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Vision of Chakra Orgonite

March 19, 2022


Emotional Healing and the Chakras

Chakra Orgonite share an experiential and guided exploration of the healing power of the chakras. You will learn the link between the chakras and emotional imbalances such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, addiction and compulsive behaviors.

To learn to heal a specific chakra that may be blocked, you will partake in visualizations and learn self-healing techniques using specific colors, sound vibrations and aromas. As each chakra is opened up, emotional pain and energetic symptoms are released.

Following Your Dreams

Chakra Orgonite designed to help you learn tools to find your true passion in life and to follow your dreams. The Universe is endlessly abundant. Unblocking the chakras is a way of allowing this flow of abundance into your life on all planes: spiritual, emotional and physical.

Using sound vibrations, aroma and simple hatha yoga postures, you will work to open up the chakras allowing vital energy to flow smoothly through the energetic system. Creative inhibitions and problems in attracting the right livelihood can be linked to blocks in the chakras. Specific blocks in each chakra will be discussed with a particular focus on the fifth chakra, the will center, and the sixth chakra, the center of intuition.

Creativity and the Chakras

Creativity is a natural expression of the Soul. Everyone is creative. In our blog you will first learn about the mysteries of the second chakra, the center of creativity, and the fifth chakra, the will center, and their relationship to the creative process. Through working with sound, color and movement you will learn how to open up your centers of creativity.

In a supportive and non-judgmental environment you will be shown how to tap into the magic of poetry as a doorway to the Soul. You will be supported in creating your own poems. No previous writing experience necessary. You will leave feeling nourished and inspired. A great workshop for blocked artists, writers and musicians or those longing to reconnect with their creative center.

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