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Some Results of Chakra Healing Test

March 19, 2022


Many of you have now taken a chakra test in a recent unnamed voluntary survey. More than 17,000 so far! That we thought you’d like to know what we’re finding. Some things surprised us, others didn’t.

A full 70% of you are struggling with a weak or blocked personal power chakra. If you’re among this group, the first thing you want to do is take a sobering look at the true level of your self-esteem. Where, when and to whom do you give your power away? What would it look like if you didn’t?

Many of you are also dealing with a weak or blocked throat chakra (65%). Now this makes a lot of sense since, if you’re busy giving your power away, speaking up for yourself probably isn’t on the top of your priority list. Maybe it’s time to have a good look at why you think other people’s needs are more important than your own.

The first or root chakra was the next challenge point – for 61% of you. This is connected with any issues surrounding money, survival and how you relate to (and treat) your body. Not surprisingly, issues of worthiness can also be involved here, as well as deeply embedded, early childhood programming that needs to be released.

58% of you reported that your crown chakra was weak or blocked, which suggests that more meditation and intention to connect with your divine source is in order. For 57% of you, your third eye or intuitive center felt blocked, while 51% are dealing with blocked sexual and creative energies.

The good news is that less than 50% of the people who’ve taken the quiz so far have any challenges with their heart chakras, so lets give thanks for the amount of love we’ve all got the capacity to share. And it’s this love, when turned inward for the Self, that will help you have the power to clear and heal the blocks in the other parts of your life.

I hope this information was helpful and we are looking forward to your comments.

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