical compositions.

    What's the difference between a Garnet and Amethyst?

    Garnets are typically red in color, while amethysts are purple. However, some garnets can be violet or dark red-purple in color—which is why it's important to know your stones!

    Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz that has been chemically treated to turn it into an affordable alternative to precious gems like sapphire or emeralds. Garnets are stones like hematite and pyrope that also occur naturally but haven't been treated with chemicals like amethyst has been.

    Is Garnet More Expensive Than Diamonds?

    Garnets are not more expensive than diamonds, but they do have their own unique beauty and cultural significance.

    Garnets can be as expensive as diamonds if you get the right kind—the rarer kinds are often more expensive than diamonds themselves! The price you pay depends on the color and size of the stone you want, but typically they're less expensive than diamonds because they're not quite as popular with jewelers and collectors alike.


    Garnet Jewelry

    Garnet jewelry is often associated with love and passion, but it also has other meanings that can be used for different occasions. Some people believe that garnet can help you connect with your ancestors or even heal broken relationships.

    If you're looking for a way to wear your garnet jewelry, here are some ideas:

    Garnet ring

    A garnet ring is popular among both men and women. It can be worn as a wedding band or just as an everyday accessory.

    Garnet engagement ring meaning

    A garnet engagement ring is a great way to show someone how much they mean to you! The red color represents passion and love, so this stone makes an excellent gift if you want to express those emotions toward someone else.

    Garnet necklace

    A garnet necklace makes a beautiful addition to any outfit! It looks great paired with jeans or formalwear—you'll never have trouble finding something that works well with this piece of jewelry!

    Garnet Bracelet

    Orange – This type of bracelet symbolizes high energy levels as well as creativity, intelligence and balance between mind, body and spirit while keeping you focused on the task at hand so that all energies flow smoothly through your chakras without any blockages along the way! This is also known as the "gift giving" stone because it helps you manifest all your dreams into reality! It can help you find lost items or other things that have been misplaced because it brings about clarity when searching for something specific so that nothing gets overlooked by accident

    Garnet is one of the oldest and most popular gemstones in history. It is also said to be the birthstone for January, but it can be worn all year round. Garnet jewelry is quite popular because it's affordable, durable, and attractive.

    Garnet Sand

    Garnet sand is a type of garnet that comes from sandstone and other sedimentary rocks that form when they are crushed by the earth's tectonic plates. The minerals in these rocks take on an orange-red color that resembles red sandstone.


    Garnet Beads

    Garnet beads are another type of garnet that you can use as beads or in other jewelry projects like necklaces and bracelets. They come in many different shapes and sizes so you can find one that fits your needs perfectly!

    Garnet Beads Meaning

    Garnet bead meanings vary depending on what type of garnet you're using for your project.

    Garnet Chakra Beads

    Red garnet chakra beads are good for helping you access higher spiritual dimensions because they help balance your lower self with your higher self (your soul). They're also used to help bring more love into your life by helping you see yourself as a loving person instead of someone who doesn't deserve love from others because they don't believe.

    Garnets are also associated with the third eye chakra, which governs creativity and intuition. They're thought to represent the element fire, and are therefore considered helpful for bringing about change in one's life.

    How to Clean Garnet Rocks

    Garnet is a beautiful stone, but it can become dull and dirty over time. Here's how to clean your garnet rocks so you can enjoy them for years to come!

    1. Clean Them With Soap and Water

    If your garnets are particularly dirty, it's best to clean them with soap and water first. Simply apply a small amount of mild dishwashing liquid or hand soap to the stones, then rinse thoroughly under running water.

    2. Dry Them With a Damp Cloth

    Once you've rinsed your garnet rocks, dry them with a clean cloth—you don't want any moisture left behind! If any residue remains on the surface of the stone, try wiping it down again with more soap (be sure not to use too much).

    3. Polish Them With Turtle Wax Polishing Compound

    If your garnets still aren't sparkling like they used to be after cleaning them with soap and water, try polishing them with Turtle Wax Polishing Compound! This will get rid of even more grime than washing alone and leave your stones looking as good as new!

    Can I put garnet in water?

    Yes! It's good to keep your garnet rocks clean so they look their best, but you don't want to soak them in water. Your garnets can absorb moisture from the air and become dull, so just make sure that you dry them off after washing them with water.

    Can I shower with garnet?

    Yes! You don't have to worry about your garnets getting wet when you shower or bathe—they'll be just fine! As long as you don't submerge the stones in water, they'll stay shiny and beautiful for years.

    Can garnet be worn everyday?

    Garnet is a gemstone that can be worn everyday. It is known as the stone of courage and energy, and it's also associated with love and passion.

    What hand do you wear red garnet on?

    Red garnet is traditionally worn on the left hand ring finger, but this isn't the only way to wear it! You can also wear it as a necklace or bracelet, or even in a pair of earrings.

    Do garnets scratch easily?

    Garnets are known to scratch easily, so you'll want to make sure you're wearing them with care. You should also avoid wearing them while doing manual labor or if you're likely to get them wet—they can lose their brilliance if they're exposed to too much water or sunlight.

    Can garnet be scratched with a fingernail?

    You can easily scratch a garnet with your fingernail, so don't take any chances!

    Garnets can be scratched with a fingernail—but not easily! If you've got a lot of rough edges on your nails, they could scratch the surface of your garnet. But if you keep them trimmed and smooth, you should be fine.

    Garnets for Sale

    If you're looking to buy garnets, you've come to the right place. We have a wide selection of garnets from all over the world. Whether you're looking for a large piece of rough or just a small cut stone, we can help!

    Garnet Price

    The price of garnet depends on its size, color, and clarity. The most common garnets are dark red or purplish red, but they can also be orange or brownish red. The most valuable garnets are those that are deep red in color with no visible flaws.

    1 Carat Garnet Price

    The average 1 carat garnet price ranges from $38-$50 per carat depending on its color and clarity level; however this doesn't include any labor costs associated with cutting or polishing your gemstone which can add another $30-$40 onto this total cost depending on how intricate your design may be getting done by your jeweler before being shipped out to you!

    Garnet Value per Gram

    The price of garnet depends on the color and size. The most common type is almandine garnet, which has an orange-red color. It's also used as an abrasive and in jewelry making. Andradite garnets are typically darker in color than almandine garnets and can be found in green or brown shades as well as black. Tsavorite is another type of garnet that's green in color with yellow streaks throughout the stone.

    Most garnets are sold by weight instead of by carat weight like diamonds are sold—this means you'll need to know how much each stone weighs before you can find out its value per gram!

    Uncut Garnet Value

    Uncut garnets are typically sold by weight. The price of an uncut garnet will vary based on its size, quality, clarity and depth of color. Of course, the more flawless and perfect your garnet is, the higher its value will be.

    Raw Garnet Prices

    Raw garnets are typically sold by gram weight or carat weight (200 milligrams). The price of raw garnets will vary based on their size and quality - but as always with gems, bigger is better! You can expect to pay more for larger raw garnets than smaller ones because they are rarer and harder to find in nature.

    Garnet Wholesale

    The best way to buy garnet wholesale is through your local jeweller or through online retailers like Garnet Wholesale. If you’re looking for more than just one piece, then buying from a local supplier will be ideal. If, however, you want to stock up on multiple pieces at once or if you live far away from any suppliers then it’s worth checking out online retailers who specialise in wholesale products like alibaba.

    Are you looking to buy garnet wholesale? Look no further! Here at Garnet Wholesale, we offer the best prices on loose garnets, as well as a variety of other colored gemstones.

    With our selection, you can easily find the perfect amount of garnets for your next project. Whether it's jewelry or a home decor piece, we have something for everyone!

    Garnet Bracelets on Sale

    We have garnet bracelets on sale that will make the perfect gift for any occasion. Whether it's your birthday or Christmas, our bracelets are an excellent way to show someone how much they mean to you. You'll never have to worry about giving them something impersonal again when you can give them this meaningful gift instead!

    How can I tell if a garnet is real?

    To tell if a garnet is real, you should look at its color and clarity. If the stone has too much color (like a deep purple), it may be dyed or heat treated. If there are cracks in the stone or areas where light filters through easily (called "jardin"), it could be treated with resin or oil to fill gaps and make it more durable.

    You should also check for signs of artificial heating like wavy surfaces; this could indicate that the stone has been reheated after being cut out of its original rock source (which would also mean that it was probably not mined).

    In Conclusion

    We hope that you feel empowered by your newfound knowledge and ready to start your own garnet journey. You can use this guide as a starting point, but don’t be afraid to go beyond it if you find something else that piques your interest.

    Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day!

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